American Moon: Mooon Landing Hoax


What happens when the controllers don’t get their way?



I would like to address an astute observation that was posted to our news page today by Lenny Revell regarding the current  presidential election. Lenny’s post is a plausible scenario, although he has not accounted for the slim margin of inaccuracy that can occur when the will of the American people trumps the ‘controllers’ will, no pun intended. That being said, I would like to exemplify how the will of the people can literally outnumber that of the  controllers.

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Firstly, let’s have a look at Lenny Revell’s statement:

All presidents are preselected in advance. That’s how the ruling Elite maintain their power. No matter who you pick, you pick one of their guys because they control both major parties. Voting is only allowed to continue because a population that still believes that they have freedom of choice is less likely to revolt. That’s why no matter who’s in office – Bush, Obama, Clinton, etc… The overseas war for the bankers to grab more territory continues, the spying on American citizens continues, the degradation of the value of the currency continues to plummet. Good jobs are outsourced to weaken the country to slowly collapse it, poison mandating (aka mandatory vaccines) are slowly trying to be pushed on us to screw up our nervous system and brains so we can’t fight back, chemtrails are deployed almost regularly because the sprays slowly weaken and compromise our immune systems to disease, whistleblowers of government corruption are punished, and the corrupt that abuse their power are rewarded, and nothing changes.”


Here are some of the discrepancies in Mr. Revell’s scenario:

  1. “No matter who you pick, you pick one of their guys because they control both major parties.” In most cases this would be true, except for the case of Donald J. Trump, a billionaire business man who obviously cannot be controlled. You will notice that the media constantly plays this card against Mr. Trump by portraying him as a racist, fascist, freaky bankrupted pig. This is ground zero for the attacks and media serves it to the public as ‘truth’. In general, it is socially unacceptable to support such a candidate such as Trump, yet he has the popular vote. Mr. Trump set the precedence in the first debate when standing on the stage with 16 other running candidates spoke into the microphone and said “What does politically correct mean? It’s ridiculous and I don’t consider myself to be politically correct and neither should the American people.” He was spot on! The invention of being a politically correct society is just one of many brainwashing techniques whose underlying message is “Sit down, shut up and do what you’re told!” It’s nothing new. As to the party that Trump currently represents (Republican), he did not do this by choice. If he were to run against Democratic Hillary Clinton, he needed to either chose the Republican Party, or independent party, or create a new party, and we all know what the odds are with that. Trump’s an educated businessman, and his best shot at presidency was the Republican Party. He also made it very clear to the American people that if he did not win the nomination, he would then chose to create a party of his own, but as you can see, he was indeed nominated. How did that happen?


“This is ground zero for the attacks and media serves it to the public as ‘truth’.” -TTD


  1. “Voting is only allowed to continue because a population that still believes that they have freedom of choice is less likely to revolt.” I agree that the illusion of choice for a candidate or party is prevalent, although history displays extraordinary examples that prove this theory can be altered. In other words, the cabal is not always in charge of the outcome.

An example of this  would be in the case of  John F Kennedy where a unique situation occurred; it was one of the closest elections in American history. JFK won the popular vote by a slim margin of approximately 112,000 votes when it was Richard Nixon who was the chosen for a number of reasons.  Richard Nixon who had served as VP under President Dwight D. Eisenhower, won more individual states than Kennedy, but it was Kennedy who prevailed by winning key states with many electoral votes. So if JFK was not the chosen president, how did he win? And of course we know what happened to him. JFK was in office 1,036 days when he was delivered a bullet to the head on 11-22-1963. His popular brother Senator “Bobby” Kennedy was assassinated on June 5, 1968. Richard Nixon went on to become the 37th president of the United States in 1969 however as always the  controllers eventually got there way.  On August 9, 1974 Nixon resigned in the face of almost certain impeachment and removal from office due to his involvement in the Watergate scandal.  When the controllers are done using you, they spit you out like garbage.


Hillary said that “It’s a good idea that Donald Trump is not the President”. Trump replied “Yes, because you would be in jail”. 


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  1. “….poison mandating (aka mandatory vaccines) are slowly trying to be pushed on us to screw up our nervous system and brains so we can’t fight back, chemtrails are deployed almost regularly because the sprays slowly weaken and compromise our immune systems to disease” Although I believe that this is partially correct, I disagree with the statement as a whole. The tool that the controllers find most effective is television, which includes the use of mainstream media news. They own it. The United States media is inarguably used for dispelling propaganda and brainwashing its own citizens with 24/7 broadcasting of repetitive statements via radio and television. They have added yet another layer to the brainwashing techniques with the use of social media platforms.


“In psychology, the study of brainwashing, often referred to as thought reform, falls into the sphere of “social influence.” Social influence happens every minute of every day. It’s the collection of ways in which people can change other people’s attitudes, beliefs and behaviors. For instance, the compliance method aims to produce a change in a person’s behavior and is not concerned with his attitudes or beliefs. It’s the “Just do it” approach. Persuasion, on the other hand, aims for a change in attitude, or “Do it because it’ll make you feel good/happy/healthy/successful.”

