American Moon: Mooon Landing Hoax



July 12, 2014 @ 11:50am. After almost 3 weeks of chemtrail free beautiful clear blue skies we were hammered with trails on the full moon date.

This is a ongoing documentation of Chemtrails and their connection to the cycles of the full moon. For the past 7 months I have documented this cycle. My observation have been located in the Antelope Valley, Ca but many people worldwide are also observing this cycle. I believe this pattern is another piece of evidence supporting Chemtrails and their numerous applications. I believe this needs further investigation and documentation by others worldwide to bring further awareness to the Chemtrail agenda. Chemtrailing the Full Moon is not a new discovery. A search of Youtube will reveal observations going back 5 years. If we are to fully expose the chemtrail agenda, we must report on every aspect of their operations.


Since January 2014 I have observed the following: 10 days to 3 weeks prior to the date of the Full Moon we have a break in chemtrail activity. On or about the full moon, chemtrailing begins during the day and all night long. If Chemtrails are for Solar Radiation Management SRM, why spray all through the night blocking the moon? Several days after the full moon date they discontinue spraying at night to obstruct the moon but usually continue to spray during the day. This pattern has been like clockwork since I first observed it back in January.


I can only speculate as to the reason for this pattern and cycle of chemtrailing surrounding the cycles of the full moon. There are numerous theories and I have learned that anything is possible in the world we live in today. Of course everything we report on is suppressed and debunked, even by those we thought were on the peoples side for exposing the truth.

Here are some of my thoughts for chemtrailing the moon and this obvious cycle of spraying.

Military / Government applications to obstruct our view of something in our atmosphere or something in space they do not want us to see, i.e planetary objects, UFO activity, inter-dimensional activity, fallen angel activity, demonic activity. Possibly blocking our view of the moon that could reveal activity on the moon, i.e., alien and human moon bases. Google alien bases on the moon. You may be shocked at the information.

Military applications that may have something to do with the moon’s gravitational properties during the full moon.

As I stated we can speculate forever. What we need to do is document, video and post to expand awareness. Currently we are a minority but with 7 billion of us on the planet we can make a difference. Please do your part in spreading awareness to the Chemtrail agenda.

There are numerous sinister agendas facing “we the people of this planet”. Each of us is called to spread the word on a subject or multiple subjects that God has put on our hearts. The only way things will change is if we join together, stay focused and stay committed to the truth. I firmly believe our most powerful weapon against the evil of this world is the Power of Prayer. There is only one true God…and He does listen…and He does answer prayer…I’m not talking man’s religion here…I’m talking God.

July 11, 2014 @ 8:50pm. After almost 3 weeks of chemtrail free skies the trails began early evening of the 11th. Chemtrails all night in an attempt to block the Full Moon. Solar radiation management? I don’t think so.

Here is a interesting video from NASA on “A Summer Of Super Moon’s begins July 12.


Youtube search shows over 70,000 videos related to chemtrails and the full moon.

What Is In Our Skies / IndustrialSurrealism YT Channel

Chemtrails and the Full Moon / Godlike Productions.

About the Author:

Jim Kerr is a retired police officer with an extensive background in criminal investigations. He works part time in private security along with conducting high profile criminal investigations and surveillance for a private investigation firm. In 2011, Jim took and interest in Chemtrails and began filming and documenting the skies over the Antelope Valley California in hopes of spreading awareness to this agenda. Within a short time Jim began capturing strange anomalies in the sky that appeared to have a connection to Chemtrails. Anomalies consisted of obvious man made cloud experiments connected to HAARP type technology for weather control, sightings of UFO’s, signatures of cloaked craft that appear to be using anti gravity technology and seem to interact with Chemtrails. Visible disk shaped objects and orbs that have a strange attraction to Chemtrail spray and more. Jim connects with other researchers across the U.S. sharing information in search of spreading the truth.

Contact Information:

Jim can be contacted via email at

Jim Kerr

Jim Kerr is a retired police officer with an extensive background in criminal investigations. Jim is no stranger to UFO sightings, having seen his first illuminated disk over the Santa Monica Bay at 2:00 am in 1973 and others since. Jim is a UFO researcher/investigator and advisor for The Truth Denied sharing his findings with many researchers worldwide.

