American Moon: Mooon Landing Hoax


Mind Control, Gang Stalking, & Implants! Testimony of James Walbert & Dr. Barrie Trower

On The Truth Denied Radio Show today:

Guests: Jesse Beltran & Lars Drudgaard of

James Walbert :Board of Directors at Stalking Victims Network

Dr. Barrie Trower interview conducted by Lars Drudgaard


Some of the discussion included:

  • James Walbert discusses the technology that is lodged in his right shoulder
  • Targeting Olympic Athletes, why and how?
  • Dr. Barrie Trower’s statement comparing Scientist of today vs Scientist after WWII.
  • Radio Waves and how they release plagues that have been dormant for hundreds of years
  • RFID and transmission of Sound.  (Trower Testimony)


                                   Listen to the radio show here:

Dr. Barrie Trower Radio Interview


Board of Directors at Stalking Victims Network
Wichita, Kansas Area Civic & Social Organization
Court Recognizes Electronic Harassment:

James Walbert is a victim of non-consensual RFID  implantation.  He has testified in in Washington D.C. in front of the Presidential Commission on Bioethical issues appointed by President Obahma.He is one of the few who obtained a “Protection Order” for James Walbert.

December 30, 2008 This could be the first official recognition of the need to protect citizens against electronic harassment. This is actually very impressive. Walbert persuaded the Court that the defendant was using electronic weapons against him and his family, in addition to resorting to obvious forms of stalking.

James Walbert

He substantiated his claim with DoD documentation and had the support of a security specialist, who proved that electronic frequencies were involved, and, it would appear, the support of a couple of police officers. He also made use of letters from Missouri Representative, Jim Guest.

The outcome: The defendant failed to show up in court. The defendant has to pay all legal fees. The defendant may not employ 3rd-party means of re-establishing contact with Walbert (which would constitute multiple stalking), and may not employ any form of “electronic means” in harassing Walbert.

Walbert filed his complaint on November 25, 2008. The court decided the case on December 30, 2008.

Although this will probably not protect Walbert in the long term, he has obtained the first court-based acknowledgement of the existence of electronic weapons and of electronic harassment, that I know of.


A few minutes of the  Dr. Barrie Trower Interview conducted by Lars Drudgaard was also played on the show today: 

Today it is not uncommon to hear stories in the media on how professional athletes are using performance enhancing drugs.   If an Olympian is caught “doping”, they are banned from competition and then subsequently stripped of any titles or medals they have won.   What if today, a technology existed that could remotely affect the performance of an athlete?  What if an athlete could be remotely influenced to lose or win a competition?  Could this be possible? If so how is this possible? By what methods, what means?

“ICAACT.ORG had the honor and privilege to interview Dr. Barry Trower.  Today we will hear disturbing testimony by one of the world’s premiere experts in Micro-Wave Technologies and Micro Wave frequencies.   We will hear details on how his expertise was solicited by a government of a country because its politicians and Olympic team were being targeted with this type of technology. Dr. Barry Trower is a retired military scientist and physicist who has made it his mission to educate and warn the public on the dangers that are affecting unsuspecting victims on a daily basis.  He will further detail what horrible effects we will succumb to if we do not band together and stop these atrocities.”

~Lars Drudgaard

Dr. Barrie Trower

To listen to the entire Barrie Trower Olympic  Interview conducted  by Lars Drudgaard, click here:


Please contact either Mr. Jesse Beltran or Lars Drudgaard if you have any questions about your own personal saftey.


International CenterAgainst Abuse of Covert Technologies

Lars Drudgaard
Mr. Jesse Beltran


Please contact either Mr. Jesse Beltran or Lars Drudgaard if you have any questions about your own personal saftey.


International CenterAgainst Abuse of Covert Technologies

The Truth Denied

Owner of controversial website The Truth Denied and Chemtrails Kill. Journalist and video maker.

View Comments

  • csis had Curtiss Richards act out I attacked him,he is a csis agent helping them and police here in Calgary canada, I have just come from a remand Centre (PRISON)where I was for 2 weeks locked up for not going to court for another frame up by csis, I am now on probation until I go to court on April 22nd here in Calgary Canada,rcmp police arrested me,the same police who hounded me for months here in Calgary canada ,go to address tell them csis has framed me up again,csis had Richard kovac try to sell me hand guns,csis blacked mailed kovac who lives in Bude Cornwall uk,ask lee walklin ,go to address 8 abbotsburyway ,tell them I need help here,there is a lawyer who knows this in Plymouth uk,3 witnesses in court is enough to take csis to court ,csis will not let me return to Plymouth uk.what is there to understand ?.torture sound,frame up,blackmail ,torture sound covertly done to me and others here in Canada,csis knows in court I can prove they are bent and more,cover up frame up torture,contact journalist in uk,thank you.i live at the DI IN CALGARY.MY PROBATION OFFICER IS CALLED BRYAN ZWVESTE,HE WORKSD AT THE DI HERE IN CALGARY CANADA.GOOGLE ZERZETSEN.NE505944B,725514236 BRITSH AND CANADIAN SINS.I WAS 210 POUNDS I AM NOW 160.13 YEARS OF TORTURE COVERTLY DONE TO ME HERE IN CANADA.

  • zerzetsen,csis mi5 stops mail calls emaisl to 8 abbotsburyway lowerhamplymouth devon pl22hs ,tortures me with sound 24-7 sleep deprivation and more brain washing, go to address tell them csis will not let me return to Plymouth uk where I was deported from by mi5 ,joan crcokatt mp lied to me for csis ask her why 403-2441880 david eby mla Vancouver bc canaad knows did nothing cover up human experiments sound ,frame up ,blackmail ,my sin Canadian 725514236 British sin ne505944b go to address t5hank you ilive out side here in Calgary Canada refused welfare csis hounds me 24-7 sound ,RCMP police helps csis.

