American Moon: Mooon Landing Hoax



How to calculate the altitude of that chemtrail plane or clouds

All too often we the public has to guess the altitude of a cloud or  a chemtrail  when attempting to…

11 years ago

What is chemcloud, what is not chemcloud

The intense wave of brainwashing has made people forgot what clouds is natural and what clouds is man made. Natural…

12 years ago

Cemenite Story 7: Results from cemenite experiments

These are some phenomena that I observe during my experiment with cemenite. Read More

12 years ago

Cloud Seeding is NOT Chemtrails

There is a growing awareness around the world  of  those white checkerboard  lines in our skies,  better known as chemtrails.…

12 years ago

Chemtrails: Good clouds or bad clouds?

More and more people had become aware of the existance of chemtrails. More people now know how chemtrails poison our…

13 years ago