July 11, 2014 @ 8:50pm. After almost 3 weeks of chemtrail free skies the trails began early evening of the 11th. Chemtrails all night in an attempt to block the Full Moon. Solar radiation management? I don't think so.


July 12, 2014 @ 11:50am. After almost 3 weeks of chemtrail free beautiful clear blue skies we were hammered with trails on the full moon date.
July 12, 2014 @ 11:50am. After almost 3 weeks of chemtrail free beautiful clear blue skies we were hammered with trails on the full moon date.

This is a ongoing documentation of Chemtrails and their connection to the cycles of the full moon. For the past 7 months I have documented this cycle. My observation have been located in the Antelope Valley, Ca but many people worldwide are also observing this cycle. I believe this pattern is another piece of evidence supporting Chemtrails and their numerous applications. I believe this needs further investigation and documentation by others worldwide to bring further awareness to the Chemtrail agenda. Chemtrailing the Full Moon is not a new discovery. A search of Youtube will reveal observations going back 5 years. If we are to fully expose the chemtrail agenda, we must report on every aspect of their operations.


Since January 2014 I have observed the following: 10 days to 3 weeks prior to the date of the Full Moon we have a break in chemtrail activity. On or about the full moon, chemtrailing begins during the day and all night long. If Chemtrails are for Solar Radiation Management SRM, why spray all through the night blocking the moon? Several days after the full moon date they discontinue spraying at night to obstruct the moon but usually continue to spray during the day. This pattern has been like clockwork since I first observed it back in January.


I can only speculate as to the reason for this pattern and cycle of chemtrailing surrounding the cycles of the full moon. There are numerous theories and I have learned that anything is possible in the world we live in today. Of course everything we report on is suppressed and debunked, even by those we thought were on the peoples side for exposing the truth.

Here are some of my thoughts for chemtrailing the moon and this obvious cycle of spraying.

Military / Government applications to obstruct our view of something in our atmosphere or something in space they do not want us to see, i.e planetary objects, UFO activity, inter-dimensional activity, fallen angel activity, demonic activity. Possibly blocking our view of the moon that could reveal activity on the moon, i.e., alien and human moon bases. Google alien bases on the moon. You may be shocked at the information. https://www.thetruthdenied.com/news/2014/01/24/craft-detected-on-moon-testimony-of-nsa-and-nasa/

Military applications that may have something to do with the moon’s gravitational properties during the full moon.

As I stated we can speculate forever. What we need to do is document, video and post to expand awareness. Currently we are a minority but with 7 billion of us on the planet we can make a difference. Please do your part in spreading awareness to the Chemtrail agenda.

There are numerous sinister agendas facing “we the people of this planet”. Each of us is called to spread the word on a subject or multiple subjects that God has put on our hearts. The only way things will change is if we join together, stay focused and stay committed to the truth. I firmly believe our most powerful weapon against the evil of this world is the Power of Prayer. There is only one true God…and He does listen…and He does answer prayer…I’m not talking man’s religion here…I’m talking God.

July 11, 2014 @ 8:50pm. After almost 3 weeks of chemtrail free skies the trails began early evening of the 11th. Chemtrails all night in an attempt to block the Full Moon. Solar radiation management? I don't think so.
July 11, 2014 @ 8:50pm. After almost 3 weeks of chemtrail free skies the trails began early evening of the 11th. Chemtrails all night in an attempt to block the Full Moon. Solar radiation management? I don’t think so.

Here is a interesting video from NASA on “A Summer Of Super Moon’s begins July 12.


Youtube search shows over 70,000 videos related to chemtrails and the full moon.


What Is In Our Skies / IndustrialSurrealism YT Channel


Chemtrails and the Full Moon / Godlike Productions.


About the Author:
Jim Kerr

Jim Kerr is a retired police officer with an extensive background in criminal investigations. He works part time in private security along with conducting high profile criminal investigations and surveillance for a private investigation firm. In 2011, Jim took and interest in Chemtrails and began filming and documenting the skies over the Antelope Valley California in hopes of spreading awareness to this agenda. Within a short time Jim began capturing strange anomalies in the sky that appeared to have a connection to Chemtrails. Anomalies consisted of obvious man made cloud experiments connected to HAARP type technology for weather control, sightings of UFO’s, signatures of cloaked craft that appear to be using anti gravity technology and seem to interact with Chemtrails. Visible disk shaped objects and orbs that have a strange attraction to Chemtrail spray and more. Jim connects with other researchers across the U.S. sharing information in search of spreading the truth.

Contact Information:

Jim can be contacted via email at chemtrailsavca@hotmail.com

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By Jim Kerr

Jim Kerr is a retired police officer with an extensive background in criminal investigations. Jim is no stranger to UFO sightings, having seen his first illuminated disk over the Santa Monica Bay at 2:00 am in 1973 and others since. Jim is a UFO researcher/investigator and advisor for The Truth Denied sharing his findings with many researchers worldwide.

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