American Moon: Mooon Landing Hoax


Mind Control, Gang Stalking, & Implants! Testimony of James Walbert & Dr. Barrie Trower

On The Truth Denied Radio Show today:

Guests: Jesse Beltran & Lars Drudgaard of

James Walbert :Board of Directors at Stalking Victims Network

Dr. Barrie Trower interview conducted by Lars Drudgaard


Some of the discussion included:

  • James Walbert discusses the technology that is lodged in his right shoulder
  • Targeting Olympic Athletes, why and how?
  • Dr. Barrie Trower’s statement comparing Scientist of today vs Scientist after WWII.
  • Radio Waves and how they release plagues that have been dormant for hundreds of years
  • RFID and transmission of Sound.  (Trower Testimony)


                                   Listen to the radio show here:

Dr. Barrie Trower Radio Interview


Board of Directors at Stalking Victims Network
Wichita, Kansas Area Civic & Social Organization
Court Recognizes Electronic Harassment:

James Walbert is a victim of non-consensual RFID  implantation.  He has testified in in Washington D.C. in front of the Presidential Commission on Bioethical issues appointed by President Obahma.He is one of the few who obtained a “Protection Order” for James Walbert.

December 30, 2008 This could be the first official recognition of the need to protect citizens against electronic harassment. This is actually very impressive. Walbert persuaded the Court that the defendant was using electronic weapons against him and his family, in addition to resorting to obvious forms of stalking.

James Walbert

He substantiated his claim with DoD documentation and had the support of a security specialist, who proved that electronic frequencies were involved, and, it would appear, the support of a couple of police officers. He also made use of letters from Missouri Representative, Jim Guest.

The outcome: The defendant failed to show up in court. The defendant has to pay all legal fees. The defendant may not employ 3rd-party means of re-establishing contact with Walbert (which would constitute multiple stalking), and may not employ any form of “electronic means” in harassing Walbert.

Walbert filed his complaint on November 25, 2008. The court decided the case on December 30, 2008.

Although this will probably not protect Walbert in the long term, he has obtained the first court-based acknowledgement of the existence of electronic weapons and of electronic harassment, that I know of.


A few minutes of the  Dr. Barrie Trower Interview conducted by Lars Drudgaard was also played on the show today: 

Today it is not uncommon to hear stories in the media on how professional athletes are using performance enhancing drugs.   If an Olympian is caught “doping”, they are banned from competition and then subsequently stripped of any titles or medals they have won.   What if today, a technology existed that could remotely affect the performance of an athlete?  What if an athlete could be remotely influenced to lose or win a competition?  Could this be possible? If so how is this possible? By what methods, what means?

“ICAACT.ORG had the honor and privilege to interview Dr. Barry Trower.  Today we will hear disturbing testimony by one of the world’s premiere experts in Micro-Wave Technologies and Micro Wave frequencies.   We will hear details on how his expertise was solicited by a government of a country because its politicians and Olympic team were being targeted with this type of technology. Dr. Barry Trower is a retired military scientist and physicist who has made it his mission to educate and warn the public on the dangers that are affecting unsuspecting victims on a daily basis.  He will further detail what horrible effects we will succumb to if we do not band together and stop these atrocities.”

~Lars Drudgaard

Dr. Barrie Trower

To listen to the entire Barrie Trower Olympic  Interview conducted  by Lars Drudgaard, click here:


Please contact either Mr. Jesse Beltran or Lars Drudgaard if you have any questions about your own personal saftey.


International CenterAgainst Abuse of Covert Technologies

Lars Drudgaard
Mr. Jesse Beltran


Please contact either Mr. Jesse Beltran or Lars Drudgaard if you have any questions about your own personal saftey.


International CenterAgainst Abuse of Covert Technologies

The Truth Denied

Owner of controversial website The Truth Denied and Chemtrails Kill. Journalist and video maker.

View Comments

  • If you have children as I mentioned above, make sure you check out any drawings that your actual children may have drawn to reach out for HELP. I have found many that show things that either are put through my son's mind (age 11). It's all about torture, being carried off and molestation/rape......

  • I am being Gang Stalked, and have been full force for over a year now. My 11 year old son has been implanted as well. It's not government necessarily, Gang Stalkers are pleased to imitate the Government, Workers of any kind to distract, intimidate as well as coerse. They have poisoned my family and I in San Antonio Texas.........

