American Moon: Mooon Landing Hoax


Roswell Slides Revealed in Mexico City: Mixed bag

“Please, do not be skeptical, give it a chance, as you will see,
it is much better than anything you have on TV sci-fi,
and also the worst that could happen
(no, not an alien invasion)
is to come out with a new perspective,
far from what they show you in the movies. “    –Jaime Maussan


Roswell Slides Unveiled

AZ 5-8-2015 TTD: The long awaited Roswell Slides were finally shown  to the public on May 5, 2015  in Mexico City. The event  included Dr. Edgar Mitchell  and Roswell investigators Tom Carey and Don Schmitt.  The 10,000 seat  National Auditorium reportedly filled  6,000 seats  for the unveiling. According to advertisements and news reports, the audience was presented  with ” stunning visual evidence of a humanoid creature that was found crashed near Roswell, NM in 1947“. The original photos  were found inside an attic in Arizona, in a box containing images of Bing Crosby, Clarke Gable and Dwight Eisenhower from before his term as president.The owners of the pictures are Bernerd and Hilda Ray, who are now deceased. But Bernerd was a geologist that worked in the Roswell area.

7. 21 percent of voters say the U.S. government for more than six decades has covered up a UFO crash in Roswell, N.M. A 1947 Newspaper helped launched the conspiracy theory, and Roswell has since profited on tourism based around the event.(Roswell Slides 2015) TTD

According to researchers, these new slides will provide us with undeniable evidence of alien life forms which were stored at Area-51 since 1947.We could only hope to close the Roswell gap right?

The owners of the pictures are Bernerd and Hilda Ray, who are now deceased. But Bernerd was a geologist that worked in the Roswell area.

Images allegedly taken between 1947 and 1949 on Kodachrome film look remarkably similar to photos of Egyptian mummies…”  ~ Daily Mail

Prior to the Cinco De Mayo event in Mexico City,  the  news  buzz was merely  speculation about what the pictures  may or may not  reveal. Questions as to why Mexico was the chosen venue ; other questions as to how the pictures were found in the first place seemed to be  a major concern. Currently, the photos  are owned by a production company, and the owner of that company, Adam Dew, is creating a documentary about the slides titled Kodachrome. He says the trailer to Kodachrome shows everything they know at  this point. However, as questions are answered, only more arise. Par for the course.

Mr. Dew was interviewed as one of the researchers when the May 5 event was announced. The trailer to his documentary was also revealed at that time. However, Dew’s role was not apparent, and the tie between he and the documentary were not (clear)  either.

Dew insists that he is not a hoaxer, nor are his friends, but where have we heard this before?

According  to Dew, his  background is in journalism and video production. He graduated from Northwestern University in 1998 with a degree in journalism. He then went on to cover high school sports. In about 2003/2004 he started his own video production company called Varsity Tape. They shoot recruitment videos for high school athletes. He says he also freelances for CBS Sports, Yahoo!, and USA Today. He also has corporate clients  for PR, video shooting and editing.

Apparantly  (Dew)  got involved with the Roswell  slides around 2008. They were discovered by his friend’s sister in 1998. She found a box of photographs while she was cleaning out a house to prepare it for an estate sale near Sedona, Arizona. Dew says she is a bit of a hoarder and just threw them in her garage. She finally looked at them in 2008.”

The slide collection seems to have been owned by a couple in Midland, Texas, Bernerd and Hilda Ray.

Above photo :
Thebes mummy found 1856, transferred to US Smithsonian in 1956? José Antonio Caravaca ( who has published over 100 research papers on ufology , cryptozoology , archeology and related disciplines) writes on his blog 3-25-15 “After several weeks of hard controversies surrounding the so-called “Roswell Slides” new information could shed light on the true nature of the alleged extraterrestrial portrayed in the images. For a start, the humanoid shown in one of the slides has many similarities with a child-sized mummy.” ~The Truth Denied

“We don’t know that they’re from Roswell,” said Jaramillo. “The only thing we know is they are from between 1947-1949. That’s the only thing we know about them that’s fact.”

