American Moon: Mooon Landing Hoax




* This image  (above) is from a French documentary showing a VeriChip being surgically removed from the arm of a journalist. Source: News of the world – RFID

2017 Updates :  Popular Science put an article out called ‘Why Did I Implant A Chip In My Hand?’ that most of you may want to read. Please look at the size of the chip, and as you are looking over your own body, can you tell us how large or small your chip is, where ever it’s location may be on your body?


Please be sure to visit the comment section when you are finished reading the article for advice from other TI’s.

 RFID technology could lead to political repression as governments could use implants to track and target human rights activists, labor activists, civil dissidents, and political opponents; criminals and domestic abusers could use them to stalk and harass their victims; slaveholders could use them to prevent captives from escaping; and child abusers could use them to locate and abduct children. So what do we do about this?

Most of the TI’s that I have spoken have similar concerns when it comes to implant devices; the removal of an RFID implant is complicated  whether you are a pet or a human.  First you have to find a practitioner who can detect the chip.This is usually not so easy to do as some of the chips do not show up on X-rays, ultrasound machines, or scanners.Once you have successfully determined that you do have an implant ,you better hope the chip stays in one location,  90% of the time they tend to move around the body.  Secondly, you must find a surgeon who is willing to remove the chip, or find a technician who can erase the chip and stop it from transmitting data. The following is sure to help those of you who may have strong implications of chip implantation. This article is to aid you in your search for either chip detection and or chip removal. 

What is an RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) implant?

RFID is a technology for identifying unique medical equipment and supplies and other high value assets using radio waves. Typical RFID systems are made up of two major components: Readers and Tags. RFID tags are also referred to as a ‘chip’. RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification.

The RFID reader (also called a scanner), is set to a particular electromagnetic frequency, and an RFID tag, which consists of a microchip is connected to an antenna. The microchip contains information that is transmitted to the scanner when the chip is within its range. The chips are generally the size of a grain of rice, but more recent technology is smaller. Uses for the RFID Chip include tracking for pets, medical patient data and records, military recruits,credit & debit cards cards, US Dollar, consumer goods, and  even livestock. You name it, it’s got a chip.

The RFID labels draw their power from the reader. The reader transmits a low power radio signal through its antenna to the tag. The tag receives it through its own antenna to power the integrated circuit (micro-chip) that is built-into the label. The tag will briefly communicate with the reader for verification that the tag was “read” and data is exchanged. RFID systems were originally developed created as an alternative to barcodes, so they say. If you are not familiar with RFID technology yet, I would suggest that you begin to at least familiarizing yourself with it, mainly because the number of different devices that utilize these types of tags is growing exponentially. The main reason someone would want to block or destroy RFID chips would be to maintain privacy.

AMAZING PDF and DOCUMENTATION of LARSON’s CHIP : TI’s need to read this!

How did you get your implant if you never authorized it?

It is becoming more and more obvious that almost all of us have been implanted with chips in one way or another since we were born, but how? And exactly WHO is doing the implants?

Vaccinations, flu shots, dental work, surgeries, sleep abductions, in fact most medicine including dentistry has been loaded with implantable chips since the 1960s. They have had this technology for 40 years or more and are just now bringing it out to condition and introduce it to the public. Withholding technology is typical for the government and military for years before they release it to the public for whatever reason. Most of the time new technologies have been beneficial, but implantable chips are not one of them. If you wish to further your knowledge on current technology regarding frequency and reading distances of the RFID CHIP, we have provided a manual from DEFCON:

Removal of an RFID Implant: Now that you have one, how do you get rid of it?

“The implantable microchip can be removed from the body – but it’s not like removing a splinter. This image is from a French documentary showing a VeriChip being surgically removed from the arm of a journalist. Source: News of the world – RFID  CNN reporter Robyn Curnow confirms that chip removal is difficult. She was implanted with a VeriChip in a Spanish night club in 2004 and had the device removed later that year. She reports that the surgery was a challenge for the doctors involved, a far cry from “removing a splinter.” Here is her report: Once back home in London, I begin to feel uncomfortable and unsure about my microchip implant. The Baja Beach Club Web site assures that getting rid of the microchip is a simple and harmless procedure, something like removing a splinter. But the two doctors I consulted in London’s Harley Street disagreed. Getting the microchip removed became serious business.”

The following is from a reader who had an unbearable ringing in their ears and suspected they had an implant. This is an excerpt from part of their letter.

