American Moon: Mooon Landing Hoax


Trolls , Trolls, Trolls! How to deal!

 Social Media websites getting you down?

April 10, 2014

This article is intended for readers, researchers, bloggers, and journalists who are seeking to understand the behavior when posting to social media sights such as Facebook and Twitter.

If you find yourself fighting and arguing on your social media networks, you may want to take a closer  look into the reason why. Are you aggravated before you even log into your Facebook page followed by an overwhelming feeling that you are drowning in a sea of conspiracies? I have been reporting the news for roughly 4 years now, and I have definitely learned a few tactics that have managed to save my sanity daily.

Keep in mind that many media tabloids are in it for the money, and drama sells. Addiction also sells. Plain and simple, drama itself can be addicting, hence the platforms such as social media can quickly become a daily time consuming venture that leads to wasted time and energy. Ever said to yourself “I’m just going to sign in to FB to see what’s up, and then find that three or four hours suddenly vanished into thin air? You have probably even said this to yourself at one time or another that ‘Facebook is taking up way to much of my time’. Are you a social media addict?  I’ve received countless emails here at THE TRUTH DENIED MEDIA regarding this topic and in turn would like to furnish with you some obvious common sense solutions for those of us who participate in the on-line information highway.

  1. First of all, break the habit of engagement and be observer for once. (In other words, hold yourself back from commenting on a thread!) Instead, read through the comments on the post and identify users who are purposefully aggravating others, veering from the subject matter, and waving insults to anyone who posts a comment. This is a red flag. Some of these shills are actually paid to keep FB users engaged, filling the threads with 99% nonsense, not worth reading or even responding to. Keep in mind that not all shills are paid, but should this even matter to you? They are trouble! A small dose of common sense tells me it’s clearly a waste of my time to engage with them, period! Remember, the purpose of a shill (or ‘troll’) is to keep users on the thread as long as they can. Not on my watch!
  2. How do I identify a TROLL?   Simple! They generally have nothing positive or educational to contribute to the post/headlines; trolls are nothing less than cyber bullies. They cannot back up their argument or statements with anything substantial. Remember, they are not on your thread to have a discussion, so don’t kid yourself! Emotionally, they intentionally get under your skin. It’s their job! They put you on the defensive, or attack you as if you are the enemy on the thread. Some of the name calling includes; disinfo agent, ignorant, sheeple, whore, loser, uneducated, idiot, lost, mentally disturbed, crack head, etc.  Trolls comments are generally off topic, irrational and charged with negative emotional   slander and belittlement. They imply that there are RULES for the discussion, yet they accuse you of ‘breaking the rules of engagement’, when in all actuality, it is they who are effectively throwing the thread off. And like any bully, when you attempt to leave the thread, they beg you back for more. They are cyber assailants and there is only one way to deal with these TYPES.
  3. Conspiracy versus truth. What is the truth? Where does it come from? If  you’re  searching for the TRUTH on line, be prepared to do a lot of research, and join a reputable forum, FB group, or RSS feed to a website that you find to be legitimate.  Always trust your gut when you come across a news story that feels ‘off’. Question everything! Fact is, the so called truth  is not rocket science. Be aware of websites that distort the truth, bring in facts with fiction just to get your attention, or sites that have nothing to offer you but fear porn. Do not confuse ‘fear porn’ with legitimate stories that make you afraid, this is all together something different. The truth itself can induce fear, no doubt. A cure for fear is education and solutions. Remember, you control your own destiny, not “them”. In the end, you decide how you will handle the truth.


What is required to keep your sanity when headed to the blogs and forums?

  1. You do not need to be a spiritualists or a scholar to decipher the truth. This is a myth. Do you have an idle in the media? Not so good!  If so, be cautious. I have received emails from our listeners who feel I am the last word on everything, when I am clearly NOT. I personally do not encourage anyone in the public to put me on a pedestal; I am learning, reporting and educating all in the same breath, and I am fallible. I have found myself having to retract statement(s) once I discovered my inaccuracy. * Note to Bloggers: If you have a passion for writing and own a blog and you are genuinely interested in educating your readers, then you know what it takes to write a credible story. Stick with as many facts as possible and use your BS meter 100% of the time! Also, if there is a part of your article that is “iffy”, simply warn your readers. They will appreciate you for this! It keeps you credible with your readers, family and friends.Note to Readers: If you find an inaccuracy in a story/article/report, then email the author of the report. Most legitimate reporters will respond to you within 24 hours if you provide your contact information and are open to answering your concerns and questions.



The Sad Truths of Internet Trolls:

  1. Trolls are immune to criticism and logical arguments. True trolls cannot be reasoned with, regardless of how sound your logical argument is.
  2. Trolls do not feel remorse like you and me. They have sociopathic tendencies, and accordingly, they delight in other people having hurt feelings.
  3. Trolls consider themselves separate from the social order.
  4. Trolls do not abide by etiquette or the rules of common courtesy.
  5. Trolls consider themselves above social responsibility.
  6. Trolls gain energy by you insulting them.
  7. Trolls gain energy when you get angry.
  8. The only way to deal with a troll is to ignore him, or take away his ability to post online.



