American Moon: Mooon Landing Hoax


Forbidden Healing Discussion with Captain TC RANDALL & Dr. Wil Spencer


Heal: To make sound or whole, to restore to health.


Captain TC Randall, author of the book Forbidden Healing  and Dr. Wil Spencer of come together tonight to discuss healing  modalities  that can change the way you eat, feel, and live! Both of their philosophies seem to parallel in most areas, one being that the body is electric!

Capt. TC Randall states that “Disease and bad ageing are basically inflammation which can also be called oxidative stress, burning, rust or the molecular deconstruction of living cell structures by oxidation (electron theft). Oxidative stress is accompanied by cellular suffocation since oxygen in an acidic electron-poor oxidized environment becomes water…not metabolic electron energy….the energy life operates on.”

It seems that Dr. Wil Spencer also agrees, stating that ,”You can reverse and heal the toxic effects of chemical exposure, as well as heavy metal poisoning and the infections and illnesses resulting from prolonged exposure to any and all of these harmful elements. The truth is that your body already knows how to do this; it just doesn’t have the tools Mother Nature intended. The key to all healing is to provide the body with the tools it requires to perform all the functions it was designed to perform. Vital protection for human health comes from a natural environment.

Both agree that once we fine tune our body, feed it the right ‘fuel’, your body will take care of the rest, like a fine tuned Maserati! Now I ask you, who wouldn’t want that?

Some of the points brought up on tonight’s show:

  • What is natural chelation?
  • What are micro-organisms and why do we need them?
  • How to dislodge heavy metals
  • Vitamin C and it’s role in the human body, along with Omega 3-6
  • Why is Oxygen so important?
  • What role does your psychological attitude play in healing your body?
  • Should I still be eating carbohydrates?
  • How do we hydrate our bodies, and what role does water play in hydration?
  • Intermittent ‘fasting’ what does this mean?

Please listen to the show here! Enjoy!

The Discussion on the show this evening are the opinions of TC Randall and Dr. Wil Spencer.  If you value their  research and wish to contact them, you  may send us an email to  –or- you may visit their websites.

Captain TC Randall :

Dr. Wil Spencer:




 ABOUT Capt. TC Randall

Capt. Randall outlined the common denominator of disease and authored “Forbidden Healing” in an effort to awaken the public to simple prevention techniques and effective reversal of cancers, heart disease, COPD, arthritis, gingivitis, etc. etc.. He addresses all chronic disease using an 11 step electrochemical approach.
Since life is electrical and all molecular relationships depend on +/- attractions, one can control biochemistry at the most basic atomic level and usually treat his condition at home…or have the awareness to select an alternative physician. While the mainstream still searches for cures, raises enormous sums of money and promises breakthroughs “just over the horizon,” safe simple inexpensive therapies already exist…just they have been discredited and suppressed by a profit driven system.
Conventional pharmacare thrives on ignorance, control of information and helplessness of the public, so folks are easily misled into voodoo drug medicine…And heck, with insurance, a co-pay drug is cheaper than real food or vitamin/mineral supplements and easier than assuming personal responsibility for one’s life.

Capt. Randall is a natural health researcher, organic farmer and environmentalist….among others. 

Blogs on and

Dr. Spencer's book will be coming out in the Summer of 2013, watch for ads!

About Dr. Wil Spencer

“You can reverse and heal the toxic effects of chemical exposure, as well as heavy metal poisoning and the infections and illnesses resulting from prolonged exposure to any and all of these harmful elements.The truth is that your body already knows how to do this; it just doesn’t have the tools Mother Nature intended. The key to all healing is to provide the body with the tools it requires to perform all the functions it was designed to perform. Vital protection for human health comes from a natural environment. The Earth is not a very natural environment anymore. Our vital protection is no longer in the environment, so it can no longer be in us without intervention.The human body is a natural detoxifier and it both feeds and cleans itself through its own natural inner chelation process. This is a simple, natural function which the body is unable to complete because it does not get the raw materials it needs. ” ~Dr. Wil Spencer 



Sources for some of the references made on our show tonight

WATER by Gerald Pollack


The Truth Denied

Owner of controversial website The Truth Denied and Chemtrails Kill. Journalist and video maker.

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