    • Hello Sammy James, What can we do to help you? I can barely understand your comment?

      • why not contact british jounnalist to go to my aunties in Plymouth uk ? csis are framing people up here in Canada and the law is helping tyhem rcmp lawyers ,mp,the hole lot,still it is fun knowing they can not break me .


  • ***** EMERGENCY *****


    ***** EMERGENCY *****


    Hello, this is the president of the MesaCom, a company currently being formed as we speak.
    We would like to invite you and your TI friends and comrades to venture with us outside of the stalking mind control grid.
    Earth houses several mind control apartatuses like the HAARP before it was discontinued earlier this year.
    These mind control devices are capable of influencing the moods, thoughts and actions of whole populations around the world. This thought control is responsible for everything from stalking to columbine to government corruption.
    As you read the rest of this letter, your opinions will be swayed by mind control, and you may even endure bad luck and hardship if you find you agree with what I am saying, because that is how much our company scares Mind Controllers and gang stalkers everywhere.
    We at Mesacom have had enough of it.
    We would like you and the TIs that you know to join us on a journey to space.
    We are a new company with new technologies, looking for support and funding.
    Our goal is to create a space colony capable of of housing anywhere from 1 thousand to 1 million victims of stalking and escape Earth's mind control harassment grid.
    We can have a wonderful life in space. There is ample water, minerals, oxygen, and resources to be found in space rocks and on moons. We will have ample detection systems capable of avoiding disaster and gravity systems to keep the station running smoothly.
    We will have high speed internet access connected to Earth's telecommunications grid, so you can carry on blogs and video lectures in space if you need.
    If you or anyone you know would like to join us in our journey to escape a losing legal battle on Earth, then please reply.
    We would just like to know that you are interested, and I will personally keep in contact with you as things develop.

    Also, I've just recieved word that America is planning of enacting MARTIAL LAW during the next presidency. To escape the tyranny before it happens and venture into absolute freedom please E-Mail me at MESACOM1@YAHOO.COM

    Or you can check my Forum posts at PEACEPINK.ORG 's fight against stalking and harassment oppression at



    Thank you.
    - MesaCom.

  • They harass people for Delta 32 CCR5 bone marrow, it's the cure for aids. They drive people to suicide and dig up their bones. They get a wire tap order. Break in your house and put in a Digital Angel, then they Frey you.

  • My web site at discloses unauthorized lobotomy and brain implant experimentation, (Dec. 9,1969 & Jan. 27,1972, at 14 & 16 years of age) without informed consent, nor parental knowledge, while under the guise of treating epilepsy. (ie-"scar tissue removal") Wondering if Dr. Trower would be aware of what project this was. Is there a email for Trower? Terry

    • Thanks for the information Terry. We do not have an email for Trower, but I don't think that you would have a difficult time scouring his website for contact information, have you attempted this yet?

  • To anyone who can help,

    My name is William Howard Wilder III and I am a victim of the same injustice that was done to James Walberg. This was done in Atlanta GA without my consent between 200 and 2002. I was beaten up badly outside a night club and when I went to the hospital I did not have insurance. They released me that night after showing me an X-ray which had only four fractures in my orbital bone.

    Well after laying around doped up for five days my insurance was pushed through on a fraud by a restaurant employee (management) who liked me. My surgery finally commenced. My surgery was scheduled for four hours took fourteen! The doctor claimed my bone was so shattered they had to pick out pieces but that wasn’t what the original x-rays showed. After that every time I do anything whomever it is considers to be morally wrong I am tortured and have been for over 12 years now. I have also been tortured about not being a christian and harassed about things I didn't do until they were satisfied that I was telling the truth.

    I even x-rayed my own head while working at a veterinary clinic and you could see something in it one med student who was about to get her doctorate told me (she disappeared suddenly and never came back to work after that day). That x-ray was stolen from my possession.

    I also have a 3 inch scar on the left side of my head exactly under the premotor cortex of the brain just as described in the second photo posted. Please refer to these photos of what I believe was done to me:

    Also, please refer to this company which is in GA and has been doing human trials since 1989:

    Please help if you can. I know what I know and I know that I am crazy but not crazy crazy and I cannot seem to get help without something or someone shutting me down.

    My contact information is:

    William Howard Wilder III.
    PO Box 5428.
    1092 Jupiter Way,
    Crestline, CA 92325.

    909-278-7467 Home
    909-782-1767 Cell

    • I want to thank ALL of you whom have written in to ask for help and report your stories of mind control, as the more I see your letters, the more concerned for all of you out there who are having such horror in your lives....these happenings are out of control. Have any of you contacted ICCACT yet?

    • We will contact you, thanks for your report/Be well. TTD

  • I was targeted by an entire Police Department, sent to a psychiatric hospital, and KNoW that while I was asleep in the first seventy two hours and heavily drugged, I had an implant put into the back of my head. I heard many thoughts that I was totally aware, were being fed to my subconscious mind. I didn't sleep for six days... at the time, I didn't even realize what was happening until a few months passed and I moved out of town and started doing research.I still do not know how to talk to people about it and there have been other implications by cops in my new town about my mental health when I have not been able to calm my nervous system down and was seeing the same vehicles driving past my house very slowly over and over... I never know when to call the police and when to stay silent, because I don't know who is actually doing it.

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