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Categories: World News

EBOLA SCARE Is it real? The Truth Denied says…

A 1976 photograph of two nurses standing in front of Mayinga N’Seka, a person with Ebola virus disease in the 1976 outbreak in Zaire. N’Seka died a few days later due to severe internal hemorrhaging.

Have you noticed that  in recent weeks that every time you turn on the radio or cable news, all you hear about  is EBOLA,  Ebola , Ebola?  Are you confused yet by the mainstream spin ? Join the club! Here are some facts that may calm your nerves,  reset your mind, and basically help you to GET REAL! Half truths avail us nothing.

The trending stories on Twitter, BBC, and Social Media Networks such as  Facebook are not Ebola.If this is such a critical , mass contagion, Armageddon end of the world Virus, then why are we not afraid?  85% of Americans who were polled on October 11th said Ebola  was not a big deal.  As a matter of fact, the only places that EBOLA is trending in headline news are Cable News sectors and alternative media. There is a good reason for this, and we hope to quickly  build your road map back  to sanity . The conspiracy is not what you think.  First, let’s begin with a little recap, shall we?

The EBOLA VIRUS  hit popular News channels  on September 19th, 2014  when  Eric Duncan flew from his native Liberia to Texas; five days later he began showing symptoms and visited a hospital, but was sent home. His condition worsened and he returned to the hospital on  September 28th. Health officials confirmed a diagnosis of Ebola on 30 September—the first case in the United States. Duncan  was  the  experimental drug ” brincidofovir” on October 4 , but it was too late, and by Tuesday morning, Duncan was on a ventilator and his kidneys were failing.

Duncan died on Wednesday at 7:51 a.m.

Q.How did  Duncan contract the deadly virus ?

A.  Health authorities haven’t said. But one fact recently revealed was that Duncan was never immediately isolated.

Viewers Quickly Notice Something That ‘Makes No Sense’ in Raw Video of Officials Loading Dallas Ebola Patient Onto Plane:THE BLAZE


Among several workers wearing hazmat suits on the runway of Dallas Love Field was a man wearing plain clothes and no apparent protective gear.SEE the BLAZE for the rest of the story.

According to CNN  NEWS,  “Since the drugs being used to treat Ebola are still experimental, it is up to each individual hospital to file the paperwork with the Food and Drug Administration for permission to get the drug from the manufacturer and use it. The hospital has declined to tell CNN when they filed for permission to the FDA to use brincidofovir. “

Two nurses who cared for Duncan contracted Ebola and were diagnosed with the virus this week. Nina Pham, 26, will be moved to the National Institutes for Health’s facility for continued care tonight, and Amber Vinson, 29, arrived at Emory University Hospital Wednesday night. Both nurses took basic precautions while treating Ebola-stricken Duncan, and there are no known  details as to  what might have gone wrong.

And that is their story and for now  they’re sticking to it.


The CDC is a disaster.TRUE. The public sees that clearly now, and they are soon going to expect the White House to do something about it.TRUE.  CDC created Ebola Virus. FALSE


Symptoms of Ebola include

  • Fever
  • Severe headache
  • Muscle pain
  • Weakness
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal (stomach) pain
  • Unexplained hemorrhage (bleeding or bruising)

Symptoms may appear anywhere from 2 to 21 days after exposure to Ebola, but the average is 8 to 10 days.

Recovery from Ebola depends on good supportive clinical care and the patient’s immune response. People who recover from Ebola infection develop antibodies that last for at least 10 years.


TRUE VS. FALSE Statements:

 About Ebola

  • TRUE: “The Ebola crisis could become the definitive humanitarian disaster of our generation,” a spokesperson for the British-based charity told AFP. It could, but it won’t!
  • TRUE: Ebola is extremely infectious but not extremely contagious, and there is a difference.
  • TRUE: Ebola is not an  airborne illness. The most contagious diseases, such as measles or influenza, virus particles are airborne.
  • TRUE: Ebola viruses is still unknown, researchers believe the most likely natural hosts are fruit bats.
  • TRUE:  Symptoms are generally weakness, fever, aches, diarrhea, vomiting and stomach pain. Additional experiences include rash, red eyes, chest pain, throat soreness, difficulty breathing or swallowing and bleeding (including internal).
  • TRUE: Ebola’s  incubation period can span from  two to 21 days.

