American Moon: Mooon Landing Hoax

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“Do you hear voices in your head?” Facebook Poll Results


The Truth Denied conducted a poll of Facebook April 8-9, 2014.  The comments were astounding!
Survey says!
  • Poll was open for 15 hours. (All  public comments received after this window were not recorded.)
  • 152 Comments were made
  • Over 100 People Polled in the public forum
  • 18 people answered privately
  • Nearly 100% of those polled answered YES to the following question.

Question: Do you ever hear music playing when there is no radio or TV on, and it is not coming from your neighbors home? Like it is way out there in the back ground? Do you ever hear people talking as if from far away, but it is impossible because you are not near anyone that you could possibly hear talking, yet you hear a conversation going on that sounds far far away?

Please see our article on the top 10 reasons for the VOICES in your head here:

Jed Davis Roof Yes. Possible Electronic Harrassment
  • Jed Davis Roof How bout the sound of a diesel engine idling for hours on end?
  • Lady George Yes,,,,, sometimes music and sometimes convo but can’t make out the dialogue.. just hear the din……..usually when overtired……
  • Colleen Camara Hryhorec · 7 mutual friends
    No, not yet. But, I have heard people calling me at my home years ago and those people were nowhere near to have called me. My mom used to hear voices calling her too. Yet, that person was not at home and miles away. Weird that since I have moved, never heard them again.
  • Fred Pinard yep…seems little nano implant receivers be doing their job. This is what brought the Iraqi military to it’s knees in no time
  • Jed Davis Roof

    An explanation of what is possible with this BioAPI, connecting nano-technology, chemtrails and mind control.
  • Jurjana Hunter sounds like of form of synthetic telepathy
  • Jed Davis Roof Does my heart good to see so many people becoming aware of this stuff.
  • Carl Spanoghe You know what is wierd … when you have a song stuck in your head and then you turn the radio on and it is playing. Doesn’t happen to me much these days because I don’t listen to radio, but used to happen to me all the time as a teen. Like maybe my brain has FM capability.
  • Cindy Barry Yes! It happened this morning! Electronic music!
  • Mary Graves Yes….many times. Both music and voice. The one I remember most vividly was when I was going up the stairs to bed one night. All the lights were out except for the light in the stairs. It was classical and I just stood there trying to figure out where it was coming from.
  • Karyn Sonner · Friends with Ronny North and 38 others
    Only my daughter calling mom or my kitty’s …not usually music or a conversation …
  • Carl Spanoghe I have to say, though, that I have really weird taste in music, so when I do “almost hear” music these days it most definitely isn’t being transmitted by anyone. I think it is all in the brain.
  • Stuart Cardell · Friends with Anya Briggs and 7 others
    Of course I do…I’m a music composer.
  • Fred Pinard what it is, it altering cells or viruses to take on traits, or inserting other DNA to create whole new creations. Some though, are used to create transmitter/receivers. These organisms most likely have human dna inserted, so the host will absorb them…and the body will not try and destroy it. If you’ve seen some of Carnicom’s work, you know it it possible. THIS IS THE BEGINNING OF TRANSHUMANISM. CONTROL THROUGH BIOTECH AND NANO TECH.
  • Bobby Ledford · 52 mutual friends
    yes I do. and I hear people talking like they were ON A DINER. GLASSES BANGING …
  • Brandon Gray Yeah in my old house but I’ve not heard it since I moved. It always sounded like a radio was on low in another room or in the basement and I’d look in every room checking anything music could come from but could never figure it out. It would last like 5 minutes then stop.
  • Fred Pinard or should I say not distinguishable.
  • Chris Beechwood · Friends with Katie Gallanti
    Some say that mercury dental amalgams will do this.
  • Fred Pinard background sounds and music….…

    Reseña ” Un nuevo local se acaba de abrir en la ciudad, un bar donde la música n…See More
  • Linda Menzies Yes, I have heard that in the has not happened since for more than 7 years now..( I was get full on orchestra )
  • Fred Pinard a little angelic music sometimes too Linda?
  • Fred Pinard no, I am not being sarcastic. This is all very real.
  • Jed Davis Roof These two videos, made by Sofia Smallstorm, go quite a ways to explaining the nanotech angle:…

