American Moon: Mooon Landing Hoax


Chem Webs USA : Public is freaking out about chemwebs falling in many states . Why?

October 11, 2011

What the heck is a chem web? These are the questions that many in the USA are asking Roxy Lopez of The Truth Denied Team. Emails are pouring in asking the team about a sticky spider web- like substance that is falling from the sky, some say from “ chemtrails”. Why are they emailing Roxy?
October of 2010, Roxy received many reports and photos from Mr. Jerry Niemen regarding “fluffy white webs falling from the sky” in McCook, NE. Not knowing a whole lot of the substance, Lopez wrote Morgellons specialist and healer Caroline Carter to ask if she would test it in her lab. Ms. Carter accepted the invitation, and the web was now on its way. All evidence was documented then, and a few viral videos later, here we are again, exactly a year later.
Could this be a coincidence? We think not!

This photo was taken in Northern California, and our teams are waiting for it’s arrival, well at least part of it.

See, a year ago, the web tested positive for GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms), as well, Ms. Carter broke out in a morgellons rash that nearly killed her. Needless to say, we didn’t want to ever get near a chem web again, that is until now.

Reports coming in that  are simply just  too hard to ignore, and though they were bombarded with photos of these webs and no labs to test them in, they were still willing to reach out to others for some help.   Within a week of conversations between Roxy  Lopez and Caroline Carter, she  said she is willing to test webs  as well.

So this time around, we will be testing the webs for more than Morgellons Disease and GMO. We have some ideas, and we will share them with you as soon as we have the evidence.

Please see the video, and please watch for breaking news stories here at

So far, we have a few people in a scientific think tank running with ideas. We will begin writing articles as to what these conversations are about as well and fill you in on all chem web data.

We do however need your help.
Watch the video and contact us if you see a web, as well, help us out by contributing comments to this article. If you can photograph webs, please do and send them in, we are preparing a countrywide data base.

You can help us just by emailing in your reports with your photos.

Aerosol Spraying is inhumane.
Chemtrails Kill all living things.

The Truth Denied

Owner of controversial website The Truth Denied and Chemtrails Kill. Journalist and video maker.

View Comments

  • cyberknight-
    its all a vast conspiracy, but their weakpoint is their banking and secret society network.
    break up the international banks, (we are talking individual people here, running nameless corporations, ) and limit the rights of secret societies.
    that is the vatican's choke point. as superstition, and fear doesn't seem to work anymore.
    and the pharmaceuticals aren't fully implemented.

  • Ok, have to tread carefully here. after all we are looking for the truth.
    spiders get weird and do weird things sometimes -(like web falls).
    and face it, these are strange times.
    one has to rule out spider webs, and also look to see they are falling from some new manufacturing process such as fracking.
    should be easily enough to rule in, or rule out both possibilities, and maybe even look for a few more.

  • Read an article on sott about possible e.t. materal entering our atmostphere from meteor showers might sound a little far out there but i wonder if there some corelation

    • Walter, absolutely will do, and have considered it...Thanks so much!

  • there are no conspiracys, this is a word made up by goverments to cover their own tracks
    research on youtube, occupy, rothchild, new world order, chemtrails, HAARP, geoengineering, HHO, perpetual magnetic engines, aids cure, DCA cancer cure, freemasons, illuminati,

    • Thanks for saying such, you are correct! B R A V O !

  • Another day, another conspiracy theory. Go back to sleep, people.

    • LIBERALS ARE MURDERING US ALL THE GREEN ENERGY PEOPLE AND CONS PEOPLE ARE GETTING CANCER FROM THIS LOST DR> HEATH CARE...web: Toxic Chem trails...Chem trails to depopulate...Government admits to spraying Americians...see it on Utube

  • This May not be the correct. Answer people want to hear but here it is these people are killing us. they should be made aware that they are not above being brown bagged.

  • It might be be normal, but it's not natural!

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