View Comments

  • It's January 18th 2019 4:37 am. Holy krap I just walked outside and just raining heavy heavy chemtrails all around the weird looking huge orange moon the Moon is so indignant that he could see an atmosphere on it or an illumination I have never seen the moon so big in my life of this I have this year it looks like we're getting closer to it or it to us Venus has been huge the last year they are spraying right now like they are erect trying to get it done before morning but the moon shines right through it I feel like you're trying to hide something does anybody else feel like the moon and the stars are bigger and closer than when you were younger

    • Hi Judi,
      Thank you for your comment. As an amateur astronomer, I have been looking at the sky for many years. I see the date and time of your observations but if you provide me what city you live I can research the weather and astronomical data using your location date and time. After researching the data I will post a more detailed response.

    • Hello Judi,
      Thanks for writing in to
      We have studied the moon quite a bit,and you are not the first report like this, so you are not alone in your observations. Some observers have reported that they feel that the chemtrails are indeed trying to cover up the full moon. We have a researcher by the name of Jim Kerr who can answer to this , as he studies the moon daily.We will reach out to him and get the answers for you. If you can provide us with your email, we will forward to Jim right away.


      Is this similar to the image you saw?

  • Well, I agree with the text that the full moon does get cycled-chemtrail-treatment but the speculation is laughable. Gravitation? Planet? The heliocentric model works mathemagically but it is only a theory as is everything in life. The only proof they need to provide us that we live on a spinning ball is simply turn a smart-phone camera around and take a video shoot of us all sitting here on a spinning ball. No more CGI graphic artworks provided by NASA. What ever they are doing it bugs the hell out of me that we can't enjoy our skies as they were meant to be.

  • Btw, the quorum sensing that is in your body via chemtrails is feeding the hive mind AI super quantum computers, so turn off your wifi and detox from the sludge that is in you. It's not too hard to get rid of the fibers.
    Trouble is they are continuously soaking is with it!
    God speed people.

  • The full moon chemtrails connection is because of birth cycles in the population! It's not that hard to work out people. The smart dust is laced out during birth highs in the month!

  • The "It's condensation trails" BS goes right out the window now...where are the wave patterns appearing from , and most all commercials on TV show putrid gray sky or streaks. ass.

  • Can't say prior to last night that I ever thought twice about chentrails. Last night during a picture perfect sky over maryland I was shocked to see so many lines in the sky. This caused me to do a simple Google search. I was suprised to see what came up in the results. Can't say I can speculate without facts but within a few hours the moon was covered with man made clouds. So much so that the moon had become impossible to see. Today the white blanket of clouds covers the sky. Very very odd. If I can help document anything in my areas for your studies please let me know. I'd like to help understand facts as they begin to exist.

    • Hi Eric,
      Glad you are now aware what is taking place in our skies worldwide. Strange as it may sound most people do not pay attention to what is taking place directly over their heads on chemtrail deployment days. Many people when they do become aware take action by doing their research to become armed with facts and information. If this is something you wish to get involved in you need to do your research as all the information is available online. Start documenting the skies in your area, posting photos and video on Youtube and other social media. Once informed, explain chemtrails / geo engineering to your friends, family and strangers when the opportunity arises. There are many dyer issues facing our world today and I consider chemtrails to be at the top of that list. If we do not have clean air to breathe, uncontaminated food and water without being poisoned we will not be able fight against the other atrocities taking place.

      I have been documenting chemtrails and the connection to cycles of the full moon since January of 2014 and the pattern has not changed. We don't have all the answers but collectively continue to put the pieces of this puzzle together to inform the public.

      Thanks again,


    • What made you notice Eric? These trails have been around forover a decade now? Do you think your area had them and it is you who just noticed or do you think your area never had them? We would love to hear more from you!

  • Hi Mareline. That is a possibility. I would have to do more research into that theory. There have been many studies on the full moon connected to earthquakes. We know that HAARP is connected to chemtrails and HAARP could be connected to earthquakes so it is possible there is a connection. Thank you for your question and visiting The Truth Denied. If you find any information on this subject please contact us. Sincerely, Jim

  • just a thought but do you think their might be a connection between the chem trails and lunar tides and maybe thats why they spread them around the time of the full moon.

  • Hi izzysykopth. Thank you for your kind words. Thank you as well for all you do as well. We will get answers, it's just a matter of time and staying committed. Sincerely, Jim

  • You are doing a HUGE service to humanity Jim. I tip my hat again to your efforts.

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