Who dropped the ball?

  • TRUE:  The (Center for Disease Control) CDC has been  ‘wishy-washy’ regarding it’s alleged protocols for any front line defense protocols.  Early on, the CDC claimed they had measures  in place for all of the hospitals in regards to containing Ebola. When Duncan passed away, CDC claimed they had no protocols.  The CDC’s  website states “Standard, contact, and droplet precautions are recommended for management of hospitalized patients with known or suspected Ebola virus disease (EVD) (See Table below). Note that this guidance outlines only those measures that are specific for EVD; additional infection control measures might be warranted if an EVD patient has other conditions or illnesses for which other measures are indicated (e.g., tuberculosis, multi-drug resistant organisms, etc.).
  • Can you make heads or tales of these so called “preventative protocols”?
  • FALSE: It’s safe to to bring Ebola victims into the U.S.
  • TRUE : CDC DROPS THE BALL IN August of 2014, when the CDC was asked this question regarding safety , they answered “If (EBOLA) is  handled properly, no, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says. “CDC has very well-established protocols in place to ensure the safe transport and care of patients with infectious diseases back to the United States,” the agency says. “These procedures cover the entire process — from patients leaving their bedside in a foreign country to their transport to an airport and boarding a non-commercial airplane equipped with a special transport isolation unit, to their arrival at a medical facility in the United States that is appropriately equipped and staffed to handle such cases.”

So wait just a minute here, the CDC  has  well-established protocols?  CDC states in July 2014 that  “This guidance is not intended to apply to persons outside of healthcare settings.”  Again, the CDC  published  the  well-established protocols  that don’t work, then later declined further comment regarding protocols, meanwhile 2 nurses came down with Ebola. Can the CDC make up there mind?

OCTOBER 18, 2014

A burial team in protective gear bury the body of woman suspected to have died from the Ebola virus in Monrovia, Liberia. Saturday, Oct, 18, 2014. (Image source: AP/Abbas Dulleh)


  • TRUE: World Health Organization (WHO)  drops the ball on protocols. “WHO wouldn’t explain details contained in an internal document obtained by The Associated Press that said the agency fumbled early attempts to contain the Ebola outbreak in West Africa.”


  • TRUE :  U.S. President Barack Obama Drops the Ball on Saturday when he stated  his reluctance to begin an Ebola related travel ban to the US , noting that such a ban “could make the crisis worse as people from infected regions work to avoid screenings.” Obama stated to the press on Saturday “We can’t just cut ourselves off from West Africa, where this disease is raging.  Our medical experts tell us that the best way to stop this disease is to stop it at its source-before it spreads even wider and becomes even more difficult to contain.  Trying to seal off an entire region of the world-if that were even possible-could actually make the situation worse.  It would make it harder to move health workers and supplies back and forth.  Experience shows that it could also cause people in the affected region to change their travel, to evade screening, and make the disease even harder to track.”

Interesting statement that Obama made as well  when he  said. “But we know how to wage this fight.”

Really, how does Obama know that we have the goods? Why didn’t the CDC get the memo? This is laughable.

A health worker takes Benson, 2 months, from his mother to carry him to a re-opened Ebola holding center in the West Point neighborhood on October 17, 2014 in Monrovia, Liberia. The baby, her mother and grandmother were all taken to the center after an Ebola tracing coordinator checked their temperature and found they all had fever. A family member living in the home had died only the day before from Ebola. The West Point holding center was re-opened this week with community support, two months after a mob overran the facility and looted it’s contents, denying the presence of Ebola in their community. The World Health Organization says that more than 4,500 people have died due to the Ebola epidemic in West Africa with a 70 percent mortality rate for those infected with the virus. John Moore/Getty Images



  • FALSE: “Ebola has been blamed for 4,546 deaths in West Africa out of at least 9,191 cases. WHO estimated that there could be 10,000 cases every week by December unless stronger measures are enacted to fight the outbreak.”