“That night, taking the advice on your website, 3/4″ Neodymium magnets were now placed on the top arch of the ear, one if front, and one behind. But the ear had been cut, and the force of the magnets became so painful, they were not able to sleep with them on more than 2 hours before having to remove them.”

Only days have gone by… but the sound has not returned. (Referring to the ringing and beeping noises.)”

Magnets can also  be found inside old hard drives. They will be encased in a silver (or gold) overlay because they are more brittle than other magnets. But you will not mistake them, because the moment you try to put them together you will pinch your fingers. They are very powerful magnets, derived from a rare earth mineral.

And they WILL render micro-chips useless.” Original source

RFID REMOVAL: The photos clearly show something foreign that is not organic mixed with the biological tissue


The photos contained in this document are of micro stimulator devices that were surgically recovered and analyzed by using microscopy and by materials characterization techniques. The recovered devices are an exact match for the devices that were developed by research scientists Joseph Schulman, Gerald Loeb and Philip Troyk under contract from the National Institutes of Health. There are about 4 contracts involved, but the initial contract was #N01-NS5-2325 and funded by the NIH/NINDS/NPP. More information regarding these contracts can be found at the NIH Neural Prosthesis Project website. The following list briefly outlines some of the evidence presented in this document  .AMAZING PDF and DOCUMENTATION of LARSON’s CHIP


Please check out this interview with James Walbert  who is  one of the Board of Directors for  the Stalking Victims Network. James Walbert is a victim of non-consensual RFID implantation. He has testified in in Washington D.C. in front of the Presidential Commission on Bioethical issues appointed by President Obahma.He is one of the few who obtained a “Protection Order” for James Walbert.

When  I  asked  James  Walbert   why   he  did  not   elect   to   have  his  implant  removed, he stated “Because I don’t think it’s time”.


How  to deactivate an RFID Chip/Implant

“I have found that rare earth magnets called Neodymium magnets will nullify chips. I bought some Neodymium magnets online from a retailer, the kind that can lift 10lbs of steel and run about .70 cents apiece and I used band aides to hold them in place. I put magnets on the back of each ear lobe, on the side of each arm where I have received shots, on both sides of my jaws where I had wisdom teeth removed, and under each heel where I had been purposely implanted by my mother’s doctor shortly after I was born. Also on my stomach where I had a cesarean. I am finding that most people are implanted by their navels as well. If you have had any type of surgery put a magnet near the scar for about 24 hours.”

Neodymium magnets

“For the electronic, physical, (implants), neodymium (rare earth mineral) magnets of anywhere from a quarter inch to a half inch in diameter work very well to completely disable them. Some people wear them in the headband of a baseball cap, preferably for at least 24 hours, but you can also tape them to the back of your ear and hide them under your hair! After implants are disabled, you won’t have so much fatigue, and the pitch or frequency in your ear stops happening. Use caution with these powerful magnets, though, as they can wipe out disks and computers. It’s best not to wear them while sitting at the computer, at least, not while wearing more than one or two of the little ones.”

The following are comments of those who have tags and implants and these are excerpts from their discussions. They don’t seem to be bothered by having the implant, they chose the injection. They often refer to it as  biohacking .

James says:

December 14, 2012 at 4:17 am

I have a 125kHz EM4102 tag in my left hand and have for almost two years.

I’ve been wondering if you think it’s worth it to remove my current tag and upgrade to a 13.56mHz S50. Is the read range about the same, worse, or greater? Really I love that you can use it with Android phones (even though I’m an iOS guy) and it seems slightly more future-proof for maybe another 5 years at least (total guess.) I’d have to replace two RFID readers however and re-inject myself which isn’t terrible- it just costs more. Any thoughts or alternatives? I get in my house and turn my lights on and off. (I’ve even thought about buying a bunch and putting them in my clothing!)”


Amal says:

December 14, 2012 at 10:47 am

Hi James,

You can have your 125kHz tag removed and replace it with an S50, but why not just put the S50 into the other hand? Of course range depends on a lot of factors like reader antenna shape and power output, but overall range is slightly less than the EM4102 if you’re talking about using a phone to read the tag. Here are a few videos you should check out;

As for future-proofing, with over 150+ million access control systems around the world that use the EM42xx family of tags – I don’t think the EM4102 is going out of style any time soon. That’s why I’d suggest just getting the S50 put into the other hand rather than replacing the EM4102… then you’d simply have more options!” End Discussion

“We believe that Biohacking is the Forefront of a new kind of evolution.” Founder of the website Dangerous Things.

