American Moon: Mooon Landing Hoax


Mind Control, Gang Stalking, & Implants! Testimony of James Walbert & Dr. Barrie Trower

On The Truth Denied Radio Show today:

Guests: Jesse Beltran & Lars Drudgaard of

James Walbert :Board of Directors at Stalking Victims Network

Dr. Barrie Trower interview conducted by Lars Drudgaard


Some of the discussion included:

  • James Walbert discusses the technology that is lodged in his right shoulder
  • Targeting Olympic Athletes, why and how?
  • Dr. Barrie Trower’s statement comparing Scientist of today vs Scientist after WWII.
  • Radio Waves and how they release plagues that have been dormant for hundreds of years
  • RFID and transmission of Sound.  (Trower Testimony)


                                   Listen to the radio show here:

Dr. Barrie Trower Radio Interview


Board of Directors at Stalking Victims Network
Wichita, Kansas Area Civic & Social Organization
Court Recognizes Electronic Harassment:

James Walbert is a victim of non-consensual RFID  implantation.  He has testified in in Washington D.C. in front of the Presidential Commission on Bioethical issues appointed by President Obahma.He is one of the few who obtained a “Protection Order” for James Walbert.

December 30, 2008 This could be the first official recognition of the need to protect citizens against electronic harassment. This is actually very impressive. Walbert persuaded the Court that the defendant was using electronic weapons against him and his family, in addition to resorting to obvious forms of stalking.

James Walbert

He substantiated his claim with DoD documentation and had the support of a security specialist, who proved that electronic frequencies were involved, and, it would appear, the support of a couple of police officers. He also made use of letters from Missouri Representative, Jim Guest.

The outcome: The defendant failed to show up in court. The defendant has to pay all legal fees. The defendant may not employ 3rd-party means of re-establishing contact with Walbert (which would constitute multiple stalking), and may not employ any form of “electronic means” in harassing Walbert.

Walbert filed his complaint on November 25, 2008. The court decided the case on December 30, 2008.

Although this will probably not protect Walbert in the long term, he has obtained the first court-based acknowledgement of the existence of electronic weapons and of electronic harassment, that I know of.


A few minutes of the  Dr. Barrie Trower Interview conducted by Lars Drudgaard was also played on the show today: 

Today it is not uncommon to hear stories in the media on how professional athletes are using performance enhancing drugs.   If an Olympian is caught “doping”, they are banned from competition and then subsequently stripped of any titles or medals they have won.   What if today, a technology existed that could remotely affect the performance of an athlete?  What if an athlete could be remotely influenced to lose or win a competition?  Could this be possible? If so how is this possible? By what methods, what means?

“ICAACT.ORG had the honor and privilege to interview Dr. Barry Trower.  Today we will hear disturbing testimony by one of the world’s premiere experts in Micro-Wave Technologies and Micro Wave frequencies.   We will hear details on how his expertise was solicited by a government of a country because its politicians and Olympic team were being targeted with this type of technology. Dr. Barry Trower is a retired military scientist and physicist who has made it his mission to educate and warn the public on the dangers that are affecting unsuspecting victims on a daily basis.  He will further detail what horrible effects we will succumb to if we do not band together and stop these atrocities.”

~Lars Drudgaard

Dr. Barrie Trower

To listen to the entire Barrie Trower Olympic  Interview conducted  by Lars Drudgaard, click here:


Please contact either Mr. Jesse Beltran or Lars Drudgaard if you have any questions about your own personal saftey.


International CenterAgainst Abuse of Covert Technologies

Lars Drudgaard
Mr. Jesse Beltran


Please contact either Mr. Jesse Beltran or Lars Drudgaard if you have any questions about your own personal saftey.


International CenterAgainst Abuse of Covert Technologies

The Truth Denied

Owner of controversial website The Truth Denied and Chemtrails Kill. Journalist and video maker.

View Comments

  • I have been heavily targeted since 2013 and have discoverd the following:some of the gangstalkers who do the st theatre appear tranced and act without awarness of how the target responds.2. the shouting and abuse is very realisthc 3d v2k sound transmissions and not always real people.3.a lot of the neigbour noise is done through v2k and via an electromagnetic substance implanted in the walls similar to how an induction loop works.4.sensors that switch on the harassment transmissions may work in a similar way to how gaming virtual reality headsets use the eeg .5.the microwave torture they do to the head boosts the voltage of the electrical signal so that the eeg can be read wirelessly.6.thinking and activly listening for sounds causes an increase in v2k.7.police and emergency services send out notifications.this allows you then, to be stalked legitimatelyand gets more people involved. i have some evidence and my own testimony on u tube. thank you for this site. prayers and requests to archangels do help.x

  • I believe a device was covertly implanted in my right ear similar to what James Walbert had implanted inside him. Any help would be appreciated. Please respond ASAP.

  • Same here in vv es Brazil, just a lot worse, very corrupt system free mason’s and evangelicals the main culprits stay strong stand your ground, connect to high frequencies and good energy. They are after us because we are smarter, rightist, incorruptible and leaders, they can’t beat us!

