American Moon: Mooon Landing Hoax


Chemtrails have different definition and effect compared to geoengineering!

Remember when they denied the Bilderberg meetings even existed?


Before you begin to read this article, ask yourself a question. Are you familiar with how disinformation campaigns work? Are you familiar with the following  expressions? INTEL, CIA, NSA, ( CO)  Covert Operations, troll, shill, informant, deception, counter intelligence, and of course, disinformation?

If you are familiar, then I would like to point out the obvious in this article, that being Chemtrail activists were deceived by paid individuals who were hired to strategically place  disinformation right in the heart of activist camps.

Unfortunately, most of you are eating up the lie, that being  the propaganda that is being  spread about the science and technology of  Geoengineering  being referred to as  Chemtrails when it is NOT ! It is important to know that it is NOT one in the same, and  it’s time you did a little homework.

This is a photo of a chemtrail taken in Arizona, not to be confused with Geoengineering


It is frustrating  that  so many people are  still referring  to  chemtrails as  “geoengineering”.  This is disinformation at it’s best.  It is an outrageous lie at the very least.

Why is it so important to KNOW the difference between CHEMTRAILS and GEOENGINEERING?


Why the distinction?

Keep in mind why we are using the distinction between the two terms: (an example for those of you who repeatedly ask our team )


The distinction should be made when we are exposing the truths about  chemtrails, especially if we are attempting to stay on a solid  proving ground. Think about an activist who is trying to fight fluoride in the water. If you were having a discussion about fluoride levels in our  drinking water supplies, would you use the word the  ” arsenic ” instead  and consider  both toxic chemicals to be  one in the same? Just because both of these chemicals are poisonous doesn’t mean you will even begin to win the argument.

Arsenic is notoriously poisonous to multicellular life, although a few species of bacteria are able to use arsenic compounds as respiratory metabolites. Arsenic contamination of groundwater is a problem that affects millions of people across the world. However , Fluoride is the anion of fluorine. Fluoride, like other halides, is a monovalent ion (−1 charge). Structurally, and to some extent chemically, the fluoride ion resembles the hydroxide ion. In water solutions, fluoride ion is a weak base. Fluoride ion occurs on earth in several minerals, particularly fluorite, but is only present in very trace quantities in water. Flouride has been proven to be toxic and should not be in our water supplies.





The evidence thus  far indicates that chemtrails  are  far from being a well intentioned program to protect the planet from radiation. During what most of us refer to as ‘ heavy spray days’, the public has  reported a variety of  health problems. They  also reported that severe weather phenomena generally occurred  following heavy chemtrails spraying. More video evidence supports that the  temperature of  jet- trails  measures  higher than that of a clear sky, which is  proof that SRM (SolarRadiation Management)  which is supposed to shield us from the sun is doing no such thing.

In order to get the public’s  support, geoengineers  have been  working quickly to  improve the image of the trails via social engineering and propaganda (i.e. programs such as SRM , the supposed solution to global warming, which is yet another questionable theory.  This is only serving to confuse the public , especially because the public has become more aware of chemtrails in the global skies.


The excuse
The excuse currently being used by the public at large as to why they prefer to use the term  “geoengineering ” as opposed to “chemtrails” ,  is because they claim  the use of the word  chemtrail is often associated with a lunatic conspiracy theory. This is utterly ridiculous!


1. The general public has begin to accept that  Geoengineering programs are (like SRM Solar Radiation Management) necessary to protect us from radiation and continued heating of the planet.(Remember NAZI Germany?)

2. How do you intend to explain that chemtrails are  poisons being sprayed into the atmosphere if you continue to  call them geoengineering? You must begin to use  a more specific language in order to convey the true agenda behind chemtrail programs (SAG).


3 . By becoming anti- geoengineering, we confront the people who want to use the term  geoengineering to fight back the effect of chemtrails. Chemtrails cause droughts and flooding. As long as chemtrails are dominating our atmosphere, people will try to reduce the effect of chemtrails by doing something about  it, some of  these  efforts just  happen to be named geoengineering. I have seen people condemned country who try to combat chemtrails by doing geoengineering. They are chasing the wrong target. Their effort would not help reduce chemtrails. Their effort make bad impression of chemtrails operation. They should help people surviving chemtrails, but what they did is reducing the chance to survive the threat created by chemtrails. Cloud seeding may be not to effective against chemtrails, but they use it to save live. And cloud seeding really do save live. Although chemtrails will usually make cloud seeding ineffective. Sadly not many know the difference between clouds seeding and chemtrails.

