American Moon: Mooon Landing Hoax





The question is : “What we are looking at in our skies , are  they real clouds or are they manufactured by use of chemicals such as Barium, Strontium, & Aluminum in Nano sized particulates which are injected into the atmosphere on a daily basis globally.  We have not been able to answer this question. “


Beautiful authentic clouds – Arizona



“Solar geoengineering looks likely to overshadow nuclear energy and shale gas as the most controversial issue in climate politics” –  Climate Scientist and Geoengineer  David Keith @2015

Peter Kirby states that ”  Geoengineers and Weather Modification is the most provable part of the NEW MANHATTAN PROJECT.”


(ABOVE ^^^) The Supreme Court found that U.S. patent #645,576 “System of Transmission of Electrical Energy” proves he invented radio; not Marconi. He  pioneered radar. He invented wireless signal and power transmission. Yes, power can be transmitted wirelessly; we’ll have more about that later. ” Author Peter Kirby states that ” Weather Modification is the most prooveable part of the NEW MANHATTAN PROJECT.”




Check out a 2007 TedTalks lecture entitled “A Critical look at Geoengineering against Climate Change”. The lecturer was given by Environmental Scientist, David Keith. From the interactive transcript notes, anyone can easily assume that synthetic altering of the weather could explain the possibilities of chemtrails and artificial cloud formations.


“Environmental scientist David Keith proposes a cheap, effective, shocking means to address climate change: What if we injected a huge cloud of ash into the atmosphere to deflect sunlight and heat?”

In 2015, Debra K. Weisenstein and David Keith via Harvard University published several papers related to the climate and geoeningineering (aka Chemtrails).  The research article is entitled Solar geoengineering using solid aerosol in the stratosphere.

The Manuscript opens up by stating:

“Abstract 9 Solid aerosol particles have long been proposed as an alternative to sulfate aerosols for solar 10 geoengineering. Any solid aerosol introduced into the stratosphere would be subject to 11 coagulation with itself, producing fractal aggregates, and with the natural sulfate aerosol, 12 producing liquid-coated solids. Solid aerosols that are coated with sulfate and/or have formed 13 aggregates may have very different scattering properties and chemical behavior than do uncoated 14 non-aggregated monomers. We use a two-dimensional chemistry-transport-aerosol model to 15 capture the dynamics of interacting solid and liquid aerosols in the stratosphere. As an example, 16 we apply the model to the possible use of alumina and diamond particles for solar geoengineering.” Read the manuscript here :



“We use a two-dimensional chemistry-transport-aerosol model to 15 capture the dynamics of interacting solid and liquid aerosols in the stratosphere. As an example, 16 we apply the model to the possible use of alumina and diamond particles for solar geoengineering.” -Geoengineering Scientist David Keith from The Risks of Geoengineering


“Solar geoengineering would be extremely cheap, with a projected price tag of a few billion dollars a year “ -David Keith @2015


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Listen, there is more than enough proof to fill up a library that artificial cloud formations caused by Geoengineering programs globally exist . It’s a fact. There is more proof that geoengineering and weather modification programs have been  deployed worldwide without any public consent, yet the public is more apt to believe that our government is honest and is constantly looking out for us, or that their money is safe in the hands of Big banks. Whether Geoengineering saves the planet from global warming or not, to deny it’s existence is purely idiotic. We are way past denying it’s existence, and more concerned with it’s effects on the planet.




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“Awareness is half the battle; the other half is taking Action. There is nothing more important than creating awareness so that we can make the changes that are abundantly clear to me as an investigator, yet completely invisible to most. ” Author Roxy

The Truth Denied

Owner of controversial website The Truth Denied and Chemtrails Kill. Journalist and video maker.

View Comments

  • I did'nt realize this site is old so it appears my comments won't ever get approved. Long live the web. I'm slowly preparing myself to go on the run and give the finger to the elites.

    • Hi Kyle!

      Interesting that you think because THE TRUTH DENIED has been around a long time that we wouldn't notice your comments? Think again! How do you think we have stayed in biz so long!

      Take Care on the run!

      TTD TEAM

  • I've seen enough compelling evidence to know these trails exist.. Hell, the fact that the government denies it.. That right there tells me something.. When is the last time they told the full truth on something important.. Never... " If you like your plan.. you can keep your plan...PERIOD.. ".. all lies..
    Now, I'm not sure what, if anything, can be done about this. The governments, media, banks etc.. all controlled by the same core groups of people, families.. This stuff has been planned for a very long time by extremely intelligent, evil people.. They don't eat the crap they force us to eat. there is no fluoride in their water.. As awake, aware and enlightened as I think I am.. I, we, none of us can think at the level as these crooks.. We've been dumbed down for generations... These people anticipated this stuff long ago.. We the people, catching on to this plan.. Coming together, boycotting, protesting, raising hell... They do not care, they will not stop.. Or maybe they will.. and here's why.. We've been getting poisoned for about 60 yrs.. The world is just now catching on... So, while they have our attention on chemtrails, they are doing something or things much more sinister.. Maybe in 60 years we'll figure that one out.. and the process keeps repeating itself until we are right where they want us.... brain dead, totally obedient and down to 1 billion in population.. A much more controllable number... Total anarchy.. that may work..

  • re forest fires in Sweden.
    For years we had a crisscross of aerosprayed trails in the sky up till Jan 2018. Then it stopped almost totallly with spraying. Then came a steady high pressure ca 1018 hP up to end of Sept with drought. The sky was not deep blue as in 50-ies, it is blue-grey! Then fires started all over forestall areas. Have never happened before in such a scattered manner. Now we have some rain but not enough to get streams, creeks, etc to start flowing again. Birds are missing, bees almost gone, diving ducks gone, apples en masse(strange).

  • We are long past the point where we have to argue with the naysayers. They are severely propagandized individuals, (most likely trolls) who have regressed to Dark Age thought akin to the notion that the earth is the center of the universe.

    I say we move on, leaving these morons to stew in their ridiculous false words and lies and only to hold them as embarrassments to mankind. We must consider the source of stupidity and when we see it and recognize it for what it is, just shake our heads and move on offering no information, but offering pity for the sorry state of some of our fellow human beings.

    The train has lest the station, it is too late to go back and get the mentally tardy.

    • Hello Doran, You make some valuable observations here. Yes, we cannot go back, but we can correct our wrong doings as a planet. Clean up is never as fun as the wrecking ball, as it takes longer to get results. Thanks for your comment.

  • If you look at all the disbelievers in geoengineering, you will find that they are highly brainwashed by the government media complex - which includes TV, newsprint, magazines, radio, and of course the whore media news outlets. I don't wish any ill will on them - they are doing a good enough job all on their own. I pity them.

  • not only is this article and your entire site nonsense, but there's no apostrophe in "gets."

  • This is excellent education, and unless you trip over this on the is not making any major news stream and it SHOULD. So I suggest we all share this like a bad rash. Diane Esser, Founder

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