Talk about the new frontier!







About the Author

Roxy Lopez of The Truth Denied

Lopez has been reaching out to the public most of her adult life regarding many subject matters that revolve around government secrecies such as GMO’s, UFO Sightings, Morgellons Disease ,and Chemtrails, just to name a few. Lopez states that “The TRUTH has been DENIED us all, and in this current age of technology we now afford the right to access it once and for all.”

The Truth Denied acquired worldwide attention when Lopez made a global stance against Geoengineering (aka Chemtrails), GMO’s, Fracking , environmental health hazards, Morgellons Disease, Gang stalking and illegal government surveillance programs that are increasingly on the up rise. Roxy opens the can of worms to the secrets that the Global Government is keeping from us all.



The Truth Denied

Owner of controversial website The Truth Denied and Chemtrails Kill. Journalist and video maker.

View Comments

  • The worst is I have strong pressure and ringing in my ear. I am very thankful that I found this website. God bless to all of us victims.

  • I am an IT but I wondered why no matter how many times I changed my password in skype, facebook and PC and loptop windows passwords, they still know it and plan and do a worst attack on it. I have check all keyloggers and everything in my IT skills but none of them are detected. I am jobless now and I am afraid to apply for they will do thesame thing and sabotage the people who are so close to me and mess and torture me. I fucken lose hope. I have problems on sleeping , always got stomach flu and diarrhea everytime they will activate it the RFID scanner. I have electrifying sensation from right arm to the neck and forehead and my throat and starting to lose my voice and semi cough. And ofcourse sudden increase of blood pressure. Thank you again to those who can help. I need a detector who very chip or free to locate these chips. I am fucken tired of it already.

    • Also there is no way to know if finfisher is installed on your device! If you look hard enough this program has been leaked by an anon hacker..... God bless all ti's and our enermies! Keep friends close and pray for our enermies bible says. Check out for privacy tips from Edward snoden

    • They use spyware called finfisher or similar, these parasites can infect your devices when you accept flash player updates, itunes updates... Ect, research "finfisher" also research "imsi catcher" or "stingray devices"!!!!! These devices by-pass need for warrent and used by all police In the "The 5 eyes", also criminals can bye these devices online if cashed up, android has imsi app to detect if your phone signal is going to a fake cell tower (imsi catcher) Or a real cell tower, do your own research as i not know if android app works. Im a ti for 2 years and hope my info helps someone. Jesus helps me so much so ask him to help you too.

  • Hi I am a Filipino and Ive suffering thesame symptoms as stated above. I need your help guys. They messing my life and followed where I go and sabotage everything. I want this to be removed. I am now here in Ajman, UAE because I want to die here with my Mom and brother if ever I can't survive. I lost my savings and everything because of them. This is my number here in UAE. +971528707140. I have successfully bought an rare earth magnets. It is almost got sabotage also. MRI Scan is very expensive. I want to give my life. I lose hope. I felt like I am a robot or pet. For 2 years I've never felt like a free human being. Help me. I dont know where to locate them.

  • I have been living with ringing in the ears (a frequency sound) since 2013 after a throat surgery. I've also had horrible sleep issues for many years way before that. I think I am a victim of rfdi and I want them located and removed. I have no idea where to get help with this. Especially if there are Dr.s out there putting them in the first place. Who do you trust? Some of the symptoms I've had are sleep apnea, (I'm not overweight either)night terrors, digestive issues, memory
    problems, pressure variances in my head, and on and on. Please help.

  • yes they work buy it and honestly you breathe in nano technology everyday the neodymium magnets are to be used everyday, whatever technology it is it gets disabled with the magnets, you no longer send out rf signals

    • I ordered the magnets and they didn't work. It seems people still can tell where I am at all times. And yesterday, someone in a car yelled at me "stop preaching to us" and I was driving and all kinds of people signal and wave and take pictures with their phones. WTF?! it has been going on for a long time. They know who I am but won't tell me where they see me or hear me.
      So, I got the tiny ones, so can you tell me exactly the size of the magnet you used? I paid about nine dollars for my tiny magnets, like the size of a quarter and a millimeter thick.
      You are so young, I am so sorry this happened to you. I know a man who they did this to, for many years, tortured him. Finally he moved. He too was Hispanic. It seems they target minorities, people who live alone ( I live alone, and I am isolated most of the time ) and have no relatives, people on welfare, people with a record of depression or that have been on antidepressants or in a mental hospital, and ex-military. But there is more. If you are smart, and have good logic and can observe patterns, then they will infiltrate your ISP and your digital media to keep track of you and manipulate the content as to produce confusion and paranoia. It is not that the whole world knows but only a few people who agree to persecute a particular target. It really gets Machiavellic. For example, I did a search of my name on Facebook, and it said that "55,000 people were talking about this" but then it said they could not find me. I am not sure if truly that many people know about me, or if it is manipulation to make me paranoid. But they do defame you, and turn the whole world against you, specially in your immediate community.