  • ask Kim ross lawyer if csis talked to him,or why he did not ask me about csis attacking me with sound device, and call Joan Crockett MP and ask her why she talks bull shit in her shithole office on 17th ave Calgary Canada 403-2441880

    • csis will not let me leave Canada to return home to Plymouth uk,I stay at the DI here in Calgary,csis had offered me a job I told them where to stick it, csis have agents act out they are on crack and stand near me ,waiting for the police to come but I get out fast so that they can not rope me in, please contact peoples commission net work csis watch thank you,(zerzetsung)

  • And have a super nice day in NAZI CANADA. where people have their minds and body raped by csis,the true north strong and free my ass.

  • Deported to Canada in 2002 march 27th by mi6 from Plymouth uk,csis then took over once I was in Vancouver bc ,my aunties home had camera in the light fixings put in by so called council workers while I was actually watching them in the bed room,people following me in Plymouth uk,csis use a sound device which makes the brain numb and the body weak, chemical put into smokes ,food ,coffee,people hound me with the help of the RCMP here in Calgary ab,joan crockatt mp helped csis by asking me if I was on meds and telling me in her office that csis has more important things to do then watch and follow me around ,she knows more then she is saying,why not call her and ask her 403-2441880,her office is on 17th ave Calgary ab,david eby was bc civil liberties, he shouted at me in his office in Vancouver when I went there to get help and then walked away as I told himsome kind of chemical was being used which made my skin smell ,he is now a MLA in Vancouver bc,wally oppal,judge ,lawyer helped csis by telling me that I had never given him a note while csis retards looked at me 5 feet away,now why would he do this,kim kerr a good friend of david Cunningham at
    (Dera) down town east side association was I am sure told not to help me by a fat csis female as I watched them both walk past me in Vancouver bc ,I wonder what csis did for kim for not contacting journalists,Gail Davidson 13th ave Vancouver human rights lawyer told m to my face out side her house on 13th ave Vancouver bc that she did not help people only in war ,i gave her a note in her garden and just before 2 csis females one British said hello to me ,too let me know that they had already talked to her Gail, just think what csis is doing to people here in the true north,csis had Richard kovac try to sell me hand guns in Vancouver ask lee walklin, kovac lives in bude cornwall uk lee in Plymouth uk ,while people like you act out and just talk it is me csis tortures with sound here in Calgary British journalists ,thank you.PS in court csis knows they will lose and I have the numbers of RCMP who help hound me in Vancouver bc an more beside that will [prove csis are perverts,contact peoplescommission net work csis watch if you can

  • went to court ,kim ross is my lawyer I wonder what csis is up to ?.csis can not win they are too dumb.


        • the di centre is where the homeless try to live mostly the poor people and old people and druggies and everything they can put into this shithole building, I feel sorry for Canadians their government really craps on them yet they seem to think this is normal here in Canada.still at the di ,still being attacked inside the di by sound device .will not let me leave Canada wants me to work for them .offers me a slut Canadians and money and no more torture .fuck csis.

    • Kim Ross is your lawyer? But your hotmail address is kimmrosslawyercalgary@hoXXXXXXX which means you are Kim Ross?

  • Why was my comment removed? It was super clear and respectfully written.

  • The problems that these people are facing are real. The patterns in each TI's story are repeated over and over across population groups. I am a TI in NYC and in need of dire help. I have a PhD, graduated at the top of my class, lived in in many countries, come from a decent family, etc.. These people/criminals stole my career, privacy, safety, freedom, health and ability to access employment! These Nazi criminals ruined me financially and I am a prisoner in a glass prison for my NIH funded research, perhaps. I have travelled far and wide trying to solve my predicament. This is where the truth is stranger than fiction. I have been isolated, contained and neutralized by criminals. I need help like the rest of these people posting on this site. They are telling the truth.

  • DI drop in centre,calgary Canada ,where he homeless try to sleep, they stack us in like sheep in this building.refused welfae for 22 months.i have lived out side here in Calgary canada,fuck csis and the rcmp .mind rape in Canada Sammy mcloughlin ne505944b 725514236.david eby mla knows joan rcokatt mp knows wally oppal knows no one gives a flying fuck.plice helps csis,lawyers help csis .fuck Canada it is a shithole,will they kill me ?.or will I go home to Plymouth devon where i should be.

  • go to address I was in remand Centre Calgary Canada fro 2 weeks locked up,rcmp helped csis the same cops who hounded me on the strees here in calgary,another frame up,i am now on probation my probation office is bryan zwveste he works at the DI here in calgary,i stay now at the DI IN CALGARY CSIS WILL NOT LET ME LEAVE CANADA.FRAME UP BLACKMAIL TORTURE SOUND 24-7.go to 7 patna place north road west Plymouth ask fro lee he is a witness to the frame up hand guns,csis blackmailed kovac to try to sell me hand guns ,kovac lives in bude cornwall uk.

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