5. Geoengineering can be an effort to deal with the effect of chemtrails. It is really wrong to call chemtrails as geoengineering. Because we will never see a third country performing chemtrails spraying to combat the effect of chemtrails, they will perform geoengineering (ie. cloud seeding) instead.

6. If you stop geoengineering operation in your local area, are you sure will see no chemtrails? I highly doubt that because in my local area even if there is no schedule for cloud seeding or other geoengineering operations, yet chemtrails are still visible and sometimes extremely intense. We have all experienced this.

7.To attempt the prohibition of geoengineering  programs does not stop the use of chemtrails. But I am sure that stopping chemtrails will stop geoengineering because people would have no reason to do geoengineering.This is a scam and a game!

8. How do you expect scientists to respond to you when you ask them about  geoengineering, I can tell you that  they  think you ask about cloud seeding and weather modification programs which are NOT to be confused with chemtrails.. Chemrails  are sprayed by unmarked jets (we think military) and a scientific geoengineer employee has no idea what you are asking about within the context of your question. What would  scientist say if you asked them about giant vapor clouds being sprayed by unmarked military jets?

This is a photo of a CHEMTRAIL


If you want to call chemtrails alternative words or references, then  there are  more suitable words than geoengineering. Wiki provides us with  a general idea of what the media wants people to think. Here is an excerpt:

“The chemtrail conspiracy theory posits that some trails left by aircraft are chemical or biological agents deliberately sprayed at high altitudes for purposes undisclosed to the general public in clandestine programs directed by various government officials.[1] This theory is not accepted by the scientific community, which states that they are just normal contrails, as there is no scientific evidence supporting the chemtrail theory.”

“Geoengineering is the deliberate and large-scale intervention in the Earth’s climatic system with the aim of reducing global warming.[1][2][3] The discipline divides broadly into two categories- carbon dioxide removal and solar radiation management. Carbon dioxide removal addresses a cause of climate change by removing one of the greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. Solar radiation management attempts to offset effects of greenhouse gases by causing the Earth to absorb less solar radiation. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concluded in 2007 that geoengineering options remained largely unproven.[4] Geoengineering has been proposed as a potential third option for tackling global warming, alongside mitigation and adaptation.[5]”


From  the wiki definition, it’s s clear that there is absolutely no relationship between chemtrails and geoengineering. Chemtrails is an experiment, secretive, with no time frame, and  no public data! It’s TOP SECRET clearance only, what does that say to you?

On the other hand ,geoengineering is being touted, reported and  programs like SRM are wide open to the public , regardless of there motive  that is supposedly to mitigate ” global warming”. It is mentioned in climate change documets, and on June 25th, 2013, Obama even brought the issue up again to the public


The CHEMTRAIL Agenda and it’s associated programs are  DENIED! They are called a conspiracy : similar to the absolute DENIAL of  UFO’s , ET’s, JFK assassination, 911 the inside job, nuclear missiles, bomb blasting of our oceans, and just recently, spying! (Thank God  for  whistle blowers  who are risking there lives to tell us  us the truth!)

Geoengineering  technologies are traceable, they are  public, and their programs are not being denied whatsoever in the global media.

Weather modification
“Weather modification is the act of intentionally manipulating or altering the weather. The most common form of weather modification is cloud seeding to increase rain or snow, usually for the purpose of increasing the local water supply.[1] Weather modification can also have the goal of preventing damaging weather, such as hail or hurricanes, from occurring; or of provoking damaging weather against an enemy or rival, as a tactic of military or economic warfare. Weather modification in warfare has been banned by the United Nations.”

“Genocide is “the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group”,[1] though what constitutes enough of a “part” to qualify as genocide has been subject to much debate by legal scholars.[2]”

Mass Murder
“Mass murder (in military contexts, sometimes interchangeable with “mass destruction”) is the act of murdering a large number of people, typically at the same time or over a relatively short period of time.[1]”

With so many choices in our vocabulary, it is becoming an absolute phenomenon as to why  most activists insist on using  a  mismatched word. Geoengineering is perhaps concocted  not only decieve, but  convince the public that “everything is okay, we’ve got this,we  are simply trying to heal the planet”.Wrong!  Wake up because this is a distraction to thousands of  activists.  Chemtrails is exactly what it sounds like “Chemical Trails”.   But now there is an attempt to replace the word chemtrails with word that have positive meaning and credibility, such as geoengineering. What used to be seen as something dreadfull, now has  been propagandized  and  manipulated to be spoken of and observed as a blessing. This is worse than wrong, it is called  public consent, and believe me , you have no idea of what you just approved because the big boys, the corps and the global government is good at conning the public.And thats is what this wordsmith game is all about.