      • i know how you feel . i can only say JESUS CHRIST truly is the only WAY an HOPE..

      • I don't have any of those symptoms that most here described. No one is giving me thoughts, no one is manipulating my mind, none of that. I wonder how much of that is true and how much is paranoia inspired. I do know that the programs instill paranoia in people. Paranoia will make you see things. Yet, to confuse more people, the man I am talking about, did say that he heard voices but not the schizophrenic kind. He was literally tortured by these devices in Kansas where they experiment on people and animals. Soon after removing himself from the place where it was happening, it stopped. For me is the community, the harassment. They gossip and have prevented me from getting a job, all the other stuff of targeting, like the following, vandalizing of my van and car, destruction of my private property, infiltration of my living space. They get real mad if you confront them. I have and they replied with a smirk on their face. "what are you talking about", and you know that they lie. So what do you do?

        • Sorry, I had to put this in three different responses, it is kind of long, but necessary.
          First stay calm, the program is designed to produce paranoia. Know that you are not Paranoid, too many of us for that. People with Paranoia are not functional. Most people here go to school, and work and have families. Many people here can not write very good because they target the poor and uneducated and others with limited options. I mean no offense to anyone, just giving you information. Keep calm, and write down the license plates of all those who follow you and harass you, I did. They no longer do it. I did it because I figured that sooner or later I will have the money to hire an investigator, and having the license plates of the perpetrator and the time and date, and a description of what they did, would help investigate them. So I have a list. A lot of them. For example I wrote

          " white pick up truck, MO, plates #...... followed and flashed his lights even though it did not want to pass and it was noon time, in a 40 mile an hour rd. The woman gestured and put one finger over her lips as to indicate silence"

          Something like that, and keep it in a journal. For me this harassment began in 2012 in Santa Fe NM. Santa Fe so that you all know is where the Los Alamo Research Facility is.
          What we need is documentation in order and logic. You must show that you are not Paranoid, that is how they want you to appear. Also if you have the money to buy cameras to install in your cars in order to catch them (the gang-stalkers) in the act. Because I have seen them change their lights when they see a policeman. Also they don't harass you if you are sitting with friends, they don't want witnesses, so that your friends don't see anything strange and begin believing that you are indeed paranoid.
          Spy video sunglasses would help to record without them knowing. They don't want evidence. As soon as you begin to get evidence they stop. They have with me, but they do know who I am. and like I said sometimes they make themselves known, like the guy who yelled at me the other day.
          Keep calm. Where there is a Will, there is a Way. Logic and method is what you need. Prayers help but obviously not very much, because people here are suffering a lot. Organize, record evidence, make a journal, so that we can show the world what is happening.

  • "I have been illegally implanted and am in dire need of connections to have the exact location of the chip pinpointed and removed. Please help in any way you can. I just want my privacy, freedom and human rights back. I do not want these people in my life."


    • Have u ever been in hospital ? There staff are manipulating you for fun or hatred messing around with the scale /measure apparatus, they can do more than monitor you they can control how you physically react to what you see or hear in you dream the idiots that are monitoring me since last Friday deserve to be arrested for the mental torment & physical pain they have caused me , also lack of sleep they are causing me they have somehow found away to make your physical reaction at least 50 times stronger than it would be and their smart enough to know we cant prove it. What on earth have I ever done to them to make them want to treat me in this way . absolutely NOTHING!!
      they make it up as they go alone .
      I remember my dream ! Jch

    • Thank you for writing in. Indeed RFID chip implants are a serious threat to humanity.Who can we connect you with ? We would like to intervene in the process if we are able to Iola, and you should not have to live with these implants. There are many people on this thread who also have implants. Have you been tested, scanned, or seen proof of your implant yet? That would be our first suggestion. Feel Free to contact us anytime so that we may investigate a way to assist you.
      Many Blessings Iola,
      team email response
      team email

      • How to test and scan it?
        Xray mri and ctscan cant detect it

        • Contact: ICAACT is an Independent Non Profit Human Rights Organization. We work together with a number of NGOs, Civil Rights Movements and Human Rights groups.
          ICAACT provides RF (radio frequency) scanning – Free of charge. You can write to us by using the following forms. Please use the left form if you want to contact ICAACT representatives in Europe and the right one if you want to contact ICAACT representatives in the US.