This photo has been circulating world wide tabloids begging the question (of the public)” Do you believe the ‘Roswell slide’ depicts a genuine alien or is it a hoax”? Richard Dolan shared one of the ‘alien’ slides presented in Mexico City with the C2C audience on May 5, 2015


Here are what a few of the skeptics, researchers as well as  news organizations have been reporting regarding the ‘Roswell Slides’.  In some cases the reports are nothing short of disappointing. Some are even “outraged”, and a handful of  researchers like Richard Dolan are asking  “why”?  Many questions, little answers, and  the Mexico City event is looking more and more like  a money grabbing hoax by the presenters. The fact that no one did there due diligence  prior   to the showing is a bit suspicious. And what about the credible researchers who showed up to the event? Looking a bit Trojan Horse-ish from here. 

Nick Pope is a leading authority of UFO & Alien research.

Nick Pope is  recognized as a leading authority on UFOs, the unexplained and conspiracy theories. He does extensive media work, lectures all around the world and has acted as presenter, consultant or contributor on numerous TV and radio shows.
Pope told the Daily Record that:,

“It could be a model, or it could simply be a fake image, dressed up to look like a Forties slide.”In their story, Nick Pope, who formerly conducted UFO investigations for the UK Ministry of Defence, said he was “underwhelmed” by the picture and evidence presented yesterday.”



Norio Hayakawa : UFO Researcher for the past 40 years says ” Roswell slides were hoaxed!”

Researcher Norio Hayakawa 5-9-2015

“The “Roswell Slides” are images that a group of UFO promoters — including Anthony Bragalia, Jaime Maussan, Adam Drew, Donald Schmitt, Tom Carey and Richard Dolan — put forward at an event held on May 5, 2015, in Mexico City, as proof positive of an extraterrestrial crash at Roswell in 1947 and the recovery and cover-up by the US government of alien bodies.”


“Tom Carey, Don Schmitt, Anthony Bragalia, Richard Dolan, Adam Dew, Jaime Maussan were all informed about this  “problem” weeks before the big event. Jaime Maussan refused to listen – too much money to lose in case of the event getting cancelled. ”  A live stream viewer

“Sue them and have Your money back.”

Whitley Strieber

“The question that remains is whether or not the Slides promoters have been deliberately deceiving the public in order to profit financially, or whether they were simply incompetent. Perhaps it was a mixture of both. Either way, their credibility as investigators and researchers has been destroyed.” ~ Whitley Stieber


“The new ‘smoking gun alien picture’ is ‘blurred photo of child mummy’ “– Express UK


Roswell Slides unveiled: UFO fans left heartbroken by Area 51 ‘alien’ photo unveiling which was ‘an epic fail’ —  Mirror UK Co


“NEWLY released images claiming to be photographs of an alien which crash-landed near Roswell in 1947 were today dismissed as a hoax using child mummies, by some UFO experts.” –EXPRESS UK CO


“After the photographs were revealed, UFO spotters immediately took to Twitter to share screenshots of the snaps using the hashtag “#BeDisappointed”.- Mirror


Roswell expert David Rudiak was asked to analyze  the placard on the body :

“Because poor focus seemed to be the main problem, I tried various refocusing software, but couldn’t get what I thought were consistent results. … Tom Carey wanted me to have a look because of my work on the Ramey memo. But there is much less to work with here, such as unknown circumstances and font, quite unlike the Ramey memo. I’m not claiming to be a full-fledged image processing expert, and when examination of the placard in high resolution is hopefully undertaken after May 5 by multiple qualified people, maybe we will get a definitive answer as to what is shown.
… the placard is the key to resolving this thing (or somebody finding something like a child mummy that is an exact match to what is shown.)”


Most researchers tend to agree that indeed the slides are that of a child mummy, and not alien in nature at all.

“I remember paying most of my attention on the head and commenting to Tom that it looked much more human than I would have expected if it was an alien.”

I agree that it makes no sense that the Rays could casually photograph an alien corpse on display somewhere. Further, there is that woman in the dress standing in one of the pictures. From the low quality screen captures we’ve seen, the dress does NOT suggest a military nurse standing in the picture, but a civilian. I agree it looks more like a civilian setting, perhaps a museum, perhaps somewhere else.?”