  1. Identify the bully on your thread and report them to the owner of the page, Facebook, or the social media network/forum that you are participating on.
  2. If the bullying comes in the form of a threat, you can take alternative and added measures to report them, as cyber bullying is against the law. Keep in mind that cyber bullying, harassment, or stalking is a crime. You can reduce the incident of escalation by immediately reporting the offender, and blocking them on your discussion board.
  3. Your best bet is to ignore a troll, delete and block, report and move on. Note* Be prepared for the troll to have several ‘profiles’ as well. The game begins again when you add them to your network, but as with anything else, practice makes perfect, simply block them again. Eventually they will go away.


If you need more help, check out the following websites:

States have enacted “cyber stalking” or “cyber harassment” laws or have laws that explicitly include electronic forms of communication within more traditional stalking or harassment laws. In addition, recent concerns about protecting minors from online bullying or harassment have led states to enact “cyberbullying” laws. This chart identifies state laws that include specific references to electronic communication. However, other state laws may still apply to those who harass, threaten or bully others online, although specific language may make the laws easier to enforce. This chart classifies the various state laws addressing these three different types of online behaviors, as described below.

Cyber stalking.  Cyber stalking is the use of the Internet, email or other electronic communications to stalk, and generally refers to a pattern of threatening or malicious behaviors. Cyber stalking may be considered the most dangerous of the three types of Internet harassment, based on a posing credible threat of harm. Sanctions range from misdemeanors to felonies.

Cyber harassment. Cyber harassment differs from cyber stalking in that it may generally be defined as not involving a credible threat. Cyber harassment usually pertains to threatening or harassing email messages, instant messages, or to blog entries or websites dedicated solely to tormenting an individual. Some states approach cyber harassment by including language addressing electronic communications in general harassment statutes, while others have created stand-alone cyber harassment statutes.

* Note: This chart does not cover cyberbullying laws. Cyberbullying and cyber harassment are sometimes used interchangeably, but cyberbullying generally refers to electronic harassment or bullying among minors within a school context. See the NCSL’s Education Program’s cyberbullying page for more information on cyber bullying laws and legislation.

Social Media can be a lot of fun and a great place to meet some pretty awesome people from all over the world. Take the aforementioned precautions, and you should have a pretty good on line experience.


Questions?  Write us at  subject line: Trolls, shills

April 10, 2014

This article is intended for readers, researchers, bloggers, and journalists who are seeking to understand the behavior when posting to social media sights such as Facebook and Twitter.

If you find yourself fighting and arguing on your social media networks, you may want to take a closer  look into the reason why. Are you aggravated before you even log into your Facebook page followed by an overwhelming feeling that you are drowning in a sea of conspiracies? I have been reporting the news for roughly 4 years now, and I have definitely learned a few tactics that have managed to save my sanity daily.

Keep in mind that many media tabloids are in it for the money, and drama sells. Addiction also sells. Plain and simple, drama itself can be addicting, hence the platforms such as social media can quickly become a daily time consuming venture that leads to wasted time and energy. Ever said to yourself “I’m just going to sign in to FB to see what’s up, and then find that three or four hours suddenly vanished into thin air? You have probably even said this to yourself at one time or another that ‘Facebook is taking up way to much of my time’. Are you a social media addict?  I’ve received countless emails here at THE TRUTH DENIED MEDIA regarding this topic and in turn would like to furnish with you some obvious common sense solutions for those of us who participate in the on-line information highway.

  1. First of all, break the habit of engagement and be observer for once. (In other words, hold yourself back from commenting on a thread!) Instead, read through the comments on the post and identify users who are purposefully aggravating others, veering from the subject matter, and waving insults to anyone who posts a comment. This is a red flag. Some of these shills are actually paid to keep FB users engaged, filling the threads with 99% nonsense, not worth reading or even responding to. Keep in mind that not all shills are paid, but should this even matter to you? They are trouble! A small dose of common sense tells me it’s clearly a waste of my time to engage with them, period! Remember, the purpose of a shill (or ‘troll’) is to keep users on the thread as long as they can. Not on my watch!
  2. How do you identify the troll?

Simple! They generally have nothing positive or educational to contribute to the post/headlines; trolls are nothing less than cyber bullies. They cannot back up their argument or statements with anything substantial. Remember, they are not on your thread to have a discussion, so don’t kid yourself! Emotionally, they intentionally get under your skin. It’s their job! They put you on the defensive, or attack you as if you are the enemy on the thread. Some of the name calling includes; disinfo agent, ignorant, sheeple, whore, loser, uneducated, idiot, lost, mentally disturbed, crack head, etc.  Trolls comments are generally off topic, irrational and charged with negative emotional   slander and belittlement. They imply that there are RULES for the discussion, yet they accuse you of ‘breaking the rules of engagement’, when in all actuality, it is they who are effectively throwing the thread off. And like any bully, when you attempt to leave the thread, they beg you back for more. They are cyber assailants and there is only one way to deal with these TYPES.