This is a tricky one. Yes there have been a few thousand deaths reported  in West Africa due to Ebola. ON October 15th, the death toll was confirmed through the  West African CDC , but the reported numbers are different than US Mainstream CDC numbers. Let’s just call it  ‘mixed media’. I call it horse shit.

  • TRUE: How many people die of the common  flu in the USA every year? It is estimated that between 5% to 20% of U.S. residents get the flu, and it is estimated that more than 200,000 people are hospitalized on average for flu-related complications each year. Over a period of 30 years, between 1976 and 2006, estimates of flu-associated deaths in the United States range from a low of about 3,000 to a high of about 49,000 people annually. Question: Why isn’t the common flu considered an epidemic in the US when the casualty rate is so much higher?
  • TRUE:   Worldwide there are between 250,000 and 500,000 flu deaths per year. In a typical flu season, between 3 and 5 million people will have what is considered a serious case of influenza.


  • TRUE: Since its emergence in 1976, there have been 2,586 cases of Ebola virus disease in humans and 1,717 deaths. While that’s a fatality rate of 66.4 per cent, or roughly two out of every three patients, influenza kills approximately 500,000 people every year. In 38 years, Ebola has killed fewer than 2,000 people. The flu? Nineteen million. Released July 2014

Table: Chronology of previous Ebola virus disease outbreaks


Year Country Ebolavirus species Cases Deaths Case fatality
2012 Democratic Republic of Congo Bundibugyo 57 29 51%
2012 Uganda Sudan 7 4 57%
2012 Uganda Sudan 24 17 71%
2011 Uganda Sudan 1 1 100%
2008 Democratic Republic of Congo Zaire 32 14 44%
2007 Uganda Bundibugyo 149 37 25%
2007 Democratic Republic of Congo Zaire 264 187 71%
2005 Congo Zaire 12 10 83%
2004 Sudan Sudan 17 7 41%
2003 (Nov-Dec) Congo Zaire 35 29 83%
2003 (Jan-Apr) Congo Zaire 143 128 90%
2001-2002 Congo Zaire 59 44 75%
2001-2002 Gabon Zaire 65 53 82%
2000 Uganda Sudan 425 224 53%
1996 South Africa (ex-Gabon) Zaire 1 1 100%
1996 (Jul-Dec) Gabon Zaire 60 45 75%
1996 (Jan-Apr) Gabon Zaire 31 21 68%
1995 Democratic Republic of Congo Zaire 315 254 81%
1994 Cote d’Ivoire Taï Forest 1 0 0%
1994 Gabon Zaire 52 31 60%
1979 Sudan Sudan 34 22 65%
1977 Democratic Republic of Congo Zaire 1 1 100%
1976 Sudan Sudan 284 151 53%
1976 Democratic Republic of Congo Zaire 318 280 88%


Follow the Money

  • TRUE:  US  MILITARY DEPLOYMENT to West Africa October 18, 2014
  • “The U.S. military is prepared to provide up to 3,000 troops to help deal with the Ebola crisis in West Africa.
  • There are 547 U.S. troops there, primarily in Liberia though some are in Senegal, according to the Pentagon. Their assignments include building 17 treatment centers in Liberia, training local professionals in how to handle Ebola patients and conducting tests to verify diagnoses of the virus.
  • U.S. forces will not treat Ebola patients directly, but medical personnel will be trained to care for and transport American servicemembers back to the USA if they contract the disease.
  • All branches of the military contribute to the effort:
  • •Navy “Seabees” (Construction Battalions) build the treatment centers, and Navy medical personnel conduct lab testing.
  • •Army soldiers from the 101st Airborne are being sent to West Africa, and others are already on hand, performing civil engineering and logistical duties.
  • •Airmen coordinate military flights in and out of the country.
  • Thursday, President Obama signed an order allowing reservists to be called into active duty to support the Ebola effort. “The authorities that have been invoked will ensure the Department of Defense can properly sustain the military operations required in this effort,” Obama said in a letter to House Speaker John Boehner.
  • The Pentagon said the order allows flexibility to draw on the reserve force for specialists in areas of technical engineering, communication systems, logistics, comptroller duties and religious specialties.” USA TODAY

But the part they didn’t tell us is that you don’t send in  Seabees and soldiers  to handle a contagion! Who do you send to handle a contagion?