The education method (which is called the “propaganda method” when you don’t believe in what’s being taught) goes for the social-influence gold, trying to affect a change in the person’s beliefs, along the lines of “Do it because you know it’s the right thing to do.” Brainwashing is a severe form of social influence that combine­s all of these approaches to cause changes in someone’s way of thinking without that person’s consent and often against his will.”

If the controllers cannot choose or control a candidate, what do they do next?

The Kennedy’s were the voter’s choice and they were not slated to actually win, regardless of the party line they towed. The assassination of JFK was a major blow to the American people then and it still lingers now.

Juan Romero, the busboy who shook hands with Kennedy right before he was shot, later said, “It made me realize that no matter how much hope you have it can be taken away in a second.”

The race between Trump and Clinton afford us all a closer look at what possibly goes on behind the scenes, that’s if you are paying attention. We have to ask ourselves who is behind all of this. There are clear signs of the cabal losing momentum and they are scrambling for any dirt on Clinton’s opponent to hand over to the media. They have spent millions attempting to keep Clinton’s reputation clean by paying off the higher ranks in government to keep her out of prison. It’s hypocrisy at its best!  They aren’t doing a very good job at it are they? You can thank Julian Assange of WikiLeaks for that!  Don’t you find it odd that despite the massive accusations and crimes against Clinton, nothing sticks?   Trump’s dirt is not a tenth of the dirt we have on Hillary so what gives?  Have faith. If you want to vote for Trump, then do it. And when you do, shout it from the rooftops!


“No army can stop an idea whose time has come.” Victor Hugo




Roxy Lopez Author and owner of The Truth Denied

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The Truth Denied

Owner of controversial website The Truth Denied and Chemtrails Kill. Journalist and video maker.

View Comments

  • My idea is only pertaining to the goal of fixing a hopeless system. Until the ballot has the choice of 'none of the above', and enough votes of this choice renders the candidates invalid, we will continue on this path of destruction. Having a choice like this would help create a true democracy, if a 'democracy' with such grandiose leaders is even viable. I prefer the ideas that Karen Hudes is promoting. Localized government eliminating the need for a single entity to control the entire world.

  • I would like a discussion for this article please, and thanks to Lenny Revell for contributing such a great mind to TTD.

  • Concerning your comment on Trump:

    " Sure they can't control Donald, but they do control the process on who becomes president. Since they can't control him, it disqualifies him from winning by proxy. Nobody gets in without their say so. In all honesty, Hillary doesn't need our votes. She just needs an adequate amount of believable support until Nov so when she is given the crown it won't look suspicious."

    On JFK, JFK won because his family was in cahoots with the mob and the mob does business with the gov. Frank Sinatra also was in on it. JKF was supposed to follow the script as all presidents but he defected and got a conscience enough to want to end the Fed and the secret societies whom he publicly called out and put down. Once he stopped following the script, his funeral was planned.

    On what you said concerning tv:

    Tv is used by them but you have to understand that depopulation is one of their most highest priorities. You can't enslave 7 billion people, but you can murder a lot of them with a slow kill through the vaccines, the processed food, the pharmaceuticals, the wars, the man-made created weather warfare through HAARP, etc. Whomever is left is more easily manageable as slaves after they kill the majority off. Check out the Georgia Guidestones - "Keep humanity under 500,000"

    • Lenny Revell
      October 10, 2016 at 5:39 PM

      Concerning your comment on Trump:

      ” Sure they can’t control Donald, but they do control the process on who becomes president. Since they can’t control him, it disqualifies him from winning by proxy. Nobody gets in without their say so. In all honesty, Hillary doesn’t need our votes. She just needs an adequate amount of believable support until Nov so when she is given the crown it won’t look suspicious.”

      On JFK, JFK won because his family was in cahoots with the mob and the mob does business with the gov. Frank Sinatra also was in on it. JKF was supposed to follow the script as all presidents but he defected and got a conscience enough to want to end the Fed and the secret societies whom he publicly called out and put down. Once he stopped following the script, his funeral was planned.

      On what you said concerning tv:

      Tv is used by them but you have to understand that depopulation is one of their most highest priorities. You can’t enslave 7 billion people, but you can murder a lot of them with a slow kill through the vaccines, the processed food, the pharmaceuticals, the wars, the man-made created weather warfare through HAARP, etc. Whomever is left is more easily manageable as slaves after they kill the majority off. Check out the Georgia Guidestones – “Keep humanity under 500,000”

      Just Had to do it....truth is tough. Deal with it kiddos!

      TRUMP 71.38% (244,406 votes)
      CLINTON 28.62% (97,983 votes)
      Total Votes: 342,389

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