If you believe that chemtrails are the same as geoengineering programs, then I hate to say it, but you have now just become part of the problem. Not your fault though, the government is good at what they do, and they have been propagandizing the public for a century, nothing new here.

Prove me wrong!


The Truth Denied

Staff writer 6-26-13


Free energy and health device researcher

View Comments

    • I teach people how to neutralize chemtrails. The results is what make me convince that chemtrails is not geoengineering.

  • Thank you for a very thought provoking article. Very worthwhile thoughts.

  • This article is a terrible dis-service to all. You drank the kool aid. Geo Engineering and Chemtrails are the same thing. There can be no distinction, because by separating them, you have effectively created 2 different issues. That my friend is exactly how these word games are played. You also insulted every reader by assuming if you say Geo Engineering, we are we look favorably upon that. RUBBISH!!!!! We know there is no positive spin that can be applied to this nightmare. So let's
    K eep
    I t
    S imple
    S ir
    Do not play the word game. Lump all their garbage together and continue to hammer home the despicable aspects of poisoning our skies. TURN THE WORD GAME AGAINST THE GEO PROPONENTS, by not acknowledging their BS definitions. And as for you sir, Do not get so caught up in the fight that you fall victim to the very games you are railing against. Your audience is a lot brighter than you give credit. nuff said. We cool?

    • By definition alone chemtrails clearly different from geoengineering. By property chemtrails clearly different from geoengineering. By secrecy chemtrails clearly different from geoengineering.

      You describe the exact problem of referring chemtrails as geoengineering. People and website are now using geoengineering bullshit definition for chemtrails. People are now being fooled. People are now think that chemtrails help fight global warming.

      You are the one who fall victim to the lie.

      Chemtrails is obviously the cause of global warming and climate change. Not later, but already did. Chemtrails is the direct cause of extreme weather. If you stop chemtrails, you will stop global warming, you will stop climate change, you will stop extreme weather.

      Sadly, many people now thing otherwise. People are now think that they will doom because they would still meet the end even when they stop chemtrails. What a great FEAR MONGER tactic.

  • Given that mainstream debunkers also say that chemtrails and geoengineering are not the same thing (chemtrails are a myth because there are no chemtrails, only contrails; geoengineering is something that is a subject for scientific proposals) do you really think that the approach you are taking to disentangling all the confusions that have been introduced into this discussion is really the clearest and best? Have you read this: Do you want to dialogue with it?
    W. Hall

    • Comment for
      Climate Change _ Geoengineering

      The correct action to stop the spraying is to force the government to BAN CONTRAILS.

      Trails do not produce cirrus that is more reflective than natural cirrus, they become a worse green house effect than CO2. The particle cause dimming, but also produce greenhouse effect. The BBC documentary only mention the day temperature, and do not mention anything about the NIGHT. The video is not opposed to each other, but the missing information make it appear so. That BBC video is DISINFORMATION video. Please read other TheTruthDenied article, which contain scientist information about how contrails and contrails cirrus influence the temperature, such as:

    • I never heard that. What I have seen is video telling people that government call chemtrails geoengineering.

      I will comment more after watching the video.

  • Given that mainstream debunkers devote so much energy to saying that geoengineering and chemtrails are not the same thing (the first is a proposal, the second a myth, because there are no chemtails, only contrails) do you think that the approach you are taking to disentangle all the confused threads in this labyrinth is really the best one to take? Have you read this: Do you want to dialogue with it?

  • There is no quote from Bill Gates mentioning the word "chemtrails" at the link you provided - is it the right link, or are you lying?

    • That link was suggested by trusted friend during article editing. I will ask where the word chemtrails mentioned.

      If you are correct, then I was wrong to not check the link myself. And my friend is obviously fall victim to disinformation.

      Thanks for the information. I will follow trough. The link will be removed for now.

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