          The three phases of the testing:

          1. Preliminary scan for (RF) radio frequency emission from the Human Body.

          2. Obtain medical imaging of the area that has shown emission of RF- frequencies. The aim is to locate possible foreign bodies, UBO’s (Unidentified Bright Objects). This is the responsability of the participant.

          3. Final scanning for RF emission is done in a controlled environment. This is a repeat of phase one in a certified shielded room, also referred to as a faraday cage, to rule out the possibility that the signal might come from an outside source.

          4. Surgery, under video monitoring to obtain, possible physical evidence admissible in domestic and international court. This is the responsability of the participant.

          In May of 2012, ICAACT.ORG has a standardization in all of our scanning sessions. All Scans include a written report if found to be positive & a video tape of the session. All surveys and information are provided by ICAACT.ORG.

          ICAACT was created to obtain evidence of serious Human Rights abuses for Victims of Electronic Terrorism worldwide.

          We use specific testing equipment, to ensure that the data that is collected worldwide is conformed and compatible in order for the results to be admissible in both national and international court systems on a later date.

          Along with the testing we do case studies, with data obtained through questionnaires.

          • How do I contact and what do they expect for us to do just live like this.We should protest,all victims that has been illegally implanted with this Radio Frequency Identification Device. I know for a fact that I have been illegally implanted with in the right side of my head.

          • Please help me get them out of my body they butchered my body they implanted tracking devices and pain devices and mind control devices their is 1 in my esophagus 1 in my bowel my groin 1 in my anius 1 in my nasaul passage very close to my inner drum 1 in my neck 1 in both of my shoulders 1 in my left knee these are from surgeries that i did not need falseifing crimes against me and then butchering me please call me Michael s. Young son of god 970.599.5374.homeowner LOVELAND COLORADO this started in 2011 and kept getting worse every time I complained they ATTACKED ME AND PERFORMED MORE EVIL TO MY BODY TAKING ADVANTAGE OF MY IGNORANCE BECAUSE THEY WERE THE MEDICAL SOCIETY AND THE POLICE WORKING TOGETHER, SIDE BY SIDE. I QM THE HEART OF THE LION REGULIS LITTLE KING MICHAEL. I HAVE TRIAL APRIL23 THROUGH 27 BEFORE GOD ALMIGHTY TO HOLD THIS NATION ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR EVIL THEIR GUILT WILL BE LIKE SODON AND AMORA AND LIKE MARS WHO DID LIKE WISE.

          • Hi I have written to icaact in the uk but no one got back to me

      • I need help laura, i have an RFID chip , is a night mare i cant sleep of pain,,
        no one ever help, no doctor, they all deny the chip exists...

        send me a feed back..

      • I'm a victim too.from2001. I'm being tortured for 15 years just now.can I post you my last week MRI pics by email??

      • hi without a doubt have being illegaly implanted with this , seems at the moment a local church is having all the fun about it , seems absurd that a church would do such a thing , anyways would like help , tho im in New Zealand ,cheers

      • hey please i Need advise how to Counter rfid chip i have implanted also something in my ear from some criminal structure that is harassing me electronically and is reading my mind - how to stop it working let me know

  • I was trying to vote down that mans suggestion that neodymium magnets don't work but it wont let me xD

    • I tink your supposed to put the north side of the magnet on your skin

    • Have you tried the magnets Ricardo? Let us know please.

  • Hey I just want to thank you for this website and your reply that said that the neodymium magnets were a possibility,you have helped me immensely by stating that, i was about ready to accept the fact I might just have to live with this torture and influence. So I will confirm that I used a rather large magnet to nullify the chips around my body, I may still have more im not sure but I am now ready to have a good nights sleep :). I now have more energy too. These chips were on my forehead area, left armpit, right arm where you usually get shots, in the middle of my chest, where I had a procedure done in my mouth. and in my anal area, yes im not joking, luckily i didn't have to shove anything up there all I had to do was put it close to my anal area, that's why you need a good size magnet that costs around 20 bucks. Thank you so much

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