  • FALSE: If you read the above statements, the US Military  is sending in Navy “Seabees”, Army soldiers, and Airmen.  Fail!  If you want to check out the chain of command for a contagion like Ebola, check out how the DOD handled Dengue Fever  in The Marshal Islands.


  • FALSE: Stock investors are racing to add Ebola vaccine driven Biotech Companies to there portfolios.  “Ebola is a pretty rare disease” said  Dr. Jim Wilson who is the executive director of Ascel Bio and director of the Ascel Bio National Infectious Disease Forecast Center. He said that in the past, more attention has been given to research on illnesses like Malaria and Cholera.


  • TRUE: Headline News Read ” Lakeland Industries (LAKE), a maker of hazmat suits , soared on October 9, 2014 more than 50% due to growing Ebola fears”. Yes this was one of  the US  Markets headlines.  The part they didn’t tell us is that the stock plummeted a few days later!
BY OCOBER 15th, 6 days later, Lakeland Industries (LAKE) was down and Marked As A Dead Cat Bounce Stock.


  • TRUE: Airline stocks, which have been big winners this year, descended as traders worry about potential travel repercussions. American Airlines (AAL), Delta Air Lines (DAL), JetBlue(JBLU) and Southwest (LUV) all dropped more than 3%. Cruise operators Carnival (CCL)and Royal Caribbean (RCL) also lost ground since the Ebola Outbreak.




  • TRUE : Ebola can be turned into bioweapon.


  • TRUE: “Biological weapons are nothing like a nuclear bomb. For instance, in order to make a nuclear bomb, one would require a uranium mine, a nuclear power plant and so on,” but biological weapons are made in a small laboratory, which can be easily camouflaged. You know that there are rogue states. And here’s the thing, I can’t guarantee that some country isn’t  preparing something of the nature. ” ~  Vladimir Nikiforov,  Department of Infectious Diseases @ FMBA’s Institution of Advanced Training, Moscow.

Dr. Peter Walsh @Cambridge University, also warned the UK public that a terrorist could use the Ebola virus to create a dirty bomb. He fears that  “large number of horrific deaths if a group manages to harness the virus as a power then explodes it as a bomb in a highly populated public area.”

According to Walsh, there are just a few labs in the world, which possess the Ebola virus, and they are extremely well-protected.

So why the worry? Walsh  also believes that terrorists may risk going to South Africa to obtain the virus for bioweaponry  purposes. Well it wouldn’t be the first time. If you want to freak out  about Ebola,then be my guest.The threat that is right in front of us however is  Monsanto’s  killer  GMO  food chain , and weather that is being used as  a weapon  against it’s own citizens. (Please refer to  the military  document OWNING THE WEATHER BY 2025 .)

A few heads are spinning, being that the Ebola outbreak in South Africa is indeed  the worst outbreak  since 1976. (At least this is what we are hearing.)  If this is the case, then why the hell did  US health authorities ease safety restrictions on an experimental TKM-Ebola drug, which could have possibly  cleared  the way for its use to treat patients infected with the deadly virus? Another common question is since Ebola has been around for over 30 years, why is there no vaccine in place? According to the CDC, Ebola is drug resistant?

Look, we’ve seen Sars and Mers and tuberculosis resistant to everything in our arsenal.  We have seen Food borne illnesess, HIV/AIDS, CANCER, MALARIA, Neisseria gonorrhoeae ( a sexually transmitted disease) and countless others all resistant to medication and vaccines.” So what’s the hold up and what’s the big deal?

EBOLA is a very real condition and as this article referenced, so are many other diseases and viruses  that are much more prevalent in our modern world today. Put yourself at ease, because the idea of 50 % of the worlds population dying because of the Ebola Virus  is not only absurd, it is simply just another fear tactic that can eventually bring out the crazy in us all. Pay attention, educate yourselves  on  Ebola  symptoms, and don’t buy into the hype. Many of you have written TTD  emails asking “If Ebola is a distraction and a False Flag, then what are we supposed to be paying attention to?” My best advice  would be to  pay attention to the full spectrum of the news, and eventually more will be revealed.