    SPREAD THE WORD! As the natural world dies around us, what will take its place? …See More
  • Lulu Clearwater People’s voices, no. Music, all the time.
  • Fred Pinard growing the new generation of circuitry in a lab…mass producing it, then letting the masses breath, drink and eat it in. Wasn’t until I learned that particular organisms could have their DNA changed to actually except living with other metals and even toxins within themselves. They themselves can even attract particular metals to produce mini computers…or in the bigger scheme, work in conjunction with others…all doing tasks to gradually change us.
  • Linzee Moonchild yes i hear music and talking .mosty music…and other odd noise.feel like its the parallel universe coming through
  • Fred Pinard or to create a “Tick” or annoyance that alters us.
  • Linzee Moonchild heard mine since 70’s in indiana as a kid
  • Jed Davis Roof Yeah Fred…that is the really freaky part. These nanobots are actually taking the heavy metal particulates and assembling things inside of us. I;ve seen videos that show the particulates people are expelling from their bodies which show company names and patent info.
  • Linzee Moonchild OR im remote viewing /hearing..i know i have a sixth sense already,empath,intuitive,clairaudient etc,premonitions etc
  • Fred Pinard it could be happening synthetically Linzee… many will not know what it is. 3 nights in a row I had dreams about dead loved ones. Coincidence? The possibility that dreams can be inserted is coming to light. But who and why would they do it? Are we just a walking talking experiment? Can they read our thoughts? All of the above can happen…if the right frequency is used in conjunction with this nano tech.
  • Roxy Lopez I am researching the subject, so I do appreciate the dialogue here. I would like it if I could use this thread for some statistics, I had no idea! Please continue!
  • Belinda Kilby What about excessive high pitched ringing often & at all different times even tho your ears haven’t been subjected to a very loud environment?
  • Fred Pinard there is no description for this tinnitus. a dozen 1960’s TV’s with the sound turned down…10,000 synthesized crickets chirping… electronic clicks that make muscles and eyes twitch. Did I mention the distant train continually squealing to a stop? Is this paranoia? or is it shit we’ve been exposed to? Seems the more I learn…the worse it gets.
  • Joe Piet Some call it the voice of God calling out to Soul.
  • Jed Davis Roof I agree that in the light of what we are learning recently…we need to reevalute everything we’ve been told and sold.
  • Lilly Lavander · Friends with Jay Valley and 2 others
    Yes I have experienced that. Why do you ask?
  • Fred Pinard Joe…this is someone playing god. AND THEY ARE ASSHOLES! Hate to think it’s some low level black op douche sitting at a few dozen computers that are connected to various transmitter/receivers.
  • Joe Piet Yeah! But the real crime is stuff you don’t hear.
  • Jed Davis Roof …and yet more and more we find evidence that it may have been precisely that! I know I am questioning many experiences I have had over the years.
  • Fred Pinard what’s really frightening, is what if they could tap the SOUL FREQUENCY? if they can pinpoint my pineal gland from a satellite…
  • Jed Davis Roof Fred…we are teetering on the precipice of absolute disaster this very moment. We can only guess what all they can do.
  • Jed Davis Roof I have been wondering if they are creating a shell within us to completely block us from the frequencies of the universe.
  • Fred Pinard Oh yeah…I have a story. it’s about being contacted. Hopefully I can share it with you folks and Roxy sometime on her show. First time on her show, I had NO composure.
  • Fred Pinard More like a shroud of frequency to block the healthy.
  • Joe Piet Jed That is a good question for Tommy Hawksblood. ANy way there are ways to get around this. Eat healthgy food. Open up your third eye with good nature living.
  • Jed Davis Roof Yeah. The day may come when the Morgellons sufferers may turn out to have been the lucky ones because their bodies rejected the stuff.
  • Fred Pinard eat healthy, love with all your heart and be aware that there are a-holes creating an environment and inhabitants that are conducive to their agenda.
  • Jed Davis Roof I agree that LOVE (Compassion) is key. Intent is essential. Would help if the entire global electronic grid went down…lol. But, I certainly don’t think attempting to counter this in the physical realm with counter measures will do any good.
  • Od King I have constant ringing in my ears since 1971.