According to Bad UFO’s website ” Not everyone was dismissive of the program. Michael Salla of, notorious even among UFOlogists for his willingness to accept wild claims, wrote that “The photos may finally be smoking gun evidence that an interplanetary spaceship crashed in July 1947 near Roswell, New Mexico, and U.S. military officials have orchestrated a high level national security cover-up ever since.”But the volume of negative, snarky comments on Twitter and elsewhere about the Roswell Slides greatly outnumbered the few from those who found it convincing. Considering the overall level of credulous belief among UFOlogists who nonetheless refuse to takes these slides seriously, and the fact that well-known UFOlogists and Roswell promoters like Kevin Randle and Stanton Friedman are among the naysayers, Jaime Maussan’s UFO Slides extravaganza must be judged an #EPICFAIL. Friedman was quite correct when he stated, “I could find no convincing information that there is any connection between the slides and Roswell.” Many sincere UFO proponents are bewailing the negative effect that this fiasco will have on the public’s perception of “serious” UFO research, comparing it to the much-hyped 1988 TV program UFO Cover-up Live, now remembered chiefly for its “revelation” that the aliens love strawberry ice cream. If there is any silver lining to the whole fiasco, it isMaussan’s admission that “I lost about $100 thousand in the event, even though we had six thousand people in the auditorium and a few thousand watching on the Internet.” Hopefully that should discourage copy-cat Roswell exploiters.”

TWITTER FEEDS suggested that most of the public comments were not too promising.
TWITTER@DanPHodges posted this photo, with the comment
“Dolan not doing his credibility any good by sharing a stage with known liars.”

Coast to Coast AM with George Noory discussed the Alien presentation of the Roswell Slides on May 5, 2015. Guests were:Richard Dolan, Don Schmitt,  and according to the C2C website

” Richard Dolan noted that the experts found the creature depicted in the slides to be anomalous, and though damaged or decomposed it was not mummified. Nor was it believed to be a mammal or human. There is a minor blur in the images, which suggests that the photos were taken quickly or surreptitiously, and one of the last surviving persons said to witness the Roswell creature, stated that the image in the slide looks remarkably like what he saw, Dolan recounted. The slides won’t be debunked easily, but neither are they definitive evidence without an actual body, Dolan continued.”

The presentation in Mexico City of a medical pathologist demonstrated why the body is not human– “Among the anomalies was a missing rotator socket in the shoulder, the incorrect number of ribs, and no breastbone, sternum, or pelvic bone“, Schmitt reported. There was evidence that the body had been ” preserved or frozen at one point, and that the photo may have been taken around six months after the being’s demise“, Schmitt added.

Richard Dolan is known around the world for his groundbreaking historical research in the UFO field. He is recognized as both historian and futurist. 2015

In addition to the C2C show, Author and Researcher Richard Dolan reached out to the public regarding his observations of  “Roswell Slides”  and posted his thoughts to his Facebook page on May 8, 2015 the following:

Since returning from Mexico City, I have been in communication with many people regarding the so-called Roswell slides. I attended the event in the first place because it seemed to have the potential to unveil important information. I had not seen the slides beforehand, but did have conversations with some of the principals who had. During those conversations, I was also told about the analyses performed on them. So I decided to go, and at no point was I ever asked to endorse the slides.

After arriving and seeing the slides, and especially hearing the analyses in more detail, I felt the overall picture presented was compelling. The analyses by Jose de Jesus Zalce Benitez, Richard Doble, and Dr. Luis Antonio de Alba Galindo argued that the body depicted was not a human being. Since I am not a physiologist, I never felt qualified to debate that point.My problem is this: when I simply look at the pictures, I see what many other people are seeing — an interesting museum piece. One that looks like other examples that are on the web. With the acknowledgment that looks can be deceiving, I still keep coming back to that.On top of this, there have been some very good critiques coming in. Recently, Nick Redfern posted a good analysis on the “Million Dollar Museum” in New Mexico, which he suggests may be where the slides were taken. Perhaps this is the answer, or perhaps it’s something else. But it is clear that the arguments promoting the slides as depicting an extraterrestrial have to overcome some serious objections.It’s frustrating that the analyses by the three scientists have not been published in text form on a website where others can read them and respond to them. I told the group in Mexico City that this needs to happen as soon as possible, and they agreed. But it has not yet happened.Although I previously stated the slides would not easily be debunked, it seems more relevant to me that they don’t need to be debunked so much as to be proven to be something anomalous. That is where the burden of proof lies.For all the hoopla that accompanied and followed the Mexico City event, and all the furor that followed it, I feel it was a worthy endeavor. I believe the people involved are honest.” ~ Rich Dolan
“Probably the most interesting current controversy in ufology concerns what have become known as the “Roswell Slides.” This involves two Kodachrome slides that were allegedly found in the home of a deceased couple. There is a long backstory to this, much of it written by Anthony Bragalia here, here, and here. Also by many others, including Nick Redfern and Kevin Randle. !      ~Richard Dolan