As one tabloid said, ” The future of infectious disease is impossible to predict, save for one certainty: in the arms race between humanity and nature, never bet against the house.

On Thursday, Russia’s former chief medical officer, Gennady Onischenko, said that he can’t rule out the possibility that the Western African outbreak is suspicious.

Whatever that means.



Frequently Asked Questions about Dallas and Ohio Flights

Questions and Answers on Experimental Treatments and Vaccines for Ebola:

Review of Human-to-Human Transmission of Ebola Virus 

CNN MONEY: Hazmat suit maker’s stock up 50% on Ebola fears 


EBOLA west-africa-outbreak-infographic  (pdf.) 

Is mystery respiratory illness and spreading Ebola biological warfare?

Roxy Lopez of The Truth Denied


Lopez has been reaching out to the public most of her adult life regarding many subject matters that revolve around government secrecies such as GMO’s, UFO Sightings, Morgellons Disease ,and Chemtrails, just to name a few. Lopez states that “The TRUTH has been DENIED us all, and in this current age of technology we now afford the right to access it once and for all.”

The Truth Denied acquired worldwide attention when Lopez made a global stance against Geoengineering (aka Chemtrails), GMO’s, Fracking , environmental health hazards, Morgellons Disease, Gang stalking and illegal government surveillance programs that are increasingly on the up rise. Roxy opens the can of worms to the secrets that the Global Government is keeping from us all.

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The Truth Denied

Owner of controversial website The Truth Denied and Chemtrails Kill. Journalist and video maker.

View Comments

  • You're so awesome! I don't suppose I've truly read something
    like that before. So great to discover another person with unique thoughts on this
    subject. Seriously.. thank you for starting this up.
    This web site is one thing that is required on the internet, someone with some originality!

  • The CDC is a disaster.TRUE. The public sees that clearly now, and they are soon going to expect the White House to do something about it.TRUE. CDC created Ebola Virus. FALSE

  • The CDC is a disaster.TRUE. The public sees that clearly now, and they are soon going to expect the White House to do something about it.TRUE. CDC created Ebola Virus. FALSE

  • Statistics on true death toll on Ebola since 1976, BIOweapon component, CDC mistakes, WHO, and Obama dropping the ball.

  • The mainstream and alternate news has done a really good job of spreading fear over this Ebola scare. If you take the time to research the history of Ebola dating back to 1976 you will come to the realization this fear is not needed.

  • STATEMENT FROM ARTICLE: Ebola, A Nurse’s Perspective. The biggest part of the discussion is how Ebola is spread. I will say two things on the topic, no, it is not airborne, and yes, basic hygiene plays a HUGE factor.

  • REPLY TO MARK MCCANDLISH:::: I used to think the threat of anarchy in our country was real, not anymore. Dollar collapsing? Another fear tactic, not going to happen the way we imagine it. Inflation is the highest in USA next to Japan,which does a good job of devaluing our domestic currency already.Airborne Mutation of Ebola? For all I know, that's what is on the loose in South Africa already because they (meaning government and CDC, etc.) have not done a good job on containing whatever Ebola straign they have here.....nor were they too concerned. I d agree with bringing a few key events together for sure. The NWO is a tricky organization though.They all are psychos on the same team, they all hate each other, but stick together like glue under the plan. Hard call.

  • MARK MCCANDLISH STATES: Mark McCandlish One of the most basic principles of exerting control over populations is the application of fear. Fear of a NAZI invasion. Fear of Terrorism. Fear of disease-carrying illegal immigrants. Fear of ISIS or ISIL. Fear of Ebola. People will do all sorts of things that they might not otherwise do if you tell them that they've been "exposed" to an airborne mutation of Ebola. Quarantine, "controlled environments" and forced isolation. Great way to sequester the U.S. military after deployment by Presidential Executive Order to an Ebola Hot Zone, so the military of some other "ally" (like Russia) can be deployed in the United States when the Dollar collapses. Bring three or four key events together on the same time line, and we will be in the middle of a state of anarchy. You can almost see this nightmare on the horizon.

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