Barbara H. Peterson and her horse Curly Joe


GUEST : Barbara H. Peterson



We covered a lot of ground on the show today with Farm Wars owner Barbara H. Peterson.


Barbara Peterson  of FARM WARS does not back down from a system that is not only deeply flawed, but downright corrupt .She has created a number of ways to protect her life and the lives of those she cares about by educating the public and using a little common sense, something that is just not common anymore. She owns her farm in Oregon state and  raises chickens, geese, goats, and horses. Her animals are not subjected to GMO’s either, and are raised humanely with love and respect. She also grows her own organic non GMO foods. For those who care to understand the poisoning of our world, Barbara offers a  solution based website to  assist others by means of  education. She has done her homework and asked that all of us do the same.

“Don’t  count on the government to save you or educate you  because they are behind the scenes creating the mess we are all in.” ~ Barbara Peterson.

Barbara believes that WE THE PEOPLE  need to take charge of our own lives, and as she stated on the show ” when there is a will, there is a way”. She is the perfect example of someone who is willing to do the work, make the necessary changes in lifestyle, and  networks with others who are  like minded individuals  willing to support clean air, clean water, clean food and healthy more productive lives!

Visit her website: FARM WARS


    Solution: Use of  noncompliance: Failure or refusal to comply.

“It is time to step up to the plate and fight or lose it all without a whimper. Choose to take a stand and fight. We can make a difference.” Barbara H. Peterson of FARM WARS


Points that we discussed on the show today included:


*Gmo Hemp

*Gmo labeling

*Seed bank (organic seed exchange)

*Organic gardening


Barbara spells it all out in this interview. Check it out and give us your feedback!


Just Say No to GMO Hemp!

See the full story here:  Just Say No to GMO Hemp!

Marijuana Growers: Hang onto your pot, here come the genetically modified genes! See the rest of the story here!

Frankenpot – Marijuana gone GMO!



Barb Peterson "Indoor Garden Room"


Barbara H. Peterson is retired from the California Department of Corrections, where she worked as a Correctional Officer at Folsom Prison. She was one of the first females to work at the facility in this classification.

After retirement, she went to college online to obtain a Bachelor’s degree in Business, and graduated with honors. The most valuable thing she received from her time with UOP was a realization that her life’s passion is writing. Now her business degree sits in her desk drawer, and she counts herself in the category of Writer/Activist.

Barbara lives on a small ranch in Oregon where she raises geese, chickens, goats and horses. This rural lifestyle is under attack at the most basic level. Federal regulations and the corporate takeover of our food supply with Monsanto’s invasive GMO technology is designed to make it next to impossible to raise animals and organic food.

It is time to step up to the plate and fight or lose it all without a whimper. Choose to take a stand and fight. We can make a difference. Visit Barbara’s website today!


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By The Truth Denied

Owner of controversial website The Truth Denied and Chemtrails Kill. Journalist and video maker.

One thought on “Noncompliance: Failure or refusal to comply – Barbara Peterson bans GMOS!”
  1. Do you have any new info on the treatment of morgellons? I am suffering and have tried almost everything I have read or heatd about. I started using liquid bandage on the sores and that seems to smother them as long as I use it daily along with diwtary supplements inuding anti parisitols and a lot of vitamin c with saltwater and alfalfa baths and pulsating magnet wristband but because they modify to whatever you use the dosages and whatever I take or do has to be altered every other day. Thanks

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