  1. Conspiracy versus truth. What is the truth? Where does it come from? If  you’re  searching for the TRUTH on line, be prepared to do a lot of research, and join a reputable forum, FB group, or RSS feed to a website that you find to be legitimate.  Always trust your gut when you come across a news story that feels ‘off’. Question everything! Fact is, the so called truth  is not rocket science. Be aware of websites that distort the truth, bring in facts with fiction just to get your attention, or sites that have nothing to offer you but fear porn. Do not confuse ‘fear porn’ with legitimate stories that make you afraid, this is all together something different. The truth itself can induce fear, no doubt. A cure for fear is education and solutions. Remember, you control your own destiny, not “them”. In the end, you decide how you will handle the truth.


  1. You do not need to be a spiritualists or a scholar to decipher the truth. This is a myth. Do you have an idle in the media? Not so good!  If so, be cautious. I have received emails from our listeners who feel I am the last word on everything, when I am clearly NOT. I personally do not encourage anyone in the public to put me on a pedestal; I am learning, reporting and educating all in the same breath, and I am fallible. I have found myself having to retract statement(s) once I discovered my inaccuracy. * Note to Bloggers: If you have a passion for writing and own a blog and you are genuinely interested in educating your readers, then you know what it takes to write a credible story. Stick with as many facts as possible and use your BS meter 100% of the time! Also, if there is a part of your article that is “iffy”, simply warn your readers. They will appreciate you for this! It keeps you credible with your readers, family and friends.
  2. Note to Readers: If you find an inaccuracy in a story/article/report, then email the author of the report. Most legitimate reporters will respond to you within 24 hours if you provide your contact information and are open to answering your concerns and questions.



The Sad Truths of Internet Trolls:

  1. Trolls are immune to criticism and logical arguments. True trolls cannot be reasoned with, regardless of how sound your logical argument is.
  2. Trolls do not feel remorse like you and me. They have sociopathic tendencies, and accordingly, they delight in other people having hurt feelings.
  3. Trolls consider themselves separate from the social order.
  4. Trolls do not abide by etiquette or the rules of common courtesy.
  5. Trolls consider themselves above social responsibility.
  6. Trolls gain energy by you insulting them.
  7. Trolls gain energy when you get angry.
  8. The only way to deal with a troll is to ignore him, or take away his ability to post online.



  1. Identify the bully on your thread and report them to the owner of the page, Facebook, or the social media network/forum that you are participating on.
  2. If the bullying comes in the form of a threat, you can take alternative and added measures to report them, as cyber bullying is against the law. Keep in mind that cyber bullying, harassment, or stalking is a crime. You can reduce the incident of escalation by immediately reporting the offender, and blocking them on your discussion board.
  3. Your best bet is to ignore a troll, delete and block, report and move on. Note* Be prepared for the troll to have several ‘profiles’ as well. The game begins again when you add them to your network, but as with anything else, practice makes perfect, simply block them again. Eventually they will go away.


If you need more help, check out the following websites:

States have enacted “cyber stalking” or “cyber harassment” laws or have laws that explicitly include electronic forms of communication within more traditional stalking or harassment laws. In addition, recent concerns about protecting minors from online bullying or harassment have led states to enact “cyberbullying” laws. This chart identifies state laws that include specific references to electronic communication. However, other state laws may still apply to those who harass, threaten or bully others online, although specific language may make the laws easier to enforce. This chart classifies the various state laws addressing these three different types of online behaviors, as described below.

Cyber stalking.  Cyber stalking is the use of the Internet, email or other electronic communications to stalk, and generally refers to a pattern of threatening or malicious behaviors. Cyber stalking may be considered the most dangerous of the three types of Internet harassment, based on a posing credible threat of harm. Sanctions range from misdemeanors to felonies.

Cyber harassment. Cyber harassment differs from cyber stalking in that it may generally be defined as not involving a credible threat. Cyber harassment usually pertains to threatening or harassing email messages, instant messages, or to blog entries or websites dedicated solely to tormenting an individual. Some states approach cyber harassment by including language addressing electronic communications in general harassment statutes, while others have created stand-alone cyber harassment statutes.

* Note: This chart does not cover cyberbullying laws. Cyberbullying and cyber harassment are sometimes used interchangeably, but cyberbullying generally refers to electronic harassment or bullying among minors within a school context. See the NCSL’s Education Program’s cyberbullying page for more information on cyber bullying laws and legislation.


Please sub our channel for documentaries, videos, and radio shows.

Social Media can be a lot of fun and a great place to meet some pretty awesome people from all over the world. Take the aforementioned precautions, and you should have a pretty good on line experience.

Questions?  Write us at  subject line: Trolls, shills


The Truth Denied

Laura Croft

View Comments

  • Very wise counsel and discernment on your part Roxy. Thank you for everything you do in spreading the truth. The truth will always be revealed to those who have the discernment.

    • Thanks so much Jim, and please feel free to pass it on!

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