American Moon: Mooon Landing Hoax



Evidence of deliberate disinformation in CHEMTRAILS KILL Group

When Roxy Lopez created a new OPEN group on FACEBOOK called "Chemtrails Kill" to compliment the existing group on August…

11 years ago

Science supports Chemtrails;Tell it to the The Donington Post in New Zealand

    Apparently, those who presently  deny the existence of chemtrails  are being persuaded to believe the out of date…

11 years ago

Chemtrails are not Geoengineering

Whoever is in charge of the aerosol spraying of our global skies is attempting to remove the word chemtrails from…

11 years ago

Why is it bad for sulfur dioxide to linger in the atmosphere?

In our Previous article  we explained  how sulfur dioxide can linger in the skies for a very long time.  This article…

11 years ago

Global Warming: What can we teach our children?

Children are amazing and always seem to  care a lot about the health of  planet earth. They aren't only willing…

12 years ago

Mick West, Owner of Contrailscience, lies once again. Please be aware!

I consider this as proof of another chemtrails debunker inconsistency. Chemtrails debunker often claim that contrails was made of water…

12 years ago

If testing a chemtrail sample turns out negative for metals, then what?

Chemtrails activist should be familiar with chemtrails debunker demand of chemtrails sample. For example: "Until they have a sample of…

12 years ago

Global warming: jet trails vs CO2

Global warming said to be a reality. Said to cause extreme weather everywhere. They blame it on carbon emission. The…

12 years ago

Fight chemtrails with correct gifting

Gifting means an activity to improve or restore the environment from the damage done by chemtrails or other bad energy…

12 years ago