  • Catherine Merrill Yes yes yes yes. Music in the dell , choirs singing, cats jumping on the bed, a hand on the shoulder, messages of secret knowledge, big dreams, fly-bys from the recently dead. Almost always I am in that relaxed state before or after sleep or at least horizontal. And no, I am not crazy.
  • Jed Davis Roof Don’t get me started on Ghost Cats on the bed.
  • Catherine Merrill And never frightening, but fascinating.
  • Kristine Buchquhannane Never tell this to a doctor or officer. Be careful who you share this with.
  • Beyond Crow Like she said “Smile”
  • Natasha Hampton Yep, music, always at night when I’m going to sleep, it’s happened a few times over the years.
  • Mary Roberts Wow Roxy, coincidence, just heard that faint talk/music this morning when I was lying in bed. Very strange indeed as I have heard this kind of thing for several years. Take care Roxy! Mary Roberts
  • Fred Pinard just realized…some many of the clicks I hear are simply moving the cursor or other actions…the action conducts in my hearing nerve. But why? Was scrolling on Google earth looking at childhood stopping grounds and while panning around near a bridge we used to fish by, these clicks were occurring…only not audibly from the computer.
  • Shannon Shannonigans Sometimes, if I’ve smoked a lot of pot.
  • Rich Fitch yeah, (well I can’t say I’ve heard any unfamiliar music, just the jukebox in my head), throughout my life I’ve occasionally heard conversation almost like it’s in another room, just muffled enough to not make any sense of it. It’s been a long time since it’s happened.
  • Dwight W. Hayes Yes but I figured out it is because of cross-talk in my computer speakers. Lol!
  • Catherine Merrill Some people just get these experiences. I will never be able to run a marathon but l can love God and others, be a mother, do art, do well in school, and see and hear things from the true field of consciousness. Science is proving inherited memories and many psychic experiences. It’s just matter of time til we accept the full range of what life is.
  • Sheryl Pyers I do and I know weird stuff like when a woman and her daughter were missing and the husband was appealing on t.v for her to come home, I knew he had killed her and even where the body was found which was a random quarry. I have dreams that come to pass also.
  • Sheryl Pyers Oh and strange things like for about 3 weeks before Anna Nicole Smith died I kept thinking of her name and feeling that I should pray for her.
  • Michael Daly All the Time Roxy.
  • Annie Edwards Yes. A type of ethereal classical music plays when I shower 50% of the time. Started in fall 2008.
  • Jed Davis Roof I unerstand that when water flows through shower heads it will somehow cause the chlorine that the water is treated with to create chlorine gas which can cause hallucinations.
  • Kirsty Hall · Friends with Ashiya Austin and 16 others
    I hear beautiful music and sometimes ,what sounds like a man reading off a long data list-whilst I shower :)Sounds ridiculous but its true..Chlorine MAY be an aspect but understand that not everybody lives in the same country nor has the exact ratio of chlorine in their public water systems that could create hallucinations.I once spoke to a telecommunications expert who suggested such oddities could also be linked to radio frequencies that are randomly bouncing off/transversing areas.
  • Jacquerie Sun Yes, and yes
  • Jed Davis Roof Kristy I didn’t mean to try to dismiss the things you hear as hallucinations. You were the second person to mention hearing things in the shower. I have also. When I learned of the chlorine gas thing it caused me to consider that as a possibility but I certainly don’t discount any and every other possibility.
  • Kristine Buchquhannane Jed, it occurs to me.. And it’s just a thought.. That many of us have been persuaded to use the low flow shower heads.. Could that potentially create more gas?
  • Jed Davis Roof LOL Now you hit on something. I HATE low flow anything! Just about to get rid of the last low flow toilet we got conned into and can’t even use the stupid low flow dishwasher because it doesn’t clean properly. Considering your question it immediately occurs to me that it would seem quite likely that the method used to restrain or compress the water flow would, indeed, be likely to cause a greater gas release. I think that’s something we should research. Great thinking Kristine!
  • Kristine Buchquhannane *artificial water shortage* LoL
  • Kristine Buchquhannane the earth is 70% water hmm..