  • I found out James Halbert's ordeal with mind control and I have been urge by personnel friends (Physicians, neurologist, and other professionals to contact Mr. Halbert regarding my research and tests that can, not only show back-up evidence to his experiences, but test that can track and define the pathophysiology of precognition. I'm getting older and time is closing in on my future research. I wish to get in contact with either Mr. Halbert or one of his associates so I may explain the procedure that can show proof of how the brain can function on a higher level using electromagnetic energy to excite gliocytes to stimulate neurons in a particular part of the brain that only reacts in random and rare episodes. I have scientific proof beyond chance to back this up. I look forward to your response and will include my phone number also - 816-795-6633 Kansas City, Missouri. *Dr. John Phillips of the Rinne Research Institute (how, I'm not sure) around post 9/11 era requesting all my information and work on the subject of precognition. Needles to say - I didn't give them any more information than they already knew through collective research they have taken from others.

    • Would you be kind enough to contact me please regarding your research.

  • Oh hi there. Their senses are connected to 20 other persons, and their attention is shared with these ~20 persons. There goes a story with audio that tells bad things, and they start looking into people with 20 persons attention sense stacked, and they believe someone is staring at them. theres never a proof of any crime. only that they have illegal nuclear battery implant put in them when they were young. its like a satellite phone, but it transmits your and other peoples senses back and forth. the “microwave harrasment” is disinformation, while the microwave really transmits your senses via satellite to another persons, like a phone. But its an analogic low quality system, hidden in your mid body, not in brain. There goes enough senseconductors to connect the implant to. What they really do ? they study how another person can learn what another person does, and they later compare the brains. Thats why they need real healthy persons, who are still immobile in their carehome, and people think those have sicness that they cant sense their surroundings, or dont sense their senses (because the senses are connected to another man) . google kyle ogden, “onetelemetryman” . If you look at the clear blue sky, and see artifacts and tingling = your senses are effected by an implant. I kept the text short because im lazy. its only sad real persons 'reading your thoughts' or feeling your senses, who are connected to you, and they dont feel their own bodies. Then they study if those persons learn what the impanted guy learns. They see what you see, but even they cant see with their own eyes. its their imagination that flashes in peoples heads. These people dont know they are individual persons, and their memory doesn't work right. if NSA knew about people being mistreated, they would help you instead.

  • I have been a victim of telepathy that can travel long distance from Rhode Island to South Carolina. I have read about James Walbert electronic harassment and FCC came to trace those signals with equipment and remove them. I need that contact number please! I don't know who is doing it but I just heard that they are in New York shooting me with satellite. Its been 7 painful years the abuse of the voices must be stopped.

  • I am having the same problem, however, I got a head MRI scan and nothing shows up. I think it's a tiny speaker superheroes in my head. Again, it didn't show up on MRI, so I how do I deal with this?

  • sammymcloughlin 8 Abbotsbury way lowerham Plymouth Devon pl22hs ,tel 01752-514547 csis mi6 stops my mail calls emails to family

    • Man answered your phone number given here & said it was the wrong number when I asked for you....

  • Internet jaw implant or covert SPY type wire implant or cell phone implant with voice signals you only can hear...from phone line or in someone else's car sending signals to you or computer internet protocol signals what this is all about! runs on a ticker tape type recorded or real persons like a C.B radio connection( in reverse to the inner ear drum,) so no one on the outside of your body can hear what they are saying non stop by the way and in a coded signal of sorts! And this is illegal as heck and they say things about you with no real facts behind them, Unbelievable threats of every kind to you and your friends or relatives and you notice stalking cars and things that don't make sense at your home also!!,...and sexual attack vocalizations to you and your family and used as a weapon of revenge and to try to make you believe what they are saying hoping you will give in so they can target you and put you away or in jail! They call you crazy ...and names of color and nationality attack and incidence you did not do! They say they will pay someone to get you also! AND THIS IS Harassment/TERRRORISM and I will challenge anyone on that one statement, with every law that has been researched and says exactly what this is to the T!!I wonder what our law enforcers would do if this happened to them....? They would stop it and find the system and persons running this technology! So ask why they don't stop this activity for other victims!?
    And what the heck We are so technological protective with everything else when it comes to surveillance and security but this no way can they hear it track it or figure out who is doing this? MIND Hacking is no different then hacking anything else and should be as illegal as everything else when not authorized by top authority!
    Make this country look not so smart and open to anything! Can't hack anything someone somewhere else is using USA humans now as the spy network and burglary and what ever else set up system without even the victim implanted knowing it! because what you say they can hear and they can figure out, stalk, track, listen to your every word ..I mean don't we get it yet what this is really about!? They are using your ears as microphones and speakers sent to them via you r every word and every one you talk to!! They whom ever is using spy cat war covert listening systems and as clear as day! And that could be happening in the white house or in any legal office or anywhere we wouldn't want a terrorist to be to have stuff happen!.....................................!
    It's the same covert system using a doll dummy standing in a store looking at you. Can you tell anyone is watching or talking NOoooo! But the person doing the surveillance through dummies eyes with a tiny camera and listening device can and that is scary!
    Frightening isn't this!?I hope they are not doing this to little kids with "dental operations" ( cause the implants have to be near an eardrum area for this activity!) cause how would the parent even know!? What about unknown fake or Unknown offender doctors and what about sterilization or aids??
    And this is all ok? who gives a darn? Dentist/orthopedics/hearing doctors need to be recorded and security watcehd with everything they do in your mouth area..because they could be the biggest open door to terrorism and unheard -unseen criminal activity in the USA and the world!

  • All humans, objects, animals are a robotized software.
    The TI doesn't talk to any human in this world.
    I haven't talked to any since 1976!!!
    I know millions of people but they don't me, they have no memory that's how they lie to ti people then the ti think that they collaborate and that includes gang stalking system too!!!

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