American Moon: Mooon Landing Hoax


Mind Control, Gang Stalking, & Implants! Testimony of James Walbert & Dr. Barrie Trower

On The Truth Denied Radio Show today:

Guests: Jesse Beltran & Lars Drudgaard of

James Walbert :Board of Directors at Stalking Victims Network

Dr. Barrie Trower interview conducted by Lars Drudgaard


Some of the discussion included:

  • James Walbert discusses the technology that is lodged in his right shoulder
  • Targeting Olympic Athletes, why and how?
  • Dr. Barrie Trower’s statement comparing Scientist of today vs Scientist after WWII.
  • Radio Waves and how they release plagues that have been dormant for hundreds of years
  • RFID and transmission of Sound.  (Trower Testimony)


                                   Listen to the radio show here:

Dr. Barrie Trower Radio Interview


Board of Directors at Stalking Victims Network
Wichita, Kansas Area Civic & Social Organization
Court Recognizes Electronic Harassment:

James Walbert is a victim of non-consensual RFID  implantation.  He has testified in in Washington D.C. in front of the Presidential Commission on Bioethical issues appointed by President Obahma.He is one of the few who obtained a “Protection Order” for James Walbert.

December 30, 2008 This could be the first official recognition of the need to protect citizens against electronic harassment. This is actually very impressive. Walbert persuaded the Court that the defendant was using electronic weapons against him and his family, in addition to resorting to obvious forms of stalking.

James Walbert

He substantiated his claim with DoD documentation and had the support of a security specialist, who proved that electronic frequencies were involved, and, it would appear, the support of a couple of police officers. He also made use of letters from Missouri Representative, Jim Guest.

The outcome: The defendant failed to show up in court. The defendant has to pay all legal fees. The defendant may not employ 3rd-party means of re-establishing contact with Walbert (which would constitute multiple stalking), and may not employ any form of “electronic means” in harassing Walbert.

Walbert filed his complaint on November 25, 2008. The court decided the case on December 30, 2008.

Although this will probably not protect Walbert in the long term, he has obtained the first court-based acknowledgement of the existence of electronic weapons and of electronic harassment, that I know of.


A few minutes of the  Dr. Barrie Trower Interview conducted by Lars Drudgaard was also played on the show today: 

Today it is not uncommon to hear stories in the media on how professional athletes are using performance enhancing drugs.   If an Olympian is caught “doping”, they are banned from competition and then subsequently stripped of any titles or medals they have won.   What if today, a technology existed that could remotely affect the performance of an athlete?  What if an athlete could be remotely influenced to lose or win a competition?  Could this be possible? If so how is this possible? By what methods, what means?

“ICAACT.ORG had the honor and privilege to interview Dr. Barry Trower.  Today we will hear disturbing testimony by one of the world’s premiere experts in Micro-Wave Technologies and Micro Wave frequencies.   We will hear details on how his expertise was solicited by a government of a country because its politicians and Olympic team were being targeted with this type of technology. Dr. Barry Trower is a retired military scientist and physicist who has made it his mission to educate and warn the public on the dangers that are affecting unsuspecting victims on a daily basis.  He will further detail what horrible effects we will succumb to if we do not band together and stop these atrocities.”

~Lars Drudgaard

Dr. Barrie Trower

To listen to the entire Barrie Trower Olympic  Interview conducted  by Lars Drudgaard, click here:


Please contact either Mr. Jesse Beltran or Lars Drudgaard if you have any questions about your own personal saftey.


International CenterAgainst Abuse of Covert Technologies

Lars Drudgaard
Mr. Jesse Beltran


Please contact either Mr. Jesse Beltran or Lars Drudgaard if you have any questions about your own personal saftey.


International CenterAgainst Abuse of Covert Technologies

The Truth Denied

Owner of controversial website The Truth Denied and Chemtrails Kill. Journalist and video maker.

View Comments

  • SINCE Supposedly Derrick C Kimmons is supposedly having me and my kid killed or forced suicided we must WATCH the Perps of Gang Stalking much more closely than the TARGETS. They also have been holding my kid according to their v2k harassment s saying they will take her phone to shut down because I do not own a cell phone.

  • I am being criminally stalked including this brand new cell phone which was corrupted when activated at Store by Radio Shack employee. My home is being broken into despite my attempts to secure it. My life has been destroyed by these criminals. Please help me get the truth reported. Thank you
    Even my email is hacked and mail stolen. My birth certificate and computer hard drive was stolen from my home.

  • I am a targeted individual. I am currently chipped and experiencing physical and mental tourture. I am emailing you to try to get help to stop this terrible experience I am going through. My attackers constently talk to me and physicaly tourture me. No one believes me and its really hard to go on each day. I am constantly told I will have this chip in for life and it will never come out.

    • I feel for you and an in a similar situation. Stay connected to God and believe He will help and cause you to prevail. I'm giving advice to myself too!

    • our government has to test and experiment with the technology to learn about its capabilities. and people need to be unaware.. to study. to protect people... some must be messed with. necessary. I have had it all... sadistic people with romote control torture and brain hacking.... the worst thing. But it led me to Jesus. it could be worst..??? I am alone and I sleep in a tent that I sew together to keep them from filling up my nostril cavity with smart dust. my nose keeps growing every time they fill it. they like to put sticky motherboards under my fingernail. I got a microscope. the flies bees and mosquetos around me... and moths... are military drones. only a non didgital high power microscope will reveal it. however... the microscope will be tampered with and you will only see it the first day of having the microscope. and anyways... I have discovered that while inside the hiperbarric oxygen chamber... hospital steel grade.. the voice to skull voices fill the chamber... like the chamber is the skull... it comes out so loud into the room that everyone hears every word. that is from the beam.. however the chip in my head that received the voice that was supposed to be out of hearing range... probably due to the pressure of 32 feet down... ... as I was pressured slowly in the tank I began to I listened to a weird voice hypnosis session that I could hear. if you have voices beamed at you though while in the pressure steel and glass tank... they are so loud the sounds are pushed through the internal speakers and they are so loud. whatever you do though... make sure your grounding strap stays put.!! woo hoo money well spent

    • We are sorry to hear about this condition you are in.........have you tried to contact ICCACT ?

  • The f**ing system is blaming everyone else for every problem they probably created. Haven't yet met any of the so call "bad people" in the world except the stink of the system everywhere. I wonder where that stink originated.

    Google before answering.

    MKultra lawsuit
    Cointelpro lawsuit

    Brain implant lawsuit
    Microwave auditory effect - satellite technology
    Artificial intelligence - shape recondition from CCD and satellite

    NON - lethal chemical - disabling chemical

    All problems blame on something different bring to you by your friendly tube.

    99% of your overall "knowledge" probably comes from the tube. Ask, how much you know without the tube?

    • i have been tortured by electromagnetic weapon.using satellite.
      They are torturing me for 24/7 for the experiment you stated.

      Microwave auditory effect – satellite technology
      Artificial intelligence – shape recondition from CCD and satellite
      NON – lethal chemical – disabling chemical

      They are tracking me for 24/7. What is shape recondition from CCD and
      At home they are trying to poisoning some gas into my mouth and attack
      me by plasma weapon.
      I NEED HELP~

      • I have been gang stalked and DEW harassed since 2013 in Canada. These are some sites I found for the implants. And for the Canon Microwave Blaster (specs $10 to build your own). The V2K could be and assholes for hire they can buy "bump" keys and sonic assault devises from ITS my belief this is a revenge crime and is easier to do than imagined. I like as a professional witness. I found MRI will show nothing, you need X Rays of head, neck and back. Ask for a CD copy. Fight for laws to be enacted. God bless you all. Stay strong and try to laugh at these fools.

      • PLEASE call in the show today Ellen 347-688-3902 I want you LIVE on the air , you can use a different name to protect your identity , can you do that? You can speak to them both, 2 people who can HELP you! Or write me at right away sure to let me know what you need and I will ask both of our guests today who are experts and head up ICCACT.

  • Technology you need to know.

    1. Microwave auditory effect - declassified
    2. non lethal weapon - chemical testing from mkultra experiments.

    3. artificial intelligence - available from i this and that and android. - Take a photo of some restaurant and it will give you the location of that photo. These are available civilian technology, do you think that other agencies may have even better ones?

    4. Who do you think has the resources for all the bullshit victims described?

    5. Morrison and Foester suing on brain implantation, a technology available decades ago.

    GOOD LUCK AND GOOD BYE with these international protocol.

    • csis wants me to work for them now I wonder why ,Sammy mcloughlin will not let me leave Canada

      • Me too these people are straight up evil, here in Brasil they are mostly free masons and evangelicals!

  • Hi, I lost my life, career, family and friends because of some tecnoligies that transfer thoughts from one person to another without our consent. Please help me if we can protect ourselves from such technologies. Thank you

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