Summarizing the event on Facebook, Shepherd Johnson wrote,

“From what I’ve gathered on social media, Astronaut Mitchell was a no show, Hellyer took astronaut’s place, Dolan was there but didn’t speak, auditorium at 40% capacity, mostly CGI renderings of aliens, might have missed it but it looked like only one slide, glitches in the online streaming, people on twitter mostly mocking the event.” ~Shepherd Johnson of

Dolan seems to have his finger on the pulse by concluding :

“… for me, until the proper analyses are published, and until we have had time to read critiques of those analyses, and until there are strong replies to some of the critiques that are currently published, I cannot consider these slides as evidence of extraterrestrials.” ~ Richard Dolan 5-8-15

UPDATE: Question asked of Richard Dolan 5-9-15

The reader asks Richard Dolan the following question:

“Richard, I am glad that you are now distancing yourself from the slides affair.
I am following your excellent work since 2008, and always appreciated your being objective, analytical, detailed and smart.
And I still do..
However, I have a question:
why, before accepting to participate in the Mexico City presentation, you did not ask – as a pre-requisite – to have the high resolution scans of the slides, so you could examine and analyze them properly before deciding if participating or not?.
I have read Bryce Zabel’s account of what happened in the months before the presentation, and the reasons why he decided not to take part. I have to say that I agree with his point of view. The thing was smelling since its inception..
My suspicion is that Adam Dew, Jaime Maussan and the others have tried to use (and exploit) your reputation in the field to support and try to give credibility and “legitimacy” to this awkward “affair”.
(or should I call it comedy?)”
Mr. Dolan’s response was:
I went because I was never asked to endorse the slides, and was assured by two of the principal investigators that they were extremely compelling and had strong scientific analyses behind them. I went because I was curious and wanted to go. I trusted their judgment. I find that some people have wanted to turn this affair into Armageddon. No one is perfect, certainly not me.” 5-9-15 11:20 AM PST
Fair enough! If I were Rich Dolan, I would have gone to Mexico as well, isn’t that what researchers do? Dolan obviously felt compelled to check out the slides as part of an investigation. I am unclear as to why the public is attacking this man (Dolan)  who has devoted most of his adult  life to the subject of UFOlogy. Virtue and Merit, look it up!
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Bad UFO’s

Daily Mail UK

Truth Denied Owner and Contributing Reporter, Roxy Lopez





The Truth Denied

Owner of controversial website The Truth Denied and Chemtrails Kill. Journalist and video maker.

View Comments

  • ~ Whitley Stieber_ “The question that remains is whether or not the Slides promoters have been deliberately deceiving the public in order to profit financially, or whether they were simply incompetent. Perhaps it was a mixture of both. Either way, their credibility as investigators and researchers has been destroyed.”

  • This all now a confirmed hoax. The site Blue Blurry Lines - Lines

    Has published their findings of the text on the placard. Using deblurring software, the first line reads, "Mummified remains of two year old child"

    Dolan has shredded his once stellar reputation by hitching hisagon to these slides & Maausan.

    • Is it really a hoax or a misunderstood hypothesis?

  • According to Bad UFO’s website ” Not everyone was dismissive of the program. Michael Salla of, notorious even among UFOlogists for his willingness to accept wild claims, wrote that “The photos may finally be smoking gun evidence that an interplanetary spaceship crashed in July 1947 near Roswell, New Mexico, and U.S. military officials have orchestrated a high level national security cover-up ever since.”But the volume of negative, snarky comments on Twitter and elsewhere about the Roswell Slides greatly outnumbered the few from those who found it convincing.

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