American Moon: Mooon Landing Hoax


GHOST CITIES IN CHINA: 64.6 million empty homes, apartments & condos

Ghost cities of China exceed 64.5 million vacant homes



Typical housing prices in Kangbashi have fallen from $1,100 to $470 per square foot, over the last five years alone.

China may have the largest housing bubble in history of the world!

It is being reported that 64.5 million urban electricity meters registered zero consumption over a recent, six-month period in China. That led to a theory that China has enough empty apartments to house 200 million people. The story is related to the housing bubble, as the CAIXIN TABLOID reported in the summer of 2012.

2018 Update:  The Chinese government intends to relocate 100 million people from  rural areas into  metropolitan cities by 2020.  According to Forbes,  “cities and extensions get built purely based on speculation, but not on direct demand. Massive stretches are built, and it is assumed that the future growth and prosperity will somehow fill the space up.”

An alarming report by  Lesley Stahl of  60 Minutes not only walks us through the abandoned city streets, but explains   how there are now entire cities being created all over China with no one living in them. “Statistical transparency is lacking in this area, so the truth about empty apartments remains under wraps. Publishing accurate data should be of the highest priority, since the size of the nation’s unused apartment stock is perhaps the most important measure of the extent and seriousness of China’s property market bubble. Indeed, it’s a grave concern for policy making, since unpublished data may indicate not only a price bubble but a quantity bubble burdening the market.”

 China is often cited as having used within just three years the amount of concrete the US did in the entire 20th century.

There is major concern for the Chinese middle-class. The middle class have invested massively in property and now estimates suggest that property invest accounts for as much as 20-30% of the economy. As many as 24 new cities are being built every year! The Government has allowed this expansion to continue to keep the economy growing but the level of infrastructure development is far ahead of the demand for property.

Were  you aware that the country of China is slightly smaller than the USA?


How Large is China?
Population: 1.379 billion (2016) World Bank
Area: 3.705 million miles

How Big is the USA?
United States of America
Country in North America
Population: 323.1 million (2016)
Area: 3.797 million miles

2009 It was in Ordos Kangbashi that the Chinese ghost city narrative was born.

 Empty Cities?


One ghost city in Inner Mongolia, built to house one million people, is now an empty shell of unoccupied skyscrapers and abandoned construction sites. 

Ghost Cities of China- The Truth Denied 2018


As many as 24 new cities are being built every year! How is this possible ? The Chinese  Government has allowed for this  this expansion to continue i order  to keep their economy growing but the level of infrastructure development is far ahead of the demand for property.

12-20-2015 UPDATES

An empty street in front of a vacant residential complex in the city of Kangbashi, Ordos. The difference from last report in 2012 is that real estate prices in Kangbashi have plummeted since 2010 and continue to do so. Dozens of migrant workers rent vacant office spaces as apartments for as low as $65 a month.UNHEARD OF!



The latest fear for developers in China in 2013?

“Wang Shi, CEO of  Vanke told “60 Minutes” that developers are deep in debt. Many have abandoned projects midway through because the money dried up. He warned that if the  bubble really did burst, China could see its version of the Arab Spring.”

A housing  bubble  could  literally  destroy China’s financial market for good, with no recovery in sight.

Zhengdong, a new area in the Hennan Province is like walking int a forest full of skyscrapers, except they are all empty.  (courtesy of 60 minutes)
“Central business district features a ring of significantly vacant skyscrapers.” (courtesy of 60 minutes and the Insider)



Empty developments outside Chengsha, China (Google Earth)



Just outside Angola’s capitol city of Luanda is Nova Cidade  de Kilamba a residential development of 750 eight-story apartment buildings, a dozen  schools, and more than 100 retail units, reports the BBC’s Louise Redvers.

Read more:

Nova Cidade do Kilamba Kiaxi – Luanda, Angola.   (Photo by ANGOLA Non-Profit Organization)


Read more:


Major concern for China’s middle class

The middle class have invested massively in property and now estimates suggest that property investment accounts for as much as 20-30% of the economy,with  24 new cities are being built every year! The Government has allowed this expansion to continue to keep the economy growing but the level of infrastructure development is far ahead of the demand for property. Developers are going bankrupt, and in most cases have simply abandoned the projects for miles and miles.

64 million vacant apartments in China,held by the middle class if investors.


We found that 60 minutes has the best coverage on this story, please watch it! Astounding!


Ghost Cities in China 2013


100% VACANT Ghost Cities in China


Ghost Cities of China – The Truth Denied 2018


Ghost Cities of China 2018
Ghost Cities of China 2018


Ghost Cities of China 2018
Laura Croft

View Comments

  • Something NO ONE in the USA is talking about or reporting on : A few years ago Premier Li Keqiang wanted to wage war against poverty in the country of China. The pan was to relocate people who lived in poorer areas of the country, as well he wished invest in small towns where the relocated residents might enjoy the same public services as urban residents.
    Recently, Beijing and Shanghai have capped their populations, following existing residents' worries that an influx of migrants could drown out their access to superior schools and hospitals.
    In November, authorities in Beijing began aggressively evicting internal migrant workers by demolishing entire city blocks, in some cases with only a few hours' notice. Officially, this is a crackdown on "illegal structures" following a deadly fire that claimed the lives of 19 in a crowded neighborhood filled with domestic migrants - but the result has been to render tens of thousands of people homeless in a freezing winter.

  • I think we should make a deal with China, we will ship over all of our homeless people and poor people who can't make squat for rent. China provides them all a fance new condo and a job working in the ag business or cleaning the town or some other community oriented job. Its a win win.

  • Three years have passed and the doomsday has not arrived yet. Something wrong with our prediction?

  • jkls Problem in USA = HIGH property taxes (school+Property) I live in NY my taxes are 30%, of assessment, my home at 200k I pay $6k a year in taxes.
    CHINA - HAS NO PROPERTY TAX U BUY YOU OWN FOREVER, NO FORECLOSURE NO ONE IS GOING TO TAKE IT AWAY. Thats why they can buy 10 units and sit on it for decades.
    USA= 18mill empty homes, geee I wonder why ????? and yet they raise taxes even more.

    • Unless they bought with cash... they are still suspect to interest rates and a loss of purchasing power. And, since some prices are approaching 90X average household income... there will be tons of time for ups and downs.

    • This is not correct, as China has over 17 million empty homes, EMPTY. Sitting doing nothing but getting old because they are unoccupied.
      Please explain where you are coming from?

  • Wonder if these unused dwellings be given to homeless people worldwide!

  • This is knot a mistake .
    They pre built a city ,with micro apartments this is probably for agenda 21

    • Hello Mike, Thanks for your comment. What makes you think this is linked to Agenda 21? Curious to hear your reply. Thanks, TTD

  • No doubt when the ca-ca hits the fan they will blame India, Japan,Vietnam, Philippines, Uighers and of course the "white devils" for undermining the "great Chinese socialist experience." No wonder they are busy brainwashing their people that the threat lies OUTSIDE when in fact it lies with the Chinese communist party.

    • Great point! We still have little answers..........but we will be doing another article on this..........and by the way, the story does get stranger every day!

  • Are they maybe building these to house the population of another part of the world after an expected upcoming major disaster???

  • Here's an idea.....what if China is expecting a sudden massive population growth, like an influx of refugees from around the globe?

    • That's a good take on this Russ...........very possible.Something to consider.

  • Agenda 21 conspiracy? These conspiracies get truer every time the govt lies to the sheeple

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