  • Jed Davis Roof Just between you and me…every time they appeal to us to conserve water…I make a special point of squandering it. I have even been known to turn on my hose and drop it on the driveway just to let their precious Fluoride Prozac Potion flow into the gutter for a while. What can I say…I’m not a fan of bullshit!
  • Kristine Buchquhannane just between you and me… LOL! ;))
  • Brad Miller all the time while im in bed with no radio or tv on around 3 in the morning
  • Brad Miller herd it since I was a kid
  • Karen Lyster Yes, all the time and I’m not the only one that hears it. But the BEST one is when my partner was in the lounge and I’d gone to bed early, then all of a sudden an orchestra started to play – he couldn’t work out where the hell it was coming from, he went outside but no the noise was “inside”.. he finally made it to the bedroom and “yes it was coming from inside my room”… so he opened the door and the music stopped as I woke up. He said “what were you just dreaming of”.. I answered “weirdest thing.. I was conducting an orchestra”… TRUE STORY and I have 1000’s more like it LOL.
  • Brad Miller why? you know something?
  • Brad Miller ive herd the same thing
  • Brad Miller sounds like mozart
  • Brad Miller maybe this is like a matrix? never know.
  • Brad Miller we pay to go under and into a system for an experience only we cant remember while we are under and people are talking listening to music while we are under? just a thought. this world is screwed up something is going on
  • Kristine Buchquhannane again, don’t tell a doctor or officer! you will find out how much deeper into the rabbit hole you’ll be.. dragged..
  • Brad Miller was just a thought. or hope. this place sucks
  • Andrea Smida Yes …Many years ago it started like that for me and then it got close up like just behind my shoulder and it was whispering that I could not understand……I later learned that it is Clare-Audience. the last very very loud and profound message I received was when Amy Whinehouse passed away LOL (yes, I know, very strange) . It was Friday 11am. I was heading to my car to go to the post office and thinking about what I had to do in town. …. It was sooo loud it stopped me in my tracks. They said…. ” Amy Whinehouse will die very soon and it will be all over the news” A feeling of complete sadness came over me for that whole day  My hubby called me 7am on the Sunday morning saying that Amy had died. When I think back about that, I thought well Duh! of course it’s gunna be all over the News but none the less, I received that message 2 days before.
  • Kristine Buchquhannane there is a spiritual component sometimes. yes. but that’s a whole other deeeeeep subject.
  • Kristine Buchquhannane that’s not 100% of it though
  • Andrea Smida Sorry But I’m just sharing my experiences. You of course can assume mind control issues too and I’m not saying they don’t exist because I know it happens….So far I know that It just doesn’t happen to me. My experiences have been learning on my spiritual journey.
  • Kristine Buchquhannane i’ve been there Andrea. i know exactly what you’re talking about. that stuff is very real.
  • Kristine Buchquhannane i’m just not there now. long story. but what an eye opening experience. i sure got an education!
  • Andrea Smida Well I have been doing readings for many years now and learned how to use it properly
  • Kristine Buchquhannane yes i see. as i was seeking, i got a photograph of a spirit in the Queen Mary. well known for being “haunted”
  • Kristine Buchquhannane i had psyhic type experiences as well. there are definitely “beings”
  • Marion Combe · Friends with James Burnett and 4 others
    I was searching up Lucille Ball & her radio/dental filling experience I still haven’t found it (yes I do actually believe this urban myth!!) but I found this one
  • Indrid Cold yes & yes …
  • Mazz Novax This could be what’s happening, or your hearing your guardain angel. It could be true, but we won’t find out unless the veils from this world to their world lifts
    Part of the UFO article . Stuart Wilde
    A solid alien attack will never happen, but the non-solid threat is very real. The UFOs can talk to a human mind without a person deciphering whether or not the thoughts are his or her own. They seek control and domination. They are linked very closely to pedophilia and the controlling elite. In fact, I’d say the whole of the global elite has been abducted by the UFOs without anyone knowing it, which is why they are so ego-centric, cold and cruel.
  • Lenny Gazbowski quite often sweet perfume is frequently smelled as is a pipe tobacco my Dad used to smoke! also have footsteps follow me when no one is there! I love the wacky and weird so I’m more than happy!
  • John Paterson · Friends with Bryan Ferrick and 13 others

    The forces that are creating the chaos and deception in the world are trying to bring the world to its knees and they are getting desperate.

    They are using every weapon on their arsenal, currency wars, psyops and propaganda at very turn, debt, surveillance state, big Pharma, poisoning of the food, air and water supplies and assassination of those who know too much.

    The problem with the power pyramid running the world is that each leak acts out of self interest and therefore they will never share all their secrets and as the top level dies chaos is sure to follow.

    The lower levels are less intelligent but much more psychopathic and vulnerable which equates to desperate in my opinion.

    Out of chaos comes order? I wonder what the next phase has in store for humanity?

    Terrence Thomas Prendergast (born 19 February 1944) is a Canadian Archbishop and Chancellor of Saint Mary?s University, Halifax.
  • Julie Davis I have experienced it. The answer used in the past, was that the fillings in your teeth pick up radio transmissions. I since learn how detrimental the metal fillings are, but I believe that this is not valid for explaining the sounds when no one’s around.
  • Jamie Bejune lots of ringing in the ears.
  • Mark Downie · Friends with Brad Olsen and 8 others
    I’ve experienced that (amongst other things) since I was a child. Most of the time it’s heard from one ear but there are times I hear it from both. It’s very much like hearing a song playing on a radio yet you can’t make out the words because it’s turned down really low (or playing away in the distance) when I focus on it, it gets louder and louder but not clearer. Sometimes it changes from music to whispering, like in the film ‘knowing’. I’ve read about your dental fillings and how they can pick up the radio amongst other things but since everything is frequency, I leave nothing out.
  • Ray Arroyo Yes that’s happen in my home and my wife can attest to that especially the voices…
  • Charlie Brown Yes & yes
  • Corey Leblanc I see I am not alone, late at night when i am in bed is when i here it..
  • Johnathan Lackey yes , I noticed several things , last yr , our bug light snap crackle pop sounds , can be heard in the center of town , I notice sounds being more prevalent in many ways . if our dod is using emf weapons or devices , many electronic sounds will be effected , if these devices are tunes to human frequencies , I believe this effect would be the case .
  • Helen Perala I have heard faint voices and music before, yes, but not very often. I always assume my ‘spiritual dial’ is momentarily tuning in to a similar frequency to my own and then it goes away. I don’t ponder it too much but I always assume it’s definitely ‘as it should be’…..! Possibly I am becoming an Angel are the words flitting through my mind at such times…..!…depends on the voices you are hearing I guess.
  • Tashi Smith Holy blank yes yes had hoped it was a trick of sound with plumbing but yes yes
  • Tru Leigh · Friends with Sean David Morton and 7 others
    I was hearing voices and sounds in my head, but they seem to have gone away, I think because it was freaking me out and asked it to stop. Now I kind of miss it. I’m chalking it up to ascension symptoms, along with recurring vertigo and daily ringing in my ears. It’s unlikely you are “loosing your mind,” Roxy. The veil is thinning and it will be happening to all of us soon enough.
  • Andrew J. Kostka I hear the music from the alarm clock sometimes 20 minutes before it will go off.
  • Hopeful Hooves My wife hears tones. like the sound of a phone being dialed. I don’t hear anything but she has been saying this off and on for at least 10 years. As I play guitar and bass I don’t hear anything but tinnitus occasionally if I forget to wear ear protection.
  • Paul Roberts If you are referring to audible sounds of music or voices then no.
  • Becky Hudson yes, have for over 20 years..
  • Sherry Dawn Stephenson Rhéaume All my life Roxy. As a child, I used to think that I was picking up talk radio in my head at night when it was quiet. The music I always thought was just a song stuck so hard in my head that I physically heard the echo from an earlier time. I am one of the, ten percent, of the population who have too much electricity in my body. I shut off cell phones, electric testers say everything has current when I use them, and the old wind-up watches stop when I wear them. My body interferes with TV reception and internet and computers sometimes. I used to think that, and the fillings in my mouth were what was picking up the distant radio sounds. I used to also think it is why I am always haunted and see so many UFOs, but I’m not sure of anything, it’s all just speculation. I’d love to know if there are the same things going on with the rest of the ten percenters who have too much electricity in their body, and what causes us to have to much electricity? In the last few years, I also have very loud ringing that changes pitch and volume and changes ears.
  • Gamacookie Bacchilega Yes, daily. some day, much more than others. I have learned to not ask in many situations. There are those who are sure I going “batty” LOL
  • Tammy Racicot i could predict the next radio song as a child. before they changed vhf and such, im 45 now. i could pick up all kinds of things. now i hear and feel hums and throbs. intense pressure in my head. and of course the electric shocks when i touch anything. we are walking frequency towers it seems.
  • Corey Leblanc SO Roxy, are we all nuts or is there something to this, we have herd different sounds T.V or Talking in my case…I have even herd my name calld afew times like they were right next to me over the last 15 yrs.
  • Gamacookie Bacchilega Here is what I hear. The veils are getting thin between us. The time spent in 3D and spiritual realms harder to differentiate between. Do not get distracted or “caught ” up in them to much. It would be like being caught in the trap of being in Bliss continually. Also., for me. when I get that high pitched ringing in my ear I follow it to its source and it is generally a message or another download of information that I will use later on. love and hugs
  • Mary Brat Yes I do.
  • Deva Priya Would THIS have something to do with it?…/brain-neuroscience-visual-information-709/

    Scientists have revealed the human brain has a 15-second lag that helps stabiliz…See More
  • Li Liu A familiar and relevant song just came up without me thinking it, upon awakening in the morning, or during driving, or just came during the day. I think they are messages from higher self.
  • Fallyn Walker it seems ive always had my inner voice. the voice that propels my lyrics but i can decifer that from the environments influence of songs that i recently heard being regurgitate from my thought process . ive always aimed to boycott most media that i find disruptive to my core beliefs, ie radio tv sometimes school books mag.. etc
  • Sherry Dawn Stephenson Rhéaume @ Tammy Racicot I am 56 years old, and have also heard all this all my life, and even more as a child, I don’t remember seeing chem-trails back then, so I don’t think the metal particulates and harp are responsible for my strange auditory murmurings and music. I also have head pressure recently along with other health issues, (happens when you get old). While the auditory things have changed, the visual things have ramped up for me in the last 8 years. I think it may be where I live, and will soon find out because I will be moving this summer. When I go to places where there are a lot of power lines, I feel very uncomfortable. I can’t describe it really, except that it is almost sickening and oppressive, and I can’t relax, and I want to get away. I live in a very small village and thankfully I am moving even further into country less populated. @ Kristine Buchquhannane, yes, it is probably not a good idea to tell doctors and cops you hear voices. Most of us here have found our tribe, at least on line anyway, but there is still half the world out there who do not here or see. They are programed hard to not wake up yet, but soon they will.
  • Robin Johnson Yes on the music and talking…hhhmmmmm
  • Dharmvir Sroy · Friends with Jennifer Austin
    Yes…all my life.
  • Fred Pinard The best test folks….put in ear plugs late at night. Turn off all electronics including cell phones and computers. Best thing to do is unplug them as well. Lie very still…make sure your ears aren’t touching the pillows. Relax. With the ear plugs in…make sure they are inserted so no ambient sounds can enter. This is where I hear the distant sound of music. Sometimes pop and sometimes classical. It’s just faint enough to tell it’s music, but I cannot make out the melody nor lyrics. Almost sounds foreign. In my case I have to sift through the other clicks, squeals, whirring and screeches. All almost seem to be in different parts of my ears…and HEAD. All at entirely different frequencies. And the music doesn’t seem to be coming from any particular location. It’s as if it’s all around.
  • Izora Woods I do not experience music or voices – but a ringing or the hummm…hummm…
  • Izora Woods Fred I will try that!!
  • Fred Pinard Like I told Roxy, I thought it was the way my breaths go in and out. You know, the funny squeaks as it goes through the nose. It took awhile, but it definitely is there.
  • Fred Pinard she needs to make this a topic of a show.
  • Daniele Quaranta all the time since 10 years ago
  • Frankan Bennici Noise machines help a little..especially the sea sounds
Laura Croft

View Comments

  • WOW , i am experiencing a frequency at the back of my head behind my ears that seems to alter things as in brain over loading n shutting down, pain in other areas and more effects from this frequency. i hear a voice in one ear or the other and can even tell if its female or male and sometimes hear exactly what is said. %10-15 its in my benefit but most of the time its to mess with my head and causes alot of negitivity and sorta down fall. i even seem to think and it comes back with a reaction with in 1-2 sec. i seem to have something that sends and recives but mine has gone a little more public b4 i even knew it was there. i feel like tv speakers or like a intercom system seems to pick up what is going on with me. There is more reactions that are happening to me then i could ever explain. im trying to find a person or two to talk to and discuss what is going on in my life. it does however seem to get more notice able the more i talk. I know its gotta be implants but i was never told of any such things being implanted. Im asking anyone with this type of issues to please respond to this. Its driving me nuts and i need to know more, Any ideas or thoughts would be AWSOME!

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