American Moon: Mooon Landing Hoax


PATRICK RODDIE: Tells it to us straight! “Scumbags” exist, pay attention!


Mr. Patrick Roddie


Patrick Roddie is a San Francisco-based photographer and activist who woke up to what he calls “the scumbags” several years ago.

He uses his everyday interactions to spread truth about the scumbags’ agenda of full spectrum tyranny, depopulation, bogus wars and slavery by simply talking to people.

Mr. Roddie confronted David de Rothschild about eugenics and his family’s history of  instigating wars for profit and as campaign director for Liberty Candidate John Fitzgerald, as well as  helped expose the dangers of vaccines, the truth about 9/11and many other third rail issues.

Today, Patrick Roddie  discussed  his own personal methods of researching issues and ways of reaching out to the public.Patrick does not mess around, and though he is very polite, he is blatantly honest and opinionated. I can respect that because he is well researched, which really gives him the upper hand in a conversation.

You need to really listen to the interview, listen to what Patrick brings forward, and the best yet!  




BE SURE TO CHECK OUT THE awesome burning man photos TAKEN BY Patrick Roddie


Patrick Roddie/Burning Man


Photo by Patrick Roddie / Burning Man


Patrick Can be contacted through the following links:



Awesome documentary section at





    “Start at the top and work your way down!” ~ Patrick Roddie






The US Declaration of Independence

The US Constitution


Bill of Rights


1984 –  George Orwell

Especially “the book within the book,” Emmanuel Goldstein’s “The Theory and

Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism”

( which explains how the

powers that be maintain their power.


Brave New World – Aldous Huxley

Huxley, and his student Orwell, were privy to the script of the oligarchs

and were allowed to publish it in book form.

Brave New World accurately describes the technocratic/scientific

dictatorship we’re living under today.

(Huxley’s “Brave New World Revisited” is also worth a read.)


The Creature from Jekyll Island : A Second Look at the Federal Reserve – G.

Edward Griffin

How a banking cartel overthrew the United States in 1913.


None Dare Call it Conspiracy – Gary Allen

Short, engaging and gripping explanation of the scumbag agenda. It’s a

little dated yet still timely. Also read his “The Rockefeller File.”


Tragedy and Hope – Carrol Quigley

Clinton’s mentor at Georgetown, Quigley was also the historian for the

Council on Foreign Relations. His unprecedented access to their files laid

out a damning history of the elites; how they control finance, start world

wars, appoint presidents and prime ministers and are well on their way to

world government. Also recommended; Quigley’s “The Anglo American



Between Two Ages; America’s Role in the Technetronic Era – Zbigniew


Brzezinski also describes the technocratic dictatorship we’re living under.

In 1970 he predicted the “world-wide information grid”


The Grand Chessboard, American Primacy and it’s Geostrategic Imperatives –

Zbigniew Brzezinski

The guy who established Al Quada (and Pol Pot) in the 1970s explains what

we’re doing today in the middle east and eurasia. (It’s about China &



The Communist Manifesto – Karl Marx and Fredrich Engels

The scariest thing about this is comparing the ten planks of the communist

manifesto and the structure of US government. They’re one and the same.

Interesting fact; Marx wrote Das Kapital and the Communist Manifesto at the

British Library whilst on the payroll of British intelligence.


It Can’t Happen Here – Sinclair Lewis

Written in 1935, Lewis’ what-if novel describes what the United States would

look like under fascism. The parallels are frightening.


The Republic – Plato

Plato argues why it’s best to be ruled by elites or “philosopher kings” and

why they must depopulate us lesser humans. An ancient primer on eugenics.


The Prince – Machiavelli

It’s good to know how these people operate.


The War of the Worlds – HG Wells




The Time Machine – HG Wells

Want to know the contempt they hold us in? Read these books.



Allan Watt –

Absurdly well read, intelligent and insightful analyst/historian of the

scumbag agenda. Not the prettiest website, but I won’t miss an episode.

Great links listed under each show.


No Agenda –

Adam Curry and John C Dvorak deconstruct the BS in the media and pull back

the curtain. Entertaining and very informative.

Great example is the pipeline report, episode 426. You should also check out

the incomparable show notes from each episode. A goldmine.


The Peace Revolution Podcast –

Advanced education into the scumbag agenda. Highly recommend podcasts 41

through 45; “The Ultimate History Lesson with John Taylor Gatto.”


The National Intel Report –

Clearest analysis of current events, by John Stadtmiller


Truth News Australia –

Reminder that it’s a global agenda, not just here in the US.


Sibel Edmonds’ Boiling Frogs –

Fantastic analysis from the FBI whistleblower. Also features “Empire, Power,

and People” Andrew Gavin Marshall, a new insightful look a the world. You

can subscribe for free through iTunes.



Global Research –

Uncompromised research and analysis

No Agenda News Network –


Crowdsourced news the powers that be would prefer to keep quiet.


The “conspiracy” sub-reddit –

Plenty of good pickings here too.


I put a bunch of my favorites at:-



“Start at the top and work your way down!” ~ Patrick Roddie




The Truth Denied

Owner of controversial website The Truth Denied and Chemtrails Kill. Journalist and video maker.

View Comments

  • Hi Roxy,

    I was listening to your interview with Patrick roadie and I heard something from one of your callers that is quite familiar to me about how the elite get their information from the "jinn" hence I am a Muslim and obviously every Muslim
    has read the holy Quran, we're well informed about these hidden beings. There is a whole chapter or what we call "sora" about them titled as "sorat al jinn" the chapter about the jinn. God or Allah has warned us humans to not interact with them, and they the jinn have also been warned not to interact with humans, so the ones that break this rule obviously are the evil ones, they take their orders from satan. The humans who communicate with jinn like professionals are the middle person between let's say an elite who wants to request something and the jinn. In order for the jinn to grant the elite person his request, he or she must do or give something in return. Now, of course u wonder how can those beings be reached? The answer is dark magic, no not the one you're familiar with, in the Middle East this has been practiced since forever. They read verses from the Quran backwards. Yup! Backwards, why backwards? Well, every letter in every sentence in the Quran has a hidden code, this subject is too complicated for me to put into words. I'm not here to promote Islam lol, I'm just saying it like it is, all the answers are in the Quran. Allah or god has warned us of those whom we refer to as the NWO people who want to take over the world and how to deal with them. I should go back to the jinn, well they're spirits, they live in a another dimension.. I know it's sounds like fiction but its true its all real. We cannot see them but we can feel their weight. They can appear to us at their own will. The reason why they don't because it is absolutely forbidden. Only a few of them have the guts to do that. Now how do they know so much that they provide info to the elites? They spy and listen.. I could go on and on. So yes, weird stuff like this exist and it's very possible that the elite are requesting things from the jinn. The jinn can tell them what to invest in, when, how, where..etc
    Oh one more thing, jinn can manipulate people, the vulnerable type of people.

    I hope u will find